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This is for maka

ginz is right, its time to realize we are in this together and if one person does something wrong then everyone will suffer

btw pwnt means you got pwned

Pelletier (whipperwirll) Wrote:xuo player always putting others down so what if we dont like ur pvp style
and people are intitled to there own opion

so fuck of u xuo bitches

Posting garbage like this does not help the situation in any way and just makes IN players as a whole look like idiots. There are many IN players who are behind this merge and a very small minority of IN players who will not accept anything less than perfection. Anyone so far from IN who has complained about the pvp you need to understand we are still in Beta testing and unlike on INR this Beta will come to an end. Maka has already stated he will put in something for the spam for the pvp and until we go live with the server and everything is set how it is I think alot of people should reserve their judgement before they dig a deeper hole and make themselves look all the more foolish.

Everyone needs to take a big step back and look at the big picture, INR was dying, in the end we had little pvp and a very small playerbase. We had people constantly complain about the state of the shard so we decided to do something about it. We are now in the process of doing something that will change all that. Our pvp will be something new and yes we will have to adapt but let us be honest here, we had to adapt to INR pvp as well being that it did differ from what the original goal for INR was. We know of many players who will be returning to the shard once we have it live as well.

Our goal is to not seperate the shards but to merge them, taking the best from each shard and combining it into one. From XUO we have the pvp from IN the look and feel. I read another post where someone stated that it felt like an entirely different shard upon logging into beta and that it may have been contrubuted mainly to being exposed to everything XUO such as their duel pits and pvp straight away etc etc. People need to understand that it still is Beta and we are progressing very fast with it. Maka has had to script near everything from scratch again and pvp is a big part of UO so naturally we want to get that fixed before we do the other things which includes the IN stuff we are bringing over. To those IN players who still have doubts do not worry, the staff who have come over from IN including myself have your best interests at heart and we are working with the XUO staff to ensure that you are not disapointed we just need your trust, patience, and understanding during this time so that we can get the ball rolling and get it done.

Pelletier (whipperwirll) How bout you stfu? I'm a XUO player? WTF you going to do? I consider you a douche that whines for nothing! Yeah a Whine-Ass. Maka probably read one of your "Shit Threads" and you're probably one of them that made him cancel his project. Yeah your a dumbass that don't think in the mind that this is 'Free' and you still bitch, and your a fucking cunt for ruining it for everyone else!!

P.S: I'm sure Bart played IN... so get your facts straight Whipper, I seen him there

[Image: sigpic28_6.gif][Image: Aeo_2010]

Aeorox, Azrael just finished saying this is the type of behaviour that we don't want and nor will it be tolerated any longer. We are one comunity (who may have their differences) but we will begin to break into two if everyone continues to sencelessly flame each other.

The issues which have created conflict between us have been resolved and its time to get back on track. the beta should go up again tomorrow if all goes well and it will be time for testing the game for bugs and not time to bicker over spamming is good or bad, or if we should have a pits.

Why is everyone saying XUO is more of the shard? How come INR players 'Always directing the blaming towards the XUO players, the most I've seen was, "Just get used to the spam", and it's getting lowered to 10 WOP/4 seconds and there're still yacking over SOMETHING that is 'TOTALLY' Free!!!!!!!!!!!!! -Aeorox

P.S: And all that yacking, just identical to IN:R forums has did the same here as well...

[Image: sigpic28_6.gif][Image: Aeo_2010]

its not being 'lowered' to 10 wops / 4 seconds, it was like that back on xuo. everyone also missed how maka said all the numbers he mentioned were just examples. pvp will be exactly as it was on xuo

im IN player but when IN1 was closed i tried many shards and XUO was most IN style so i actually played while there and i had some nice stuff actually, even though you guys will never know who i was... but thats not the point.
im allways IN1'er from my heart but i respect the XUO pvp style and what Maka has done, and i really do hope Maka gets back here soon... and all IN whiners, stops whining... ok sure things goes same way to XUO players. we all need to remember that its really hard to get 2 shards merged when both got little diffrent style. Just stop being so little whiners and just wait a while and see how things go. i hate seeing people who start to whine about things after 1-2 days. try 2-3 weeks/months... if you don't like then, say it... but till then.. don't try to change something that has been done long time.
IN had RP/PvP (to XUO players, we actually had insane pvp people playing, don't even try to call us carebear becouse we didn't even have iddle area... it was all about people pvp'ing and looting and it worked.)
XUO has pvp system that actually has point and works for long run (to IN players, XUO has so many pvp system things what we could have just dreamed, all IN'ers loved the IN1 rewards and stuff.. we never really got any nice after IN1 quited... so here is your change to collect the nice house full of rare stuff and show off in pvp.. more then getting kicked by SIN all day long Tongue )

*off to drink beer and sleep*

"Time is never wasted when you'er wasted all the time"
"Spanking Since 1982"
ingame name: Bart von Horst [SIN]

you like spanking yourself, dont you?

GM Pande

*spanks bart* He gives and he takes. It's his way. Big Grin

[Image: spanks1.JPG]
That's me bent over and Bart with the pink skin.

[Image: spanks2.JPG]
Not sure of the context for this.

[Image: spanks3.JPG]
This was me stripping at an Inn I was a bartender at. The Last Belch, good times.

Selling Forges and Anvils, 15k Each, 25k for both.
Selling Looms and Spinning Wheels, 15k Each, 25k for both.
Selling Water Troughs, 10k Each
Help me help you, contact info in my profile.

More good times coming soon I hope Smile

This is a signature.

Pande Wrote:ginz is right, its time to realize we are in this together and if one person does something wrong then everyone will suffer

btw pwnt means you got pwned

LMAO the GM knows what .pwnt and you dont! I seriously luaghed so hard cause im so high that i almsot pissed myself@!@1@

Bart Wrote:im IN player but when IN1 was closed i tried many shards and XUO was most IN style so i actually played while there and i had some nice stuff actually, even though you guys will never know who i was... but thats not the point.
im allways IN1'er from my heart but i respect the XUO pvp style and what Maka has done, and i really do hope Maka gets back here soon... and all IN whiners, stops whining... ok sure things goes same way to XUO players. we all need to remember that its really hard to get 2 shards merged when both got little diffrent style. Just stop being so little whiners and just wait a while and see how things go. i hate seeing people who start to whine about things after 1-2 days. try 2-3 weeks/months... if you don't like then, say it... but till then.. don't try to change something that has been done long time.
IN had RP/PvP (to XUO players, we actually had insane pvp people playing, don't even try to call us carebear becouse we didn't even have iddle area... it was all about people pvp'ing and looting and it worked.)
XUO has pvp system that actually has point and works for long run (to IN players, XUO has so many pvp system things what we could have just dreamed, all IN'ers loved the IN1 rewards and stuff.. we never really got any nice after IN1 quited... so here is your change to collect the nice house full of rare stuff and show off in pvp.. more then getting kicked by SIN all day long Tongue )

*off to drink beer and sleep*

Well said Bart Cool

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Live For The Present...
Look To The Future.

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