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Something Becoming Ridiculous.

Oh seriously.... Someone finds a way to rape you over-confident PK guys who happy-gank 5v1, and you come cry on the forums to have it disabled?

"He's fire and ice and rage
He's like the night, and a storm in the heart of the Sun
He's ancient and forever
Burning in the center of time
He can see the turn of the Universe"

Oh? 5v1, really ? Are anyone of people who made those gates dares to duel 1v1 ? I would agree. We gank them 2v1 or 5v1 just cos they are newbie guard runners like u. And about yew farm - If they been more smarter then they would just move chests and run. Or even cast magic reflection and recall. Or invise themselves and recall. There are loads of ways to escape from those farm, its not ****in guards what recalls in papua and kills u again and again if u get ressed and guard wasnt dispelled.
P.S. OMFG Crying ?Smile U will never kill anyone of those "pks" even with army of people. So u need to call NPC what use ".kill" command, ya? The only way for u to kill someone... so sad...
P.S.S. And those "blue" guys not ****in smart enought to put chests and block gate to make PK stay there and 100% die with all his items. I didnt want to say that on forums cos now those noobs will use that too, but omfg i hope taran will come very soon and fix something omfg

Nasir Wrote:Circle of transparency. The end.
Just be careful ;/


this thread is a perfect example of how tame and childish the UO playerbase has become. the instant someone does something you dont like its NERF NERF NEEEERF

actually every gaming community is like that these days

NERF warlocks !

oh im sorry, these are not the WoW forums

[Image: dextermorgancq0.jpg]

Quote:actually every gaming community is like that these days
And its a good thing, dont u think so? Cos when u arent child anymore or not young and already working after competing university you dont have loads of time to play games, ofcourse except for people who dont have work and just playing

Gang-Bang Wrote:Oh? 5v1, really ? Are anyone of people who made those gates dares to duel 1v1 ? I would agree. We gank them 2v1 or 5v1 just cos they are newbie guard runners like u. And about yew farm - If they been more smarter then they would just move chests and run. Or even cast magic reflection and recall. Or invise themselves and recall. There are loads of ways to escape from those farm, its not ****in guards what recalls in papua and kills u again and again if u get ressed and guard wasnt dispelled.
P.S. OMFG Crying ?Smile U will never kill anyone of those "pks" even with army of people. So u need to call NPC what use ".kill" command, ya? The only way for u to kill someone... so sad...
P.S.S. And those "blue" guys not ****in smart enought to put chests and block gate to make PK stay there and 100% die with all his items. I didnt want to say that on forums cos now those noobs will use that too, but omfg i hope taran will come very soon and fix something omfg

relax yourself gang bang. dont think that all the blue people are dumb, i was trapped in yew farms and i move the chest of course im not so stupid but meanwhile u take out the chest run and heal there isnt so much time while 3 o 4 people is ganking you.

i didnt make any gate but seen that today i got trapped other time cos this gate was worst than the ones that are inside of the houses, i will start doing them.
Also i dare to duel you on 1 on 1, but i know i will die, it doenst matter to me to die, it seems that you believe that for killing me one on one you will be smarter or the best in the world. is just a game so enjoy.

Also not everyone has the resources you have or the skill you have, cos you have been playing more this pvp style or you are better in games, some people are used to go without all the scrolls or all the stuff needed for this pvp.

also if those pks are smarter and use wall stones and boxes people cant run away.

Its quite simple make a poll and the server will decide about this.

In my opinion people will abuse of this cos everytime i am seen more gates
so the time will decide and the server too Wink

see u around

Pelletier (whipperwirll) Wrote:why not make vendors houses no attack zone that will solve the problem most people go there to buy shit and then u ganksters lol kill them
if not get ride of public houses and make a vendor lounge for all to come

where in my post do u read make all vendors shops safe i said vendor houses that means houses people made public to place vendors which i think is stupid because ganksters love to get people there which makes people not want to go to the vendor houses!!

Hate Wrote:Haha. You know what that would look like in an unguarded city?

*Blue player walks into ocllo for fun*

*Three red gankers see him and start to flamestrike*

*The blue guy runs into the mage shop and is safe in an invul zone*

You get the picture.. ;p


I'm not talking about making all vendