Injection Guide: -
imported_Fable - 06-09-2008
well ive noticed many are asking this all the time: how do u start injection? :confused:
so i opened my ilaunch, and went through point through point and wrote it down, just in case ppl need this guide
first download injection files in downloads section, clients and main. i added them to my uo folder. now here's what do to, step by step.
1. paste ilanuch to desktop (like i did)
2. open it.... (duh)
3. client directory -> click change, go to ur uo folder and klick OK
4. Server -> Edit list, Name: IN-X, Adress:,2593 , click add, save, OK
5. ignition.cfg -> change, go to inj folder, click igniton.cfg, OK
6, Client -> edit list, name: anything, click choose, go to uofolder, click one of ur clients, OK, (i have 5.0.1h m), add, save
7 -> look at what clients u have next to Client:, choose the one u saved. have Use injection and Exit after launch marked, press launch
hope it works
Injection Guide: -
imported_Okan - 06-09-2008
Hi guys,
i've installed injection and all, but when i click on launch everything seems fine until i get to "patching client".... it says error. anyone know what the problem is?
i've tried using all 3 clients (4.0.5a m.exe, 4.0.11f m.exe, and 5.0.1h m.exe.... and they all come up with the same error,
error details are as follows:
failed to install hook in client reason: (87) The parameter is incorrect...
I've reinstalled uo several times and patched it and all but i keep getting the same problem, not sure its the OS im using which is Windows server 2003????
Your help would be much appreciated,
thanks guys