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For your consideration. - Printable Version

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For your consideration. - Lags - 03-02-2012

A few suggestions for ya! Been around UO a long time and have a good idea what works and what doesn't.

- Make melee hits fizzle spells. This works wonders balancing magery and melee for obvious reasons.

-Add some line of sight to PvP areas, especially BB. A lot of people don't like to venture to far away from BB to fight, and the area directly across BB is not set up for PvP very well. The two buildings there are inaccessible for PvP so all you really have to work with is a few trees. I would restore those two buildings to their original and move the casino and duel arenas in order to open those buildings up for open world PvP. Ninos (is it called Ninos here?) is actually an awesome building for PvP. Lots of tables and such for line of sight and it's perfect for epic battles.

-Do something about healing! It was way, way too easy to stay alive! Couple things you could do is make greater heal interruptable or make GH a couple seconds longer to cast.

-A PvP ladder system. Last shard I played I suggested a duel point system that was implemented and was pretty awesome. Everyone starts with 1 PvP point. In order to take someones PvP point you need to kill them from full health being the only person that did damage to them. The person with the most points had a cool newbied item until someone got more points than them, then the item would automatically go to the leader. This would encourage more 1v1 dueling and maybe less ganking.

-I'm not even going to suggest to make spells interrupt I saw how that went.

Opinions guys? C'mon, everyone's got one don't be shy. Especially you Taran. What do you think?

For your consideration. - Ramza - 03-02-2012

I like the idea of weapons fizzling spells. It just makes logical sense that you couldn't keep casting while being hit. At the same time, the magic user could always just move around to avoid being hit so it's hard to see how it would make that big of a difference. I guess you could use a fast Elven Bow and the person would never get a cast off.

For your consideration. - Habibi Jones - 03-02-2012

I read a couple pages and stopped. This might sound crazy coming from me but I am 100% on sm0ke's side for this. He is a valuable player here and most of his posts are far from useless considering a lot of the changes/tweaks he has proposed and have been discussed, tested, and even implemented... You say you spent a few days figuring out this PvP? I've spent the better part of a year now "figuring out" this PvP, as well as helping balance it.
Please for your own good ingame, don't talk too much on the forums before you have established yourself.

Every single response I have read in support of your ideas (Maximus) has been from people who have been here for less than 2 weeks... Usually less than 1.

We all understand your favorite shard died, we all understand that you were good there, we all understand that you are here now, we all understand that you want it to be like where you came from. THAT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN! I came here from a different playstyle also... Doesn't mean that I expected this server to adopt that playstyle. Yet I'm still here aren't I? It's because I enjoy the PvP...

Your opinions are more than welcome, for real, but don't cross the line. Once you cross certain lines then your opinions are far from valued, so keep that in mind.

Taran plans to introduce a new set of arenas/mechanisms for dueling with different PvP styles (fizzling... etc) that is a really great idea and hopefully it will quench your thirst for what you're used to, but world PvP will not fundamentally change... Although I'm sure we will see some pretty awesome tweaks in the near future.

Finally, don't let your perception of yourself as a UO player ("I have had so much influence everywhere I am the UO god who knows all") get the better of you. Judging by what you've been posting, seems too late to give that advice. I can promise you that when fizzle arena is added, you will probably lose to myself as well as some others here... Don't forget that we can play that style too, just because you can't play ours doesn't mean that we can't play yours... If you want my honest opinion fizzle PvP is easy as shit. It doesn't take nearly as much thought and skill as IN's current PvP.

Take it for what you will...

For your consideration. - Eru - 03-02-2012

Maximus Wrote:But thank god the admin is a smart guy.
Pretty sure you're thinking of the owner. The admin just breaks things and makes things that will break soon.

Quote:Maybe it wasnt IN that was killing its self before.. Maybe it was these cancerous idiots..
One of the things that may have contributed to the loss of players could have been a deluge of inflammatory remarks on the forums. Creating an environment where no one ever agreed on anything, the heated debates about minor details were never-ending, and everyone silently loudly resented the people who held dissenting opinions.

(Not directed at anyone, but if anyone does feel like it may be directed at them, it probably is.)

For your consideration. - Robin Hood - 03-02-2012

yawn..... :/

i like the part where they are running around :/

choochoochoo choooooooooooooo

btw wheres the melee?

