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Tired of not being heared by staff

I'm getting very close to just throw the server out the window and get rid of UO and INX forever. Whatever we do people always complain, *****, complain some more, bugabuse, harass, ***** and complain even more.

We are not a pure PvP-server, skillgain will not be changed. If you want free skills, play on another server. PvP skills are easy and there's no reason why you should train crafting if you are a PvPer.

You want 3-5 events a day? lol ok I'll hire 30 new staff that will be corrupted since I have no idea who they are, that also means half of the players will be gone since they are staffing instead. And once they get corrupted even more players will leave. It's not that easy to hire new staff.

I think I need a break, it's very exhausting to administer a kindergarten server.

A joke that is called easy, 30 gms .. than good. But the irony is beside the point here. We're trying to help more players come with ideas and you just know that people go and do better for pvm believe you, go fusion of shit. Here nobody is questioning anyone's work so do not you give in so easily alluded. But good as they seem to be accepted here no criticism announcement seeing that nobody does anything for nothing but leave the server today. And will only come when you see some action.

I have not seen anyone question your work but if you're taking so sorry, I spend wasting time and helping to attract people to that after we pay any attention. You to have good day.

Im sorry to say Taran, investing a few "players" into staff, will create new players and old ones to return, and having your player base back to top...

my argument isnt skill oriented, Im not speaking about the skill gain, loot, fuk all that...

im talking about inactive staff members... You're lacking staff members big time, thats the main issue. you honestly need MINIMUM 5 events a day, doesnt have to be huge ones, not all PVP I already mentioned that... some Roleplay events, some PVM events, some PVP events, a mix...
IF people would want to play a game which they can entertain themselves, they would play World of Warcraft... thats what you want this server to be?? why play here and not on a WOW server with millions of people?

if theres one of the events that pvm/pvp people dont wanna join theyll duel/gank/hunt untill the next event which their interested in...

again, i repeat, this is no longer how it used to be. players entertaining themselves for 2-3 days without GMS. We're older now, theres newer games now, more variety of shit to do, people have cars now they just leave if their bored, they work now, they have girlfriends, they go to school and need to study, are you getting my picture yet?

Taran honestly concentrate on the staff positions, revise the spots, speak to those who are staff give them warnings "hey if you dont contribute ill have to replace you with someone who will because the server needs active staff members"

real simple...

and honestly, right now is the worst time to take a break. if you take a break now while the server is in this position, might aswell just shut down the server with you. because without you and your executive dicisions, nothing will progress...

Maka you put enough time and effort in this server yourself, I think it's time you come "outta retirement" and actually do something now before its too late...

What ever man do what ever you guys want, its a pitty you put hundreds of hours in a game like this and cannot resolve a minor problem like this... really man its a shame...

do what you want, UO is just a hobby, without it i dont care lol. I got enough things to do, but its good to be on and play, and if I cant enjoy playing because of stupid problems, than i get upset, once someone gets upset and explains themselves and nothing happens, there's only one option left, and thats to give up and say

"fuk it, they dont care, why should I"



Taran Wrote:lol ok I'll hire 30 new staff that will be corrupted since I have no idea who they are

Have you looked into the banks of the mortals of the very non-corrupt staff you have right now?


Kandorin u are really stupid u think those translator works? if i try to translate guides in forums ill get a SHIT that i wont understand. Well keeping thinking alls its right and u will se what happens. U dont want to change nothing? ok ill say bye bye i wont play in a ****ing server that have players and staff that only look into their ****ing asses. Taran u changed pits changed wop but oh we wont change skillgain (a really change not 0.1 easier) because its fine and its getting newcomers leave and thats it what i want. No staff active no tours NOTHING.

The people just stay afk and dont move or dont interact with the rest going to doungeons alone. What a ****ing shit ban me if u want for saying this but... U ARE REALLY IDIOTS U DID LOT OF THINGS THAT ARE USELESS AND DIDNT HELP THE SERVER AND WHEN WE SUGGEST SOMETHING U JUST TROW AWAY THEM (i also recognice u did a lot of things good too im not saying all your work was bad) but since u dont hear more than a half of your comunity i really think u dont give a **** about the server.

Keep thinking you are allways right know i can see what type of people are the ones who play here. Noone of u answer with arguments u ****ing stupid piss me of with that useless shit u wrote. The only one who says something coherent was silverwolf.
Hirosima only say stop crying and let the server die.
Kandorin think he have all the truth and dont argument.
The rest dont give reasons to their toughts.

