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n0x's Beginners PvP Guide

Well here it is, finally. Got off my lazy arse and finished it off today. Hope it helps!

Btw, I have to split this up into two - three posts because of the word limit/post on the forum.

IN:X Beginners PvP Guide by n0x.

As an experienced PvPer, and a member of XUO’s staff, I have decided and promised to write up a BASIC PvP guide for all you new to this style of PvP. This guide will only serve as a beginners guide to PvP, it will not explain thoroughly how to defeat certain PvP styles and deep stuff like that. I want you to figure out those tactics on your own, as it all incorporates to having your own style, and not someone else’s style of PvP.

There is no common way of “PvPing” IN:X style unlike many other shards you see, where they use fixed tactics, e.g.: Magic arrow, poison, energy bolt, energy bolt, etc, etc. to start the fight off. NO! IN:X’s PvP is much more complex or “deeper” than that. It’s all about calculating your opponent’s next move, knowing what he is going to cast, and thinking ahead to what could happen. For example: I know that I have drained my enemy’s mana by allowing him to repeatedly heal while I slaughtered him with a fast weapon. Knowing that, I should switch to a weapon that deals a lot of damage and hit him hard, making him use one of his greater heal pots and thus allowing myself to dump him on the following hit.

The above is just a basic example of how IN:X’s PvP will feel once you begin to get the hang of it. Whether you are playing defense or offense, a mix of both (yes, it’s possible! You can “precast” offense moves while you are healing yourself!)- I will explain all of that below. Let’s begin, shall we?

Let’s start off with the basics of IN:X PvP. Here you will learn what spells you will need to cast, when you will need to cast them, and the different methods of casting them. Oh, and their statistics (mana cost, timers, hp cost, etc.) You will also learn the same in terms of bandages and potions. Must I include weapons and armour too? You are all very demanding pricks 

Let’s begin with the spells.

Magic arrow:
Mana intake: 4 mana
Damage dealt: 2
Cast Delay: 1 second.

This spell is used to target your opponent and also to remove the magic reflection spell on your opponent. It is usually the first spell cast in a duel, or fight. It can also be used to remove paralyze if an opponent decides to paralyze you. This spell is used because it deals minimum damage and the mana intake is very low. However, alternate spells may be used such as harm or clumsy.

Mana intake: 4 mana
Damage dealt: 0
Cast Delay: 1 second.

Clumsy is another way of starting a duel. It is widely popular in IN:X’s PvP because it removes magic reflect, and if the spell is reflected back on you it wont deal any damage. It is also useful in ganks because it does not remove paralyze, it removes magic reflect and it stops your opponent from recalling.

Mana Intake: 4 mana
Damage dealt: 6
Cast Delay: 1 second.

Harm is yet another way of starting a duel. It removes paralyze and it breaks off magic reflection. If your opponent is not under the influence of magic reflection, then it will also deal 6 damage. This means that your opponent might start healing, and you will have the advantage of first strike. Very good for ganking, as it removes MR, stops recall and causes damage.

Mana Intake: 4
HP regained: 12
Cast Delay: 1 second.

This spell is also known as “Small Heal” as it only heals a very low amount of HP, 12, and has a low cast delay. This spell is not compulsory, and not many PvPers use it but it can be used to heal low amounts of damage quickly instead of waiting for a 2.5 second bandage delay. Beware, reagent consuming in the long run.

Greater Heal: Spell
Mana Intake: 11 mana
HP Regained: 42
Cast Delay: 2.1 seconds.

GH regular spell is the most common spell in our PvP world. It is used to heal up large amounts of damage with a relatively low mana intake and cast delay. Use this spell when you are hit below the 80HP mark and suspect a Flame Strike or another offense spell coming your way. However, do not use this spell if you are at 46HP or under, because an offense spell such as Flame Strike will kill you before the heal hits you unless otherwise aided with a GH potion. In critical conditions such as this, you should seek the aid of a Greater Heal Scroll!

