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fix guards they are not supposed to recall with you and kill!
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doing this on a guarded area is not right, leme know the people who kills with 2 or more chars with fs and il have a speak with them( only if you are blue ofc and you are not inside a guild for example)
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Hey people, guards are definitly bugged, because I remember one day when I was mining at Wind (near a forge, all the place was guarded), I was surfing a web too, and when I realized, I was dead near another miner... and I was criminal... WTF? I was only mining. It didn't annoy me too much because it only happened to me once, but... something is wrong, isn't is?
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Love Wrote:Hey people, guards are definitly bugged, because I remember one day when I was mining at Wind (near a forge, all the place was guarded), I was surfing a web too, and when I realized, I was dead near another miner... and I was criminal... WTF? I was only mining. It didn't annoy me too much because it only happened to me once, but... something is wrong, isn't is?
That happened to me at the bank also.
Tiesto Wrote:doing this on a guarded area is not right, leme know the people who kills with 2 or more chars with fs and il have a speak with them( only if you are blue ofc and you are not inside a guild for example)
Sindern knows who is abusing this bug as well as I. Yesterday I met Sindern at the caves and told me that he was pked again by the same player that had pked me.
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michintom Wrote:That happened to me at the bank also.
Sindern knows who is abusing this bug as well as I. Yesterday I met Sindern at the caves and told me that he was pked again by the same player that had pked me.
Lanfear -1
~Zorus, Tallmen, Garm, Syn, Senteil, etc IN1
~Seven Locks, Syn IN:R
~Admin Syn, Damien, Mary Jane - ONO
~Syn, some other random names - XUO
~Syn, Dodge Omni Turbo, Mary Jane - Navid1aUO
EVE Name: Slaquer ...sold my old account ;/
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there is no bugg with guards in all the world exept that they can fallow you in gate and the other bugg i know is if your criminel and hidden they dont kill you but if you log out they will stand there 3 day waiting for you to reapear unless someone dispell them lol. NOW SPEAKING ABOUTH THE RANGE. if the guys aint in the guards range so you maybe only have to do one step so its fs failed ( to far away ) or maybe you are just 2 slow to write the word guards before your dead. cuz calling guards before 1st fs enter will do nothing so it leave you 2.1 second for calling. You dont even need 2 player to kill-loot someone in town... ill give my trick to every body cuz some ppl dont like being killed (guess they never come out of town and thats why i'm kiling them in).... First take 2 fs scroll and be at least 12 tile away from npc so when someone show up you fs and dont move... if you kill the dude hide n walk there, cut loot and log off... instant log off in town. wait 5 minute to be sure your back blue un hide. the guards will kill ya but if someone loot you he will become criminal. or other choice is having 2 person on 1 account. you cut n log off log back with your second personne loot. (but it took some time to get your first player off).
SO NOW ****ING LIITLE ***** GET A LIFE... if you are always in guard ill track ya down... come on pking is fun we neeed more action!!!!
And for miss Love. in wind or in town if you were to near of other player.some wich are gm provoc can provoc both of you n loot you both

but now they fixed that i think. but it was usualy sandra trick she've done it to me twice.
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Slaquer Wrote:Lanfear -1
+1 Lanfear -2
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hiphop Wrote:SO NOW ****ING LIITLE ***** GET A LIFE... if you are always in guard ill track ya down... come on pking is fun we neeed more action!!!!
If PKing is so fun, do it to people who can defend themselves instead of someone who can only call for guards. Then, if that's the case don't exploit bugs so that they can't call the guards.
The people who do that are the ones who need a life.
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and what i do if i need ingot???? being a pk mean that i kill people to get goodies... its uo if you dont wanna be killed hire pk to protect you.
By getting a life i spoke abouth doing more stuff with ppl playing than just macro your bs.
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I've been on this server less than a week.

Most of my old XUO buddies are playing other games now, and I only know a few people on the server so far. When you start a toon on UO, you can expect to do a LOT of macroing. I'm just macroing mining to build up some cash for a house so I can start macroing combats, magery, etc without getting 3 synchronized FSs to my face by people who think I have 2000 SA on me.
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well other bug i've seen is that... when u flame and the other has a Magic reflection... you arent grey...
I have seen this two times in a row while a newb tried to kill me... -_-
lol i coudlt kill him cos i was using the reflect! haha...
In my opinion this should be a criminal act.. cos u are attacking a player...
dunnow... lol
see u around
I agree with the rest that guards seems to be bugged -_-