smoke Wrote:so because i'm on summer vacation and i don't work because i thought i would have summer school which i don't. Also because i don't play sports and that i would rather watch hockey then play it. you think i need to go outside? Just becuase you work it's not an exuse that if you weren't working you would play uo 12 hours a day and play your sports for the othre 4 and sleep.
What I find really funny about your reply is how you just admitted you might have had summer school so you just called yourself a dumb*ss, and proved how you're too lazy to go hand out your cv to a few places. Summer has just begun, not too late to get a part time job.
smoke Wrote:Let me ask you something dl when you're off work what do you do with the other 8 hours when you get home? oh i think you play uo for 8 hours straight then go to bed and do it again. yeah right i'm the one who needs to get out never in my life have i stayed in and write essays on the forums nor play a game for 8 hours in a row.
I like you you randomly through 8 hours out there... How did the incredibly intelligent smoke calculate that? 8 hours work + 8 hours sleep + 8 hours of uo = 24 hours?
There's a little thing called travel time that you might not understand since you take a 5 minute bus ride to school and the fact you take time away from the computer to eat meals with your family. Do you know what that is; fam-i-ly.
If you really must know I'll explain, and because it proves my point :icon_twisted: of how its so ironic you say that I'm the one who needs to go out. I get up at 6 to go to work, get home and eat by 6-7, check my email, read up on hockey news, tech websites, watch a bit of tv, play UO for a bit then go to bed for 10-11. Yes... that really is 8 hours straight of a UO... oh, and on nights when I have hockey I don't get home til 9-12 depending when the game starts so some night I don't play at all. Satisfied that you know my personal schedule? Please don't come and stock me... On weekends I normally go fishing or play hockey 1 day.
smoke Wrote:It's also funny how you asume that i don't do nothing buy play video games considering i'm barley on UO, so before you try to call me what you are a nerd who just spends all of his time watching his computer macro and write essays on the forums all day you better think twice.
I never said you play UO all day, I said you play VIDEO GAMES all day. Last I checked UO isn't the only video game out there... there is such a thing as a ps3, 360, and other computer games like WOW and CS, both games you've played before.
And would you give it a rest with the essay thing? If you really want me to I'll write some essays for you and then you'll understand why you keep getting such bad grades. You guys nit pick over every little detail so the only way I can get a point across is to explain it with so many details.
Coming up soon: round 2 of yet another smoke vs eighty swords pointless argument because smoke doesn't like me...