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For your consideration.

Robin Hood Wrote:yawn..... :/

i like the part where they are running around :/

choochoochoo choooooooooooooo

btw wheres the melee?

Melee wasn't used much in that type of tourny because that shard you didn't lose mana on fizzle and total manas gave you like 70 mana.

Raziel_ Wrote:They complain its hard to kill someone the way it is.. imagine using a bow so fast the attacker cant cast a single spell.. well you probably has better chance to stay alive that way..

Simple. Bows don't shoot as far as magery can cast. Someone tries using a bow on you paralyze them and they are screwed.

Raziel_ Wrote:That would change completely the 1v1 pvp.. the arenas would have to be canged as well... this would bring drastical changes to pvp... this has to be thought really carefully =x

I believe the different arenas taran is looking forward to implement will be very good to help changing the pvp style, if it changes =]

Not sure why you guys think melee and magery are balanced when the only place melee is effective is in spots with no room to run around.

What it does is give melee a bit more power, and takes a bit from magery, which is what needs to happen for balance.

Eru Wrote:I'm not sure how the argument that spells are used too much now can really be used if that PVP video is the alternative. I didn't see anyone ever get hit by anything other that magic arrow or low-circle spells. Are they even holding weapons? Also, why don't t hey get paralyzed when they run through the para field? Finally, that's a ridiculous amount of fizzling; the fizzle sound was playing non-stop the entire time... as soon as one ended playing, the next one started.

Nah weapons weren't big on that shard and melee wasn't balanced with magery. Magery was way overpowered so that's all anyone used. The basic way PvP went there was you are either on the offence trying to land spells or on defense trying to avoid or fizzle those spells.

Taran Wrote:I cleaned up this thread.

I already stated in another thread that I'm considering adding a few areas where spells can be interrupted. So let's not discuss that more here.

Yeah, it wasn't my intention for the whole fizzle thing to be brought up again in this thread that was kinda just forced on me. Melee fizzle yes, but I don't expect you to completely change PvP by making spells fizzle spells. I suggested that in another thread and saw the negative response so was trying to drop it. This thread wasn't meant to further that argument, it was supposed to focus on the other suggestions Smile

Nobody is even talking about the suggestions I made in THIS thread, they are all coming in acting as if I'm still trying to push for a complete PvP revamp, which I'm not.

I was under the impression that everyone understood PvP is not perfect as it it and was a work in progress. Yet every suggestion I make people act as if I'm some jerk who thinks he is the Jesus of UO or something.

Lags Wrote:Simple. Bows don't shoot as far as magery can cast. Someone tries using a bow on you paralyze them and they are screwed.
Then why should someone ever use a bow? you cant shoot and run at the same time, but you can with magery! Anyway bows will be useless for pvp, bows hits less than a powerfull spell, and has lower range...

Raziel_ Wrote:Then why should someone ever use a bow? you cant shoot and run at the same time, but you can with magery! Anyway bows will be useless for pvp, bows hits less than a powerfull spell, and has lower range...

No, I mean right now magery shoots farther than bows. It always has. Test it.
I was saying that if melee fizzled magery it wouldn't mean you can just stand with a bow and fizzle every spell. Trying that is dangerous because a mage can cast para out of the reach of their bow and they will wind up paralyzed with a bow in their hand.

You mentioned you would have to change all the arenas but all you would have to do is make them a bit bigger so you have room to avoid melee. Casting while moving is what sphere style is all about!

I def think the weps should at least fizzle spells...seems logical, what about wrestling too?

do I have to say that I'm against because it will imabalance the pvp? You might laugh, yet it is indeed balanced. It has much less random than your favorite PvP has with those criticals\chances to ressist. Only random thing out there is hits. It already does enough RANDOM influence on PvP when it deals damage, adding a chance to fizzle would just sum up with miss chances and outcome of random generator which controls the hitting percenatge will effect the PvP even more. You like random, do you?

If you don't believe me I(or many other pvpers) can kill you alone, with current system, lets go and test it. Do not tell me how you survived vs unknown experienced player or something. Survive vs someone that we know - or message me... Just like I said, if you don't focus on getting away asap, but will try to kill the opponent instead, chances that you or anyone of your friends(anyone with ~your level of knowledge of pvp here) will end up being dead are above 95%. Right now in the 1v1 (regardless where) weapons are used indeed.

I loved how people on the ghost server of coldfire uo complained that IN PvP sucks because it's impossible to kill anyone on IN. Saying that you run outta mana right away , lol! Ofc it's hard for them to kill anyone, they don't know anything of this PvP!

Anyways , why don't you go to the server you now try to resurrect instead? I'm sure it wouldn't take long to re-script the 2.2 RunUO Core to be spherish LOL;p

But, before you took your time and learn the system instead of trying to change it (suggestion or not it still is attempt) I think that your input keep making people react like that... so..

[Image: rs7s0n.jpg]

Kennedy Wrote:I def think the weps should at least fizzle spells...seems logical, what about wrestling too?

It's not really logical man, kryss's and elven bows would be used over everything to just fizzle spells non stop, it would be a game of luck rather than skill

sm0ke Wrote:It's not really logical man, kryss's and elven bows would be used over everything to just fizzle spells non stop, it would be a game of luck rather than skill

I would agree with you if this was a OSI style freeze cast server....but we have run casting to our advantage. You can easily run around, avoiding melee while still landing nukes on your opponent. Factor in that spells dont miss, but weapons often do......along with the mage range being far superior to arch range. And dont forget the para with wep in hand. Yeah, I think it's perfectly logical.

Gang Wrote:do I have to say that I'm against because it will imabalance the pvp? You might laugh, yet it is indeed balanced. It has much less random than your favorite PvP has with those criticals\chances to ressist. Only random thing out there is hits. It already does enough RANDOM influence on PvP when it deals damage, adding a chance to fizzle would just sum up with miss chances and outcome of random generator which controls the hitting percenatge will effect the PvP even more. You like random, do you?

Anyways , why don't you go to the server you now try to resurrect instead? I'm sure it wouldn't take long to re-script the 2.2 RunUO Core to be spherish LOL;p

But, before you took your time and learn the system instead of trying to change it (suggestion or not it still is attempt) I think that your input keep making people react like that... so..

What? When did I ever say I liked luck in PvP? I hated critical strikes and I hated magic resist and tried to get them disabled. I even think if you have GM magery, you should never fizzle a spell because that's luck too and it can get you killed. I didn't say anything about a "chance" to fizzle. I said it should fizzle every time you get hit melee while casting.

To your other comment- so you are going to chase someone around with a kryss or stand there with a bow to try to fizzle all their spells? Ya, that would work if you were fighting someone that couldn't move or was mildly retarded. You try it on someone that knows how to move around and you will get owned. This shard if you get parad with a weapon in hand, your screwed right? So who is going to 100% melee just because they can fizzle your spells?

Please stop telling me to "take my time and learn the system". It took me about 3 days of watching and participating to understand how it works. It's not like its 100% different than any of the shards I've played. There are differences yes, but it's still Sphere UO. I would be happy to show you in a duel but my ping sucks, my character is weak, and I have no items Smile The owner said he was still working on balancing PvP, well what I suggested was an attempt at balancing magery and melee.

Don't worry, if it was implemented your UO world wouldn't come crashing down. After a couple days, you would see why it makes sense.

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