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If the staff seem unaccommodating in this regard, you have to consider that this has already been discussed at great lengths, and it WAS (is) xuo's only real demand aside from the pvp system.

It also WILL be tried with and without.

[Image: Cole_Green.JPG]

im sure the pits wont split the communities, and christina your idea with moving the pits somwhere else might not be that bad =), if it raises the rp feel. and once again the former xuo players dont live in pits, sure they do idle there but i cant se how that will make people believe that we have a low playerbase.

i mean its better if they idle in pits so people can se them or if they idle in houses where they can not be seen?.. and some xuo players do actually idle in houses instead of pits.

but like we have stated b4, this have been discussed for a long while, and if the admins would think this idea is real crap and wont bring the shard any good, this pits would not have been in not even for testing.

when the server go live and like coldrake and some others have stated people HAVE to leave pits to tame animals get armor and weapons and cash for dyetubs and houses etc etc.

its quite silly do debate about this when like coldrake said, we (the staff) are atm supplying some players with a playground. This will ofcourse not be the case when the server go live.

and then we will test it for 2weeks, and then 2 weeks without. Big Grin

and yes i know its quite a big change for probably all of ous, but i for sure know it will be a great shard, and im sure this merge should never have happened if this was not the case.

all the big changes is for the better =) i guess most UO players dont like changes tough, but im sure all former xuo and in players will be happy in the end. we simply have to open our minds a little, not too much just a little hahaBig Grin

darn.. i hate to speak about XUO and IN players cmon guys there are no more XUO players or IN players (if you dont play on the fake shard, with all the corrupted staff etc etc etc) we are all IN:X players Big GrinBig Grin

[Image: ginzodium.jpg]
holding hands <3

Yea, many things will change and will be tweaked as we go. One thing I would like to see changed for instance (and this is only my opinion) is all of the different runes to the pits all over the world. I think it would be much more RP if there were only a few entrances to the pits, and they were changed from a rune to perhaps a cave entrance or something of that sort.

I also think we can explore closing off these entrances during certain hours if it becomes a probelm. With the new XML spawner system, it is very easy to do something like this automatically. Then we could accomidate different times zones.

Nothing has been dicussed yet because we are busy working on other stuff. But I am sure if we all work together and continue to communicate we will figure out what is best for the shard when the time is right.

christina its not the fact that you walk onto a stone that is rpish, or i can make it have an rp story (its a magical stone that teleports you once you pass a trial to see if you are worthy to enter). it is the fact that it looks like a mansion where there is a house n courtyard compared to the old design xuo pits. if its the rp community that has a problem with pits, or the idea of it... well come on guys, you are rpers after all, use your imagination (hey isnt that word in the shard name??) and make up a story. i dont think we need to give you a little story behind everything, but if thats the case then reread the little story i wrote. ps: merlin the magician made them (we think)

coldrake i know that when old novus opiate was put up not long ago, you had to pay a small fee of 50gp to access the pits, maybe this will also solve people idling there or heading there all the time.

and odium brought up a good point aswell; seeing people in pits gives people (who logon and new people) that there is some life out there because as soon as they logon, boom! people in their face. and with the expected population there will almost always be people talking.

GM Pande

Hmm, those are some interesting ideas that i think we should look into further CD.

One downside to having a fixed amount of money required to enter pits, is if its really low (like 50 or 100 gold) it wont change how often people go there - it'll just be annoying to those who have more than enough money, and it will mean newbies with new cash cant go to watch people fight without begging. If its really high, it means you have to be rich to go.

What if to enter the fighting area of the pits (not the idle area where people can watch) you needed to have 2 people click on the stone (similar to battle chess on IN2, which we should have if its not already planned) and then it withdraws 500 from each person's bank. The winner of the duel can get a small token that can be redeemed for 800 or 900 gold, meaning 10-20% gets taken away from the loser of the fight, and the winner gets rewarded for his victory.

As an alternative, 2 v 2, ffa's and other types of battles can just withdraw a small amount of gold from your bank.

Its just an idea, but i think this way the pits would still be frequented, but it wouldn't be the only place to find a fight.

Oh, and for all the former-IN players who actually fight and are concerned about pits, why not just go red and be a menace outside of the most popular town? If you make it a habit, people will start to look for battles there, as well as, or instead of the pits.

[Image: Cole_Green.JPG]

Cole Wrote:What if to enter the fighting area of the pits (not the idle area where people can watch) you needed to have 2 people click on the stone (similar to battle chess on IN2, which we should have if its not already planned) and then it withdraws 500 from each person's bank. The winner of the duel can get a small token that can be redeemed for 800 or 900 gold, meaning 10-20% gets taken away from the loser of the fight, and the winner gets rewarded for his victory.

thats how it is already Big Grin

its free to watch people duel

and with a duel stone that costs 10k per player, the winner gets 18k. (10% fee)

currently there are no 2v2 areas in the duel arena and ffas are normally hosted by a staff member for the whole shard and not a small group of 4.

Cole Wrote:One downside to having a fixed amount of money required to enter pits, is if its really low (like 50 or 100 gold) it wont change how often people go there - it'll just be annoying to those who have more than enough money, and it will mean newbies with new cash cant go to watch people fight without begging. If its really high, it means you have to be rich to go.

i think it will change how often people go. they won't go just to idle, instead they will go to their house.

if you are RICH then you most likely don't care about 50gp seeing as how you get rich (atleast on xuo) from being good dueler so you make like 4k minimum for winning a duel in the duel arena. or because you are a hunter and you make minimum 1k each time you kill a good monster.

Cole i think you are confusing PITS with the DUEL ARENA.

the pits is the main area where you will find other players most of the time, along with a few supply stones and teleporters to 3 towns.

the duel arena is where you can fight another player for a set amount of money (5k, 10k, 15 or 20k dont remember which amount)

i was saying on ono it was the pits you had to pay to enter.

if you are going to pits so you can get to a town you don't have a rune for, think of it as a plane ticket Big Grin

GM Pande

Hmm yeah...i was getting the pits confused with the dual arena...

and its the pits that former-xuo players are attached to? hmm...thats different.

[Image: Cole_Green.JPG]

The supply stones in the pits is great for Beta testing, but is not something I think should or will stay when we go live. Players will have to purchase their items from towns, players, etc.

dont get me wrong i like the pits at times i just dont like where its placed i rather it be out in the world and i dont like the stepping on the stone to get there but hey thats just me


Yeah I kinda agree with Christina Thorn, I mean make a better portal, stepping on a rune and going all blue is kinda lame ;P I mean it cant be the portal that's important, and I mean if the xuo community really want those runes to stay i guess it doesn't matter that much really :/ I just think we could do that abit better Smile

Cole Wrote:Hmm yeah...i was getting the pits confused with the dual arena...

and its the pits that former-xuo players are attached to? hmm...thats different.

haha yeah the duelstones, will NOT be open nearly as much as they are now in the next beta or when the server go live.

pits = the idlea area, the house with a garden.
duelstones = the area with many arenas.
duelpits/duelarea the torny area, 4 boxes etc. (not that many player have seen this place yet, cause there have only been one(?) torny hosted so far.

[Image: ginzodium.jpg]
holding hands <3

There are plenty of places we could put the pits besides GA. We are not even using any of the new maps. I also would agree that having a building in the middle of GA is not the most unique place. I think we could do much better.

And with UO Architect, we can place that building anywhere. Perhaps this is something we (the staff) can discuss in more detail.

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