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Explosion Pots

Ooh I like that, add it to the tracker Eru Big Grin

Taran Wrote:Ooh I like that, add it to the tracker Eru Big Grin
Woo! id=100 :3 Just hit our 100th bug report.

Eru Wrote:What would be even better is to have a .use command that players could use.

.use "Item Name"

Would use an item in your bag by the same name.

.use "Mana Potion"
.use "Total Mana Potion"
.use "Explosion Potion"
.use "Invisibility Potion"

It could reduce the need for razor and perhaps give a bit of a reaction time boost for Razor users.

Would be super helpful!

it will be =)

Good idea Eru!

If we have a .use command we could get rid of a lot of our 3rd party macros like use scroll or drink potion, which is definatley good.

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