Greater Heal: Scroll
Mana intake: 29. -- 26 on and 3 on cast.
HP Regained: 36
Cast Delay: 1 second.

GH Scroll is a great way of escaping critical conditions such as getting flamed while at 46HP or below. The scrolls cast delay is ultra low, and the hp regained is very efficient however the downside is the large mana intake. ONLY use those in conditions when you know that you will not survive otherwise.

Magic Reflection: Spell
Mana Intake: 14
Function: Forms a reflective barrier that will send back any spell hovered towards you.
Cast Delay: 3.2 seconds.

This spell is used before a duel is initiated to ensure maximum protection. It is also used before ganks and visiting dangerous areas such as non-guarded towns and dungeons. You will be able to reflect back one spell cast on you thus giving u the ability to dodge a spell while recalling. This spell is useful in ganks when not greatly outnumbered. Your partner could be reflecting you while you heal so this way you will not only heal your partner but you will also be dealing damage to your opponent. It is better to use a scroll though, to ensure survival. The spell itself is not used in a duel very often. If one seeks for reflective powers efficiently, they should seek the Magic Reflection Scroll!

Magic Reflection: Scroll
Mana Intake: 21 mana- 15 on and 6 on cast.
Function: Forms a reflective barrier that will send back any spell hovered towards you.
Cast Delay: 2.1 seconds.

The MR scroll is the ultimate weapon in 2v2 or gank PvP if used efficiently. It cannot be underestimated in 1v1 PvP either. Its cast delay is exactly the same as that of a Flame Strike scroll and can be used to reflect it back if timed properly.

Flame Strike: Spell
Mana Intake: 40
Damage dealt: 46
Cast Delay: 3.2 seconds.

Not efficient in PvP at all. Slow cast delay, high mana intake and it deals the same damage as a Flame Strike Scroll.

Flame Strike Scroll: XUO
Mana Intake: 20 mana
HP intake: 24hp on
Damage dealt: 46
Cast Delay: 2.1 seconds

This scroll will consume 24 of your health on dclick, so it is a risk however the low mana in take makes up for it greatly. However, it is possible to get away with its HP consumption by merely precasting. Cast a greater heal spell, and before it hits, double click the scroll. You can do the same with bandages.

Flame Strike Scroll: NOS
Mana Intake: 30 mana
Damage dealt: 46
Cast Delay: 2.1 seconds

This scroll will only take up 30 mana. It can be tactically fused with an XUO FS: It can be used as a nice “silent” fs that u can cast after using an XUO fs as no one will notice your hp fall. They will assume that your XUO FS was a fake.

Lightning Spell:
Mana Intake: 11
Damage dealt: 18hp
Cast Delay: 2.1 seconds.

Not very useful for PvP however it could be good for reskilling or hunting. Check out the Lightning Scroll below! :].

Lightning Scroll:
Mana Intake: 7
HP Consumed: 5hp
Damage dealt: 18hp
Cast Delay: 1 second

Very fast spell. Usually used as the “death blow” or finishing move. I usually cast this as a casual spell to annoy my enemy, causing him to heal himself while I can focus on attacking him with my weapon. However, I think its there mainly to be used after multiple flame strikes and your opponents HP is very low so you can be sure to finish him off without risking a heal. This is also very effectice in ganks for disrupting a recall while dealing some moderate damage to your enemy.

This is it for the spells part. Read up on the tips that Hate, Dramatic and Maka provided, for the more “advanced” players. Don’t worry; you’ll get there pretty quick once you get the hang of the basics.

Already added to the website
Great work, thanks Wink


Timing is a very essential part to IN:X’s PvP. I included the timer for the spells you will need, so that should rid you of half of the problem. The other half is actually getting used to pressing a button at the exact correct time to maximize efficiency. For example if you cast a flame strike and would like to continue the dump because you are sure that (if all goes well) your opponent will die and you are 1 second slow on casting the second FS, then your chances of defeating him will greatly fall. Make sure you cast the following spell as soon as the previous is cast. This could take some time. This goes for bandages, healing, pot drinking, etc. Work on your timing!

