01-19-2007, 03:41 PM
Hate Wrote:If somebody is hiding a FS in a spam with a nos fs scroll (while you are a bit low on HP, for example at 65HP), and you are too low on mana to use a greater healing scroll, and can't drink a potion (the 17 sec timer is still ticking down), then it's a bad time to use a bandage since if it fails or heals a low amount of HP, then you will be at like 5 hp after the hidden FS hits, and you'll be in deep shit when the lightning scroll comes right after the NOS FS, and you still aren't able to drink the gheal potion or use the gheal scrollI hope you understod this time :]
65+X-46 = 5?

Hate Wrote:It was also shown in the "broadcast spot" if people were FSing while hidden, you could see the powerwords there. I dunno if Maka is going to keep this, but I liked it at sphere/tus and it is easy to avoid if you have detect hidden, or by using the reveal spell at GM Magery.This is already added. If you use invis spell you can both speak and start casting spells. When you speak or cast everyone in the area of 12 squares will see your text, they will not see who wrote it though. All offensive spells will reveal you at the end (the damage part) of the spell, the defensive will keep you hidden.
I hope you guys are starting to see some of the aspects of XUO(IN:X