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Creating an environment that encourages roleplaying

Hmm... Take a closer look. Am I really complaining? Don't be so ass backwards when you're trying to make a suggestion. I have no problem with anyone (including anyone who wants to role play) until they do something stupid like:

1) Make an entire thread promoting their preferred playstyle
2) Have arrogance like you do, and let me add, a very separatist tone
3) Make shit up
4) Insult people (and expect not to be shit on, no less)

Seems pretty counter-productive to me.

A lot of people are also here to PvP and... not role play. In fact, the majority of people here don't "role play". Believe it or not there are indeed people who don't log out of real life when they log into UO. I play for the fun of battle not for the fantasy of pretending to be some "character". I have nothing against anyones preferred playstyle, who am I to judge that? I will, however, judge you as a person by whatever you say on this forum. Like I said, some people don't enter fairy-land when they log in. What rude nickname should I come up for you? Bald? Nerd? Aging and single? Oh no! That's harassment! Oh hey it's also a random false assumption about you, do you see a parallel?

I don't really care what your age is to be honest. All that matters to me is that (the collective) you are a numb-skull.
Yep. I smoke weed. It's fine though, pull more strings on the stereotype yoyo. Habibi Jones picked a stupid name that has no meaning (or you don't understand it), he is a non-intelligent weed culture loving burnt ass drop out who sits on his PC all day responding to successful businessmen with 3 kids and a fat wife.

Add as much RP stuff as you want. Bring as many RP'ers here as you want. Role play your heart out. Make sure you leave town though so I can PK you, because that's why I play the game :/

Habibi Jones Wrote:I will, however, judge you as a person by whatever you say on this forum. Like I said, some people don't enter fairy-land when they log in.


Habibi Jones Wrote:Ye goblins been stinkin' up me home-port for too long. I can't stand to see nor smell ye stinky arses in Cove no more! I shall raid your town, kill your merchants, and slay your guards... Let it be known, ye scags, I be comin' for Cove and I be bringin' me mates... Cove will one day be a haven for thieves, criminals, scoundrels, and killers alike!

Arrrr matey

God Wrote:...

Arrrr matey

someone likes to play in fairy-land!

Talking like a pirate was fun until it became a hindrance to gameplay. It's much easier to talk to people in an everyday fashion.

And hey, how else am I supposed to gauge the integrity of someone on an internet forum besides what they post?

Anyway on topic, Moonglow would be a cool RP island. Definitely one of the better locations for such a thing. I really love that island I'd like to see it used for something good.

I was thinking of Jhelom, maybe. Since it has three islands and has a wide range of stuff. The south island would probably be converted to a magic area/college with the northern farm island having more wilderness stuff. I'd end up adding logs of quests to that area as well. Still discussing what all to add and how to implement it.

I also agree with Jhelom. And I'm thinking we shouldn't enforce RP but instead be more strict when it comes to the general attitude and behaviour.

For RP town I nominate Ocllo! Make the town guarded and area outside it is for murderers and criminals who want to RP.

[spoiler]Just kidding... I like Jhelom too.[/spoiler]

Troll! Big Grin

Eru Wrote:I was thinking of Jhelom, maybe. Since it has three islands and has a wide range of stuff. The south island would probably be converted to a magic area/college with the northern farm island having more wilderness stuff. I'd end up adding logs of quests to that area as well. Still discussing what all to add and how to implement it.

the thing with islands though is that there is a bit of out of sight-out of mind. With Jhelom there is no guard line . It's an isolated city. So there wouldn't be much interaction with red and blues. There's also no where to build homes in case some people wanted to start building up a community around the RP city. Same goes for Moonglow. Not a lot of property space.

Silverwolf. Wrote:Can I be the mayor of the RP town?


Obvious candidate underlined below.

[Image: 9aa98.png]

brandon Wrote:nay

obvious candidate underlined below.

[Image: 9aa98.png]


I saw that guy in Brit today.

More on topic though, I like Jhelom, but I would prefer a more known city like Trinsic or Vesper which have closer proximity to Brit/Minoc. I already go to both from time to time, and in the past these were main cities I believe. Jhelom might be a bit...rural for some folks, but I will go wherever.

I think this thread has gotten a little adversarial with the role players vs the non roleplayers, but I don't think that's the intention at all. It's not all that serious, we just want to be able to keep some kind of feeling like IN1 had. If we need to segregate a bit, that may be for the better.

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