Timer: 2.5 seconds.
Amount healed: random between 2 – 46 depending on your healing skill.
Fail rate: 2% on GM healing.

A bandage is the easiest and most common way of healing moderate amounts of health in a duel. It can also be used to resurrect someone assuming that you have GM anatomy and healing of course. In a duel, using a bandage under 75hp can be risky because if it failed or heals low amounts while someone is casting on the offense, you could be screwed :]. It’s not so often that it fails though, so, if you are feeling lucky, go ahead.

General timer: A potion can be used once every 17 seconds. This may exclude cure potions, though.

Greater Heal Potion:
Amount healed: 25 HP.

These are great for saving your life at critical situations. These should only be used when you are sure that you cannot survive the dump or whatever you are hit with. You can also combine them with a bandage for maximum healing power. Using up one of these means that you will not be able to hit a mana potion for at least 17 seconds, so be wary on using those. Remember, critical situations only.

Mana Potion:
Mana Regenerated: 20

Basically all this does is give you back 20 mana. It runs under the general potion timer rule. You can only use it once every 17 seconds. You cannot fight properly without these, so stock up before a duel! .

These are the essential potions needed in PvP. Of course one could carry a few cure potions just incase. You never know when you will fight some annoying prick that casts poison all the time, or hits you with a poisoned weapon.

Before I get to weapon tips, I will include some general tips:

Before you even begin PvPing, you should think about Spams. These are fake power words that are used to fool your opponent or to keep them from really knowing what you are about to cast next. To do this, simply make a hotkey for [wop insert powerword here. For example: [wop Kal Vas Flam or [wop In Vas Mani you can make a whole line of those and press the hotkey before or while you cast a spell for maximum effectiveness Big Grin.

While casting any spell, hitting your bandage macro will fizzle the spell. You can precast on scrolls like fs:xuo and lightning scroll to make sure that u regain the hp lost on double click. Precast by either casting greater heal and double clicking the scroll, or by using a bandage and then double clicking the scroll before it hits you. Precasting with greater heal is not always the best option either because you will be using up an extra 11 mana so unless you really WANT to cast gh because you were hurt or something, I suggest sticking to bandages. (You must have less than 100hp to use a bandage, though). Always start a fight with protection and magic reflection on. Obviously, pressing tab (in/out of war mode) will also fizzle any action.

Weapons and Shields


Well we all know that shields increase your armour, AR. However, shields will also parry a blow. The rate of parry is 1-6% depending on your parrying skill. At GM parrying, the parry rate is 6% of the time. However, know that one handed weapons do not deal as much damage as two handed weapons although they might be faster.


I am not going to get into too much detail here. I will be specifying what weapon you should use at what stage, and what they are good for, (Speed, strength, etc).

General info you should know about weapons: The tactics used in a fight rely greatly on the weapon that you are using. Using a fast weapon that deals moderate damage (short spears, spears, generally two handed weapons) are good for annoying and draining your opponents mana. (Mace weapons also drain stamina!) Fast weapons will hit at a fast, almost constant rate, causing your opponent to constantly heal (if you are lucky) thus slowly taking away his/her mana. Using strong two-handed weapons, (Bardiche, Halberd, Battle Axe, War Hammers, etc) are good for taking away vast amounts of health and increasing your chances of victory if you decide to magic dump (i.e. fs, fs, light, etc) your opponent. So if you are sure that your opponent has low mana, then use a bardiche or something. Strong weapons are also good for general pvp methods. Strong hits are always an advantage, right? .

Sometimes in a tournament, once a fight has gone on for too long, the host will ask the pvpers to take off their clothes and armour in order to end the fight quickly. In cases like this, I suggest a strong but moderately paced weapon, such as a bardiche or a battle axe.

Keep in mind that Vanquishing weapons are the strongest weapons out there so be advised that in a non-supplied tournament, you should always carry high A/R armours and vanquishing weapons! Unless of course you are dueling out in the open and don’t want to lose your high valued weapons.