For your consideration. - Eru - 03-02-2012

I'm not sure how the argument that spells are used too much now can really be used if that PVP video is the alternative. I didn't see anyone ever get hit by anything other that magic arrow or low-circle spells. Are they even holding weapons? Also, why don't t hey get paralyzed when they run through the para field? Finally, that's a ridiculous amount of fizzling; the fizzle sound was playing non-stop the entire time... as soon as one ended playing, the next one started.

For your consideration. - Christina Thorn - 03-02-2012

Well.. This is the first time I actually watched that style pvp. And well..... I hope that's not what they are bragging about.

For your consideration. - Taran - 03-02-2012

I cleaned up this thread.

I already stated in another thread that I'm considering adding a few areas where spells can be interrupted. So let's not discuss that more here.

For your consideration. - Raziel_ - 03-02-2012

Ramza Wrote:I like the idea of weapons fizzling spells. It just makes logical sense that you couldn't keep casting while being hit. At the same time, the magic user could always just move around to avoid being hit so it's hard to see how it would make that big of a difference. I guess you could use a fast Elven Bow and the person would never get a cast off.

They complain its hard to kill someone the way it is.. imagine using a bow so fast the attacker cant cast a single spell.. well you probably has better chance to stay alive that way..

For your consideration. - Raziel_ - 03-02-2012

Habibi Jones Wrote:I read a couple pages and stopped. This might sound crazy coming from me but I am 100% on sm0ke's side for this. He is a valuable player here and most of his posts are far from useless considering a lot of the changes/tweaks he has proposed and have been discussed, tested, and even implemented... You say you spent a few days figuring out this PvP? I've spent the better part of a year now "figuring out" this PvP, as well as helping balance it.
Please for your own good ingame, don't talk too much on the forums before you have established yourself.

Every single response I have read in support of your ideas (Maximus) has been from people who have been here for less than 2 weeks... Usually less than 1.

We all understand your favorite shard died, we all understand that you were good there, we all understand that you are here now, we all understand that you want it to be like where you came from. THAT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN! I came here from a different playstyle also... Doesn't mean that I expected this server to adopt that playstyle. Yet I'm still here aren't I? It's because I enjoy the PvP...

Your opinions are more than welcome, for real, but don't cross the line. Once you cross certain lines then your opinions are far from valued, so keep that in mind.

Taran plans to introduce a new set of arenas/mechanisms for dueling with different PvP styles (fizzling... etc) that is a really great idea and hopefully it will quench your thirst for what you're used to, but world PvP will not fundamentally change... Although I'm sure we will see some pretty awesome tweaks in the near future.

Finally, don't let your perception of yourself as a UO player ("I have had so much influence everywhere I am the UO god who knows all") get the better of you. Judging by what you've been posting, seems too late to give that advice. I can promise you that when fizzle arena is added, you will probably lose to myself as well as some others here... Don't forget that we can play that style too, just because you can't play ours doesn't mean that we can't play yours... If you want my honest opinion fizzle PvP is easy as shit. It doesn't take nearly as much thought and skill as IN's current PvP.

Take it for what you will...

Can't agree more! Well said habibibibibi

For your consideration. - Siren - 03-02-2012

I support weapons to have a chance to fizzle spells. Archery as well. Perhaps making new weapons that have a higher % chance to fizzle depending on the ore/log that they are crafted from. Perhaps sacrificing some damage or attack speed for better chances to fizzle.

I do not like the idea of magic arrows or harms fizzling though. Margery has far too much prominence already.

For your consideration. - Raziel_ - 03-02-2012

Siren Wrote:I support weapons to have a chance to fizzle spells. Archery as well. Perhaps making new weapons that have a higher % chance to fizzle depending on the ore/log that they are crafted from. Perhaps sacrificing some damage or attack speed for better chances to fizzle.

I do not like the idea of magic arrows or harms fizzling though. Margery has far too much prominence already.

That would change completely the 1v1 pvp.. the arenas would have to be canged as well... this would bring drastical changes to pvp... this has to be thought really carefully =x

I believe the different arenas taran is looking forward to implement will be very good to help changing the pvp style, if it changes =]