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For your consideration.

Hal Wrote:the problem with PvP ladders is that they encourage dood behavior. What I mean by this is the server just becomes a PvP competition rather than an immersive online world where PvP is one aspect of the server. UO is an RPG.

We can always have it for tours only like 1v1 regulars and 2v2 regulars that way it won't only encourage people to duel in the duel stones but in the world as well.

edit: Would be cool though too see peoples dueling record in the duel stones and how much money they've won or are out. No need to add a prize for the #1 player just to see stats :p

Lags Wrote:Honsestly I didn't really think about archery when I suggested melee fizzle because all the shards I've played including original UO archery could not shoot if you were on the tile right next to them. I just figured thats how UO had archery set up. You're right it would be retarded and not work.

Stop telling me to "learn the mechanics". I understand how it works. I've been here 4 days learning how the PvP works. How long do you think someone needs to understand? I'm not sure how long it took you to understand it, but it's actually quite a bit less complicated than the PvP that I'm used to. Just because I didn't know that recall could be fizzled or that a bow can shoot no matter where you stand doesn't mean I can't grasp the way PvP works.

Anyways, I suggested the fizzle thing and it seems nobody is interested in it so I dropped it. Never again will you hear me even say the word fizzle. This does not mean that I agree that PvP is perfect or will stop making suggestions.

The fact that you have to rely on the melee Gods smiling on you and giving you hits with good damage bothers me. Lets assume there is a fight between to players of equal skill. One misses a bunch and when he does hit, it does 5 damage. Meanwhile, the guy he is fighting gets lucky. He connects every time he swings and does 35 damage hits. Did the lucky guy deserve the win? Instead of outplaying his opponent, he wins the fight because of something random.

I didn't mean it that way, I meant that if you are at a stage on this server where you are new, and not experienced, to the point where you aren't aware of basic mechanics, then you really don't have what's necessary to make informed suggestions.... Just saying.

About the duel thing. That is not really how it works, or at least I haven't really seen people lose because of luck. Losses happen because of error. Luck definitely plays a factor, but the scenario you described doesn't really happen much because there are ways to "turn around" a fight so that you are on offense.

I like the suggestions in this thread, I mean if you can beat someone only using melee and fizzling all their spells more power to ya. But on a logical stand point it does make sense, I've always been a fan of LOS and LOS type arenas so I'd vote for that one as well. And the pvp ladder system was pretty interesting, seeing someone with 20 something points you knew if they caught you it's game over. But none of this has any merit because I never played IN1 or INX or whatever the hell the previous shards were..

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