Bardiche(swordsmanship): a PvPers most favoured weapon. A moderately paced 2 handed weapon. Not too fast but not slow either and it deals lots of damage, especially on critical hits. This is the standard weapon for any situation.

Battleaxe(swordsmanship): A bardiche’s second alternative, also a 2-handed weapon. It deals slightly less damage than a bardiche can, but it is also slightly faster, also great for all situations.

Halberd(swordsmanship): Perhaps the strongest weapon on IN:X, but very slow weapon. Good for dealing out maximum amounts of damage. Excellent for ending your opponent’s life knowing that they have low mana. 

WarHammer(mace): a two handed bashing weapon. Deals large amounts of damage at a slow rate. Very similar to the Halberd except for its skill classifications.

Executioners Axe(swordsmanship): Not the best weapon to use for all situations, but it can deal some damage if you are lucky. Don’t depend on this in a tournament. It is a stronger weapon then a general 1-handed, and it is not too slow either. Good for dueling out in the open, or for carrying around in a gank situation.

War Axe(mace fighting): A good one-handed weapon. Used with a shield, it can be pretty useful in battle. It is moderately paced, and deals moderate-high damage.

Hammer Pick(mace fighting): Same specifications as a War Axe. A one-handed weapon, great with a shield. It can serve useful in one-on-one situations.

War Fork(fencing): Pretty much the same as the hammer pick or war axe however this can be poisoned.

Bows(Archery) are not generally used in one-on-one battles, however a Crossbow can be very useful at times. Naked battles are no exception! They are fast, will do lots of damage on a naked person and let’s not forget the fact that they are ranged weapons!

Spear/Short Spear(fencing): Those are fast weapons that deal low-moderate damage. When I say low, I don’t mean very low but moderately low and they can range up to medium damaged hits. A short spear is a good mana-draining weapon! Be careful though, using one of these will probably result with your opponent bitching at you for a while Big Grin!

Well, that’s it folks. I have not PvPed for a very long time, so bear with me if I missed anything out. If I realized that I have, I will update the guide. Thank you for your patience!

Below I will add slightly advanced tips that were contributed from Maka, Hate and Dramatic. Make sure you read them, they cover some very useful information that I might not have included.



I have recently been thinking about my UO days and the end of it. I think that I'm pretty much done with this game and was wondering what my last contribution could be. I've been training some people lately and it hit me, wouldn't the shard be a lot more fun if everyone was a lot better at PvP? Tourneys would be a lot more equal and you wouldn't see the same person winning tours every time, if something is hard and equal it creates excitement. So here is my last contribution, a advance version of my old PvP guide. These moves are mainly for people that understand PvP, if you do it on a "noob" they might not be better than a full fs dump.

In the advanced PvP guide we will go through some moves, how to read your opponent, how to trick him, test him and then finally beat him. I will start of by explaining a few moves.

You press the light scroll once and then you cast a nos scroll on them quickly afterwards, this move have to be hidden by a spam.

Looks like:
When you do this move it will look like you are casting a light scroll on your opponent cause of the sound and the HP you loose.

This should be used when your opponent has enough HP that he won't cast a GHeal but still can be damaged by a FS when his aid succeeds.

Cast a light scroll and right after its done cast a XUO. This does not have to be covered by a spam since the HP and sound makes it obvious to what you are doing.

This is a good move to make when someone is on 50-85 HP and uses an aid. You will start of by casting a light on your opponent when he uses the aid. A light scroll takes 1 second and aid takes 2.5. This means that there will be 1.5 secs left for his aid when your light is done, this is when you should cast the XUO scroll. If his aid succeeds you can easily tab your FS scroll and if it doesn't your fs will be there within 0.5 secs. If this move fails you have only lost about 29 HP and 7 mana, which isn't dangerous at high HP, and if it succeeds you will have a pretty good shot at killing your opponent.

Cast a random spell that has the an animation where the hands move upwards and then fizzle it by casting a XUO scroll on your opponent, the XUO scroll has to come RIGHT after the first spell.