I want to look into rp in this server who rps here? the only one i saw rp was Father juan who talks with u like rol the rest say: evil grins laught agree and those shit is not RP get it in your mind.
OMG we have an excelent pvm and rp server that bring people away from it they start playing first week of the beta and slowly go away because nobody cares about the server they only want to see their bank full playing alone all the day. SERIUSLY U ARE STUPID u really think servers is going good? u allways loose playerbase and that seems to be good because u dont change your mind. And im not talking about giving skillgain free only put them easier and hire new staff so they do something and maybe with that people want to enter in action and play. BECAUSE 90% OF PEOPLE IN THIS SERVER DOESNT MOVE OR DO NOTHING I ONLY SAW THE SAME AS ALLWAYS(and its strange the most of them think like me but staff doesnt hear them and they are the most active players in server) then i come here to try to have a discussion about what should be done and what i find?¿ RETARDS.

SO IF U DONT WANT TO DO SOMETHING FOR THE SERVER IM LEAVING. i know u dont care but u will see like as me there is a lot of players who will leave and u will be alone in your candys world where u are god and when u speak only the truhts goes out of your mouth.

Lemme add something about your super staff when i conected the last time i had some problems with injection and i asked mito beause all know he is gm muto too. and what did i got from him laughts and he said he wont help he also said **** you im not helping. Im only saying this but i have lots of things about some super good and non-corrupt staff. I prefer corrupt staf that bring some action to the server and then got their ass kicked than super good staff (let me laught muahahaha super good muahahahaha yes yes thats the truth muahahaha) who doesnt do a shit and they only are looking around without helping nobody.

Phobia for staff!

hes loyal, and would like playing a gm

Hiroshima Wrote:****ing stop crying.!!!!!!
Work for stuff!!!!!
Im ****ing tired of this!
You get a cool server, cool addons, good playerbase many more stuff!
And you keep ****ing complaining!
If we count the thanking posts to taran and the complaining ones, its incredible how people complain.

If they make skillgains easier, how will people that spent 250k iron ingots gming blacks will fell like???? Lost time! How will people that spent 200k logs gming carpentry will feel like??

Stop ****ing crying, babys.

First reply to thread. Very constructive and civil.

Its as if you didn't even read his post.

This shows how immature you truly are.

****ing sound like a *****.


I agree on hiring new staff but tiesto was very active a while back when I played a lot and came up with weekly tour I believe etc. Maybe hes not active right now but im sure theres reasons.. I dont think thats a good reason to fire a staff. And also on top of that hes a pvp staff so.. thats always better for us.

Ive seen promoe on recently not the other cns.

But counting promoe and mito those are the only two staff ive seen on.

And theres always the possibility that they are on everytime your not.. since its different timezones. So new staff will be good.

I kinda miss shade.

Although there are some staff on the list on home site that I have never seen online...

No life is complicated only if you make it to be

[Image: 1t27gdviiokfmncbdgmg.gif]

Camaron Wrote:Kandorin u are really stupid u think those translator works? if i try to translate guides in forums ill get a SHIT that i wont understand. Well keeping thinking alls its right and u will se what happens. U dont want to change nothing? ok ill say bye bye i wont play in a ****ing server that have players and staff that only look into their ****ing asses. Taran u changed pits changed wop but oh we wont change skillgain (a really change not 0.1 easier) because its fine and its getting newcomers leave and thats it what i want. No staff active no tours NOTHING.

The people just stay afk and dont move or dont interact with the rest going to doungeons alone. What a ****ing shit ban me if u want for saying this but... U ARE REALLY IDIOTS U DID LOT OF THINGS THAT ARE USELESS AND DIDNT HELP THE SERVER AND WHEN WE SUGGEST SOMETHING U JUST TROW AWAY THEM (i also recognice u did a lot of things good too im not saying all your work was bad) but since u dont hear more than a half of your comunity i really think u dont give a **** about the server.

Keep thinking you are allways right know i can see what type of people are the ones who play here. Noone of u answer with arguments u ****ing stupid piss me of with that useless shit u wrote. The only one who says something coherent was silverwolf.
Hirosima only say stop crying and let the server die.
Kandorin think he have all the truth and dont argument.
The rest dont give reasons to their toughts.

I want to look into rp in this server who rps here? the only one i saw rp was Father juan who talks with u like rol the rest say: evil grins laught agree and those shit is not RP get it in your mind.
OMG we have an excelent pvm and rp server that bring people away from it they start playing first week of the beta and slowly go away because nobody cares about the server they only want to see their bank full playing alone all the day. SERIUSLY U ARE STUPID u really think servers is going good? u allways loose playerbase and that seems to be good because u dont change your mind. And im not talking about giving skillgain free only put them easier and hire new staff so they do something and maybe with that people want to enter in action and play. BECAUSE 90% OF PEOPLE IN THIS SERVER DOESNT MOVE OR DO NOTHING I ONLY SAW THE SAME AS ALLWAYS(and its strange the most of them think like me but staff doesnt hear them and they are the most active players in server) then i come here to try to have a discussion about what should be done and what i find?¿ RETARDS.

