12-04-2008, 02:18 AM
As a lot of our players have gone inactive, we also ask you to let them know about this topic. Even if they are not playing here right now, but might some time in the future, direct them here. We are once again trying to hit huge numbers, and we want it to stick this time, so we need all the help we can get!
As the staff is in the process of balancing loots, we ask you, the players, for suggestions on what needs to be done. We are essentially interested in every piece of information that we can get, as long as it is relevant to a change that can be done.
All off topic posts will be deleted, only thing that we want in this thread is suggestions (according to the below template) and comments on other peoples suggestions. Only write a comment on someone else's post if you disagree, we do not need agreeing replies.
The scale in which you will grading the monsters is from -5 to +5, with 0 as neutral/no change required. -5 means that something is way too little/low/easy and +5 means way too much/high/hard. All grades are referring to the current state of the monster, meaning your opinion of how it is right now.
It is important to know that we do not want all monsters to be one and the same, diversity makes hunting a lot more fun. Please keep that in mind when ever you pick a value and give balancing suggestions. It is also necessary to let us know when a monster is too good (as in gives way to good loot in relation to the effort it required.
Copy and paste the below template and fill it in. Fields marked with underscore are required, fields marked with italic and a (*) are optional. You do not need to format (add style) your templates.
[SIZE="5"]Template explanation[/SIZE]
Type/Name: Type or name of the monster. Type is always easier for us, but you might only know the name. E.g. "Balron" vs "Slush Puppy the Evil One".
Strength: How hard the monster is to kill, does not only refer to stats/skills. Dispelling or a lot of flame strikes could be a factor in monster strength.
Balancing suggestions(*): How to change monster strength, all from adding/removing stats to changing speeds and spells.
Loot: The loot that you've gotten from the monster.
Balancing suggestions(*): Adding/removing stuff. Changing drop chances etc.
Time to kill: Average time it has taken for you to kill it.
Hunting value: How worth is it hunting this monster, compared to others.
Method used(*): EVs, BS, bows, poisonous daggers, hiding behind walls and shooting etc.
Free-text suggestions(*): What ever else suggestion (to the specific monster) that doesn't fit in the above columns.
As the staff is in the process of balancing loots, we ask you, the players, for suggestions on what needs to be done. We are essentially interested in every piece of information that we can get, as long as it is relevant to a change that can be done.
All off topic posts will be deleted, only thing that we want in this thread is suggestions (according to the below template) and comments on other peoples suggestions. Only write a comment on someone else's post if you disagree, we do not need agreeing replies.
The scale in which you will grading the monsters is from -5 to +5, with 0 as neutral/no change required. -5 means that something is way too little/low/easy and +5 means way too much/high/hard. All grades are referring to the current state of the monster, meaning your opinion of how it is right now.
It is important to know that we do not want all monsters to be one and the same, diversity makes hunting a lot more fun. Please keep that in mind when ever you pick a value and give balancing suggestions. It is also necessary to let us know when a monster is too good (as in gives way to good loot in relation to the effort it required.
Copy and paste the below template and fill it in. Fields marked with underscore are required, fields marked with italic and a (*) are optional. You do not need to format (add style) your templates.
[I]Balancing suggestions(*):[/I]
[I]Balancing suggestions(*):[/I]
[U]Time to kill:[/U]
[U]Hunting value:[/U]
[I]Method used(*):[/I]
[I]Free-text suggestions(*):[/I]
[SIZE="5"]Template explanation[/SIZE]
Type/Name: Type or name of the monster. Type is always easier for us, but you might only know the name. E.g. "Balron" vs "Slush Puppy the Evil One".
Strength: How hard the monster is to kill, does not only refer to stats/skills. Dispelling or a lot of flame strikes could be a factor in monster strength.
Balancing suggestions(*): How to change monster strength, all from adding/removing stats to changing speeds and spells.
Loot: The loot that you've gotten from the monster.
Balancing suggestions(*): Adding/removing stuff. Changing drop chances etc.
Time to kill: Average time it has taken for you to kill it.
Hunting value: How worth is it hunting this monster, compared to others.
Method used(*): EVs, BS, bows, poisonous daggers, hiding behind walls and shooting etc.
Free-text suggestions(*): What ever else suggestion (to the specific monster) that doesn't fit in the above columns.