Looks like:
This will look like you tried casting a XUO scroll on your opponent but messed up or changed your mind. This move also has some of the utilities of a NOS scroll since it's “hidden”, It's like having an NOS scroll that takes 24 HP and 20 mana. Make sure you do not get hit while you are doing this but don't move away cause it might look like you are casting, try doing it when he can't hit you.

Spell-XUO is useful when ever your opponent is on or below 92 hp. It's also useful at every moment where you opponent chooses to aid instead of heal and you want to cast a cheap hidden FS.

When doing this you have to make sure you are on 99 hp or below, if you do it at full HP use a scroll that drains life. You then take the aid and right after the aid you cast your NOS. Make sure that everything is covered with the same type of spams so that your opponent can't see any irregularities.

Looks Like:
You can either make it look like you are aiding after your first spell by using EBolt cause of the 10HP penalty, or you can make it look like you are trying to pre-cast by using Light scroll.

This is useful to use when your opponent is on low mana or when he can't drink a potion. This FS will be a stealthed FS and you will therefore be 2.1 secs ahead of your opponent. Casting a light and aiding might keep your opponent from aiding cause he is waiting on his hit.

Pretty much same as above.



Everybody heals different as Juggo stated. Best way however is to feel yourself how low you can go on HP, and still survive a dump. If you know you are low on mana, can't use a gheal scroll if needed, having used a potion recently, and believe the enemy is FSing hidden, then it's a BAD time to use bandages, but a good time to use a regular heal, since that will give you better odds to survive the heal. However if you have a lot of mana and know that even if your bandage fails, and he still FSes, you'll still be able to heal up with good timing, or a gheal potion potion or whatever, then it's a good time to use a bandage and save some mana which you will need for your offensive attack. I got pretty much by feeling when it comes to this, I know when I will survive and when I won't, I use whatever feels best in the situation, the "tactic" is built into my head and it changes all the time depending on the enemys move, this is what happens after years of practice, you'll learn.


Same goes here kind of, I go by feeling, but the main thing is for you to make your opponent drink a potion, because as long as the opponent doesn't suck a lot, or doesn't have any mana left, he will survive if you dump when he can drink a gheal potion. Imagine a gheal spells plus a gheal potion, which together gives you about 80 hp or so, get that at the same time and heal 2-3 more times and it doesn't matter if the opponent wastes all his mana (if you both have as good timing). However if you can't use your potion you'll be in much bigger danger. If the enemy drank a potion and you're going to FS, wait for a good hit and make sure you have enough mana to do at least two FS and a light. A good tactic is to mix NOS FS scrolls which is silent (as your first FS), with XUO fs which takes less mana, as the other. Just make sure you don't do too many XUO fs, because if you go below 50% of your life you may risk getting a FS back in your ass and die, if the opponent is good. Try getting two fs and a light on his ass, if he still isn't dead you'll probably just waste mana by casting 3 fs and a light, unless you know he won't survive another FS, but this is something you have to FEEL or calculate while duelling your opponent.


Very important for sphere/tus pvp always. Try to always have good timing between the magic
attacks; this could be the difference between winning and loosing.

Other stuff to think of:

Depending on how good you are you'll be using these tactics better and better, and you won't even be thinking about them after a while. I use much much more advanced "tactics" than this, a different one depending on the enemys move, but this is basic knowledge about XUO pvp, and that's what you wanted to know so there you go :]

This is the magic part of PvP. Armor and weapons does of course matter too. You won't be hitting a player in tourney gear much if you're using some crappy weapon, and you will be hit very much by his tourney weapon if you're using iron armor, so try to match his gear or get an even better one, then you'll have to focus on magic and getting what I said over there right.

However it is possible to win if you're really good, even if you don't have as good armor and weapon, depending on your PvP skill. But what matters who wins are three things: Gear + Skills (UO skills) + PvP skills (by PvP skills I mean what I stated up there, your strategy and how good you are at using it).

