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I don't want to continue debating whether or not the pits (yes im talking about pits this time instead of dualstones) should remain, since that discussion has already happened and a discussion was made. I will say though, that it is my personal opinion that an invul idle area doesn't seem necessary or helpful for anything. Similarly...i think pits should be closed whenever dualstones are, but again, this is just my oppinion and i don't expect it to be this way, or even expect any response from staff.

[Image: Cole_Green.JPG]

You have a good point there Cole. We will start out with the pits as they are though, 2 weeks with the pits and 2 weeks without.
After that we can have a vote and see what people really want.

Christina Thorn Wrote:i dont like the stepping on the stone to get there but

Magus Wrote:Yeah I kinda agree with Christina Thorn, I mean make a better portal, stepping on a rune and going all blue is kinda lame ;P I mean it cant be the portal that's important

so if the portal isn't that important then why bother changing it to make you happy?

Odium Wrote:pits = the idlea area, the house with a garden.
duelstones = the area with many arenas.
duelpits/duelarea the torny area, 4 boxes etc. (not that many player have seen this place yet, cause there have only been one(?) torny hosted so far.

stop repeating me :rant: ... my god he even did it on msn for 10 minutes LOL

GM Pande

Cole Wrote:I don't want to continue debating whether or not the pits ... should remain, since that discussion has already happened and a discussion was made. I will say though, that it is my personal opinion that an invul idle area doesn't seem necessary or helpful for anything. Similarly...i think pits should be closed whenever dualstones are, but again, this is just my oppinion and i don't expect it to be this way, or even expect any response from staff.

im getting really fucking annoyed of people saying "im not trying to start anything but" and then give their opinion. if you say something like
Cole Wrote:an invul idle area doesn't seem necessary or helpful for anything
well you are starting a discussion and im getting pissed off. you guys don't stop trying to have things exactly as they were on your shard do you? i think one IN player or another has tried to change the 3 or 4 xuo aspects on the shard;


"too focused on pvp" well wtf you want? its our fucking events, we are a pvp shard


"lets add these modifiers such as" fuck you and you wanting to change our pvp. it was agreed from the start it would be xuo pvp not your fucked up shit

xtreme monsters

"they have a gay name, not rpish enough. it should be changed" stfu you cry baby. its the legacy of xuo not something from your shard, oh yea thats why you want to change it, because it wasn't yours.


"its useless" if you find it to be useless then dont fucking go you moron.


fucking crybabies

Ohhh dear godd! Whats up everyone, it is I, the one and only Afraz =D
I am here due to a message that was sent to me by a friend of I to inspect this thread and reply with my opinion. Well, erm, here it goes :?

First of all : I, personally, have a belief that everyone in this thread is getting offensed quite stupidly... Ultima Online is just a game, no need to get vulgar and starting a fight.

Secondly, this shard is a mixture of not only Xtreme Ultima Online, but also of Imagine Nation, which are two completely different shards. The adaption of the Imagine Nation players is quite easily controlable, fore you have not much to adapt too, except the PvP, which is very easily comprehensable.
The PvP is a skill mastered by many of the XUO players and the RPG is a skill mastered by the Imagine Nation players. Now, instead of making a very big discussion about removing PITS, which is probably the most stupidest comment I have ever heard in my life, NOT because I come from XUO, but because it has no goal. Removing pits, will not HELP the shard, but will ,in fact, slow down the economy procedures that the shard must endure to become big, as we, well you, most probably want. Pits is the only location in the Ultima Online world, where both the Criminals, also known as the PKers or the "reds" and the Innocent people, also known as the "blues" or the RPGers, can communicate, in a secure environment. I do not play Ultima Online anymore, but I know that XUO had, and still has the biggest loosers in the Ultima Online world, I mean 75% of the XUO population is selfish, ignorant and has very severe cases of VGSP ( Video Gamer Spelling Problems haha! ) and well they shall do everything in their will to get what they want. So keeping pits, will, honestly, help the Imagine Nation players, fore they can and will be able to sell their merchandise ( scrolls, potions, armors, etc. ) to a bigger ammount of people without worrying.

And finally, I would like to just say one final statement before I leave this web site and never come back unless requested to.
I own you all, I have a Supremely Accurate Bardiche of Vanquishing [R/Red] and a Eminently Accurate Battle Axe of Vanquishing [R/Red] and I have all armors in the game! owned.

Thank you,
Sincerely yours,
by the same immature retard that ganked you every time,
Afraz Motehaver also known as Legend, Luigi, Haxxed, Bloody Guy, StArBuRsT, Killer Warrior, Fizzle, Moustaxe, Hairy Bastard, Addicted.

I Love EightySwords and Pandemonium.

Good night.

"I Love EightySwords and Pandemonium."

look i have a fan club :O

GM Pande

I Agree Completly

BRING BACK IMMORTAL SOUL Smile that monster was the shit. meh what do i care i dont even play. but the pits are a must for the people who like to pvp. that was the great thing about xuo. you invis yourself drink a gheal pot step on the pits pad and than watch as people try and gank you in occlo Smile

lol moustaxe of vanq thats the insult i used to diss ya back in the days for having moustache at 13 lmao , nice to see you actually like da name >_<

[Image: dextermorgancq0.jpg]

i have an idea to maybe fix this "pits" and "non-pits" situation. for the INers does any1 remember in trinny how Messiah had his shop static close to the bank and upstairs on the roof a gm i think shinare decoed it with a ring for cock fights or sumthing, cant really remember but yeh. GMs could do sumthing similar to that but in the main town so that the XUOers can still have their pits but in a town. People may be thinking but what about the pkers who wanna participate. im nearly 100% sure in the scripts you can alter the guarded section to be unguarded for that little section. Im not sayin use the roof top of messiahs IN1 shop as thats way too small. something in a town close to the bank so that RPers can RP around the majority of the population and where the XUOs can pvp 24/7 in their pits without disappearing into thin air but can be spectated by the town. Just an idea. Heres another idea, no sure if any of you would agree thou, but limit the number of duel rings in the pits? so that if the rings are occupied you would have to wait and if you dont have the patience then hopefully the inpatient ones would maybe start to explore outside the gates of trinny, britain, minoc bridge etc etc? to find someone to kill? you guys get the drift hopefully.

Sorry if you can't resist replying to my comment, but i was not soliciting. As i said before i'm willing to try it out and give it a chance, it just seems (as you said) very foreign.

[Image: Cole_Green.JPG]

in responce to dramatic's signature............
i'd like to see her face and see if is as nice as her .................

[Image: frank_frazetta_thesilverwarrior1.jpg]
CRY HAVOC!!! and let slip the DOGS OF WAR!!

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