SO IF U DONT WANT TO DO SOMETHING FOR THE SERVER IM LEAVING. i know u dont care but u will see like as me there is a lot of players who will leave and u will be alone in your candys world where u are god and when u speak only the truhts goes out of your mouth.

Lemme add something about your super staff when i conected the last time i had some problems with injection and i asked mito beause all know he is gm muto too. and what did i got from him laughts and he said he wont help he also said **** you im not helping. Im only saying this but i have lots of things about some super good and non-corrupt staff. I prefer corrupt staf that bring some action to the server and then got their ass kicked than super good staff (let me laught muahahaha super good muahahahaha yes yes thats the truth muahahaha) who doesnt do a shit and they only are looking around without helping nobody.


[Image: Kandorin%20Banner.jpg]
Holy Marquess, The Ministry

.::Vendor Taylor at Britain Church::.
.::Need anything crafted? I'm your man.Contact me!::.
.::Dye Tub Color - Daemon Steel - 1171::.
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You people claim that skills take too long and you all are +18 and have a life which dont leave you much time to play. Well guess what, Staff is +18, works/study and have personal lifes as well. Dont demand them to be active all the time because all of us have some heavy times in our lifes which dont leave us time for gaming (at least I do). So quit the demand the "having active staff to answer all our pages within 1h, and lots of events" when you say yourself that you got a life and dont want to waste time raising skills. Its non sense.

[Image: Kandorin%20Banner.jpg]
Holy Marquess, The Ministry

.::Vendor Taylor at Britain Church::.
.::Need anything crafted? I'm your man.Contact me!::.
.::Dye Tub Color - Daemon Steel - 1171::.
.::Dye Tub Color - Old Copper - 1159::.

Why dont you let people gather resources afk As in the start. So skillgain is keeps been hard. But all the people can get resources.

Skill gain keeps been hard so no one is damaged.

Hiroshima I increased practically many skills when they were harder than now, i spent many hours pvming when it was harder than now, before you joined.

And i didnt "cry" about they made things easier.

Stop complaining and crying and try to make constructive post. Staff has put a lot of effort here so they should also been thanked instead of all the time "flaming" them.

Kandorin Wrote:You people claim that skills take too long and you all are +18 and have a life which dont leave you much time to play. Well guess what, Staff is +18, works/study and have personal lifes as well. Dont demand them to be active all the time because all of us have some heavy times in our lifes which dont leave us time for gaming (at least I do). So quit the demand the "having active staff to answer all our pages within 1h, and lots of events" when you say yourself that you got a life and dont want to waste time raising skills. Its non sense.

I didnt see anyone demanding any current staff to play every day..

Only saw asking for new staff so there can be staff active at most times.

Like some times of the day you dont see a certain player logged on. but instead you have other players that log on that time.

Some times of the day certain staffs arent on. But there isnt any other staff that time that can log in and play.. thats the problem people are saying. and asking to recruit more staff so the shard is more active as well.

And please dont say "Well staff dont get paid" If the person doesn't want to staff and just play a mortal he can say no.

There are actually people out there who will prefer to play as a gm and host cool tournies do stuff players cant. That will be their "Main" persay.. and will be active.

No life is complicated only if you make it to be

[Image: 1t27gdviiokfmncbdgmg.gif]

mmm Kandorin are u just stupid? why do u think we want more staff? we want them to answer page and have more people who can read the pages we dont want two people conected all the whole day because as i said we have our lives. Think a little about that, maybe we want more gms so there is more % to get your page answered .

I just think u are really stupid. U have nosense in your words its like: u say we dont have enought gms so u want more gms!!!
Omg im really thinking u dont have brain.

Camaron Wrote:mmm Kandorin are u just stupid? why do u think we want more staff? we want them to answer page and have more people who can read the pages we dont want two people conected all the whole day because as i said we have our lives. Think a little about that, maybe we want more gms so there is more % to get your page answered .

I just think u are really stupid. U have nosense in your words its like: u say we dont have enought gms so u want more gms!!!
Omg im really thinking u dont have brain.
I'm not the one saying in this thread that Taran should hire more staff. And stop calling me stupid, I dont know you, you dont know me but since I'm respecting you and not offending you I would appreciate the same from you. Now go read the whole thread again and then tell me if you understand it.

[Image: Kandorin%20Banner.jpg]
Holy Marquess, The Ministry

.::Vendor Taylor at Britain Church::.
.::Need anything crafted? I'm your man.Contact me!::.
.::Dye Tub Color - Daemon Steel - 1171::.
.::Dye Tub Color - Old Copper - 1159::.

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