Also take a look at Makas PvP-guide here up above, it has a lot of interesting information for when you're starting to get better :] Same goes for Dramatics info above :]

Good luck!



just basic hints :

in order to kill ur opponent the easiest way possible , u must make him sip a pot , either by draining his mana slowly with hits ( fast wep required in this case ) or by draining his mana bigtime or making him sip a gh pot ( strong wep in this case) .

first of all if you dont have sound in ur comp , stick to hunting lol .

sound takes a big role in this pvp , not for only guessing when ur opponent drinks the pot , but also when he uses the bandages , those almighty items that can save ur ass or drive you straight to hell . Even tho i fake the bandies most of the times so i actually make my opponents cast a fs on me when im actually healing with spell , this aint happening quite often . Bandies are most likely used when the opponents life is 80 or higher ( this is a nice chance to make ur move and get ur opponents life in danger by casting a nos fs and faking another one with the spam , remember that bandies tend to give a low amount of hp so the opponent would , in most of the cases , have to scroll his ass up with a gh scroll , wich takes alot of mana , or sip a gh pot , this way weaking his deffense )

Another issue is the timing...time will tell , and the new players who hasnt practised this pvp before will get use to the timing of the spells within time.

For example the spellbook's GH spell goes actually at the same speed than the flamestrike scroll , this way if ur timing is close to perfect , u can stop ur opponent's flamestrikes with regular gh's , no need to use scroll unless the opponent is casting buncha flames on you and ur lifes is around 46 , then dont rely on the luck and GH scroll . ( this paragraph is not recommended for the new users since it requires a high skill base in this pvp )

About the hit issue , if ur facing a healer , this is the term we use for the ppl that use the gh spell alot , even with his life is 85 or above , you should try using a fast wep wich drains his mana fast and will most likely make him drink a mana pot , then trying the trick i mentioned above about attacking when he use the bandie or when hes at high hp but not full .

If ur facing a common fighter , who is kind of 50 /50 , heals , uses bandies and attacks often , id say the best thing to do is grab a powerful weapon , like the bardiche or halberd , holding strong hits on him , sometimes getting his life down to 50 or so , thats when you gotta " dump"

The precast , a sometimes risky technique used to get some extra mana from draining ur life with the FS XUO scroll . There are 2 types of precasts , ill explain them below :

-Precast Type 1 : probably the most used , even tho its a bit risky . This is about using a bandage when ur life is high , close to full life , 95 or when using a bandage at this HP , you simply double click a xuo fs scroll ( i suggest to make a macro about this " clicking the xuo scroll only) , while the bandage is being used on you..this way ur life will be recovered and a flamestrike will be ready to cast as if was a NOS FS ( remember u should start the dumps with NOS fses cause they are secure )

-Precast Type 2 : used most of the times by skilled players , who know what they do . This is about clicking the xuo scroll while you are healing urself with a gh spell (spellbook) . This way its a more secure way to get ur life at FULL HP and get a flamestrike ready to be cast. This precast type takes more mana due to the casting of a gh and sometimes its not that useful cause you might face annoying opponents who will strike you with a lighting just on purpose to block any of your possible dump attacks.

Finally , the spams take a big role in this pvp , wich is basically to make ur opponent think something ur not doing , like fsing him , and therefore making him heal or using pots .

Spams can be also harmful , even if they look fake , never trust on the luck , be always rdy to hit the gh scroll key if ur HP goes below 46 and u already drank a pot. Reading the players pvp is something you will people learn automatically by practising the pvp alot .

Taran Wrote:Already added to the website
Great work, thanks Wink

Hehe, sounds good then. Thanks for adding it so quickly ;]. We'll just use this thread as a q/a kinda thing then, a continuation of the previous PvP strats thread.

RAWR! The guide to evil deeds, you all be murdersSad

great work

[Image: ginzodium.jpg]
holding hands <3

Okay, I have a couple questions about the pvp and such.
First of all, I remember back in the day on osi and also on in1 that you could hide and/or stealth by simply tabbing out of a fight really quick, now to my knowledge, you cannot do that on runuo, but I do think it was a 51a thing. This was something I did alot on in1, some people chose to use invis pots but i was never fond of them, so I am wondering, will hiding be able to be used like that? also, invis pots, yes or no?
I haven't seen this brought up anywhere yet, will there be explosion pots? Do they have the same 17s delay? If they exist, what do the damages round out to be?
Poisoning(skill), will there be different levels of poisoning? If so, are some faster and stronger, or do they just give you a higher chance of inflicting poison with a weapon? Is it ever possible to fail curing poison even with gm healing?
Bandage res, how many bandages does it take to res? Will bandy res be instant? if not, whats the delay? Does forensics or anatomy play a role in the amount of hp you get when resd with bandies? If your corpse isnt cut do you res with everything you had on still in place?
What is the delay on recall and invis spells?
When you tab out/fizzle yourself do you lose half the mana of the spell you were casting or all or none?
If you drink a potion before 17s, by accident I guess, does the timer restart?
Does reactive armor work, and/or do anything useful?
Does eating play any role in... well anything? (i.e. skill gain, chance of cast)
At gm magery can you fizzle any spells? if so, chances?
Do spells like eq and chain lighting have any use or decent damage?
Are there recall scrolls? Are they less likely to fizzle, or faster, or uhm.. unfizzleable...?
Are there other scrolls that have differences or just pvp type scrolls? meaning if I used a summon creature or summon daemon scroll, would it be slightly faster or take less mana?
Since mace weps drain stam, do refresh pots have the same 17s delay?
Do you need full stam to "push" through someone?
Does los play a big role in pvp? And do people tend to dump and run? (if not, get ready for some leet dump and run skills from half of the in:r playerbase)

Sorry for the insanely long list of questions, but I feel that some people (not just me) want to know a few more, in detail, things about the mechanics of everything... I'm not expecting a list of answers to everything I asked, but anyone who knows an answer or two to my questions and could post to let me know some more details, I would appreciate it.

P.s. Almost forgot, thanks for taking the time to write a guide. I am sure anyone who hasn't played XUO will find it useful.

Hiding works like on sphere, with the exception that you still need both skills, everything else is the same.

Explo pots will be in the game with the same delay, they will not be a part of PvP and be somewhat useless. Damages has not yet been decided.

Poisoning on matters when you apply poison to weapons and how effective your spell is (this might be removed). Poison hits in after 1.5mins. All poisons can be cured with the poison spell, no matter magery or healig. Bandages doesn't cure poison, it just gives you hp.

To ress with bandages you need GM healing and GM anatomy, you are always ressed with 10 hp and same mana/stam you had when you died. If you are ressed on your corpse you obtain/equip everything on auto. THere is no delay.

You never loose mana/reagents on spell fizzling.

Pot timer doesnt restart, you just get a message.

RA doesn't work.

Eating doesn't play a role yet, though I've considered to put it in on hitpercentages. I personally think this was the most annoying feature of sphere so there is a big chanse it wont be implemented.

GM magery 8th circle ~ 8% fizzle. GM magery 7th circle = 0.

Recall scrolls will never fizzle due to skill, though you can still fizzle them with spells. They are either 0.75 sec faster or 0.25, i can't really remember now, and they take a lot more mana.

All the scrolls have an advantage beside 1st and 2nd circle. If they do not have a specific function in PvP, their only upside would be speed and that they require less magery to use.

Stam pots will have the same delay as other pots. Mace weaps wont drain that much stam.

I think I set pushing to 90% stam, can't really remember.

LOS plays a huge role in out of town PvP. When you got big crews and someone notices that he is targeted he will try to use the doors to get away from his attackers. You cannot fs and run out of sight:p

Think I got most of them, even if it's really late.

:icon_dance: WoW You guys are teh pwnzers of 4ll teh PvP..:happy: Thanks

I'm really curious about invis pots? Great job though n0x.

Selling Forges and Anvils, 15k Each, 25k for both.
Selling Looms and Spinning Wheels, 15k Each, 25k for both.
Selling Water Troughs, 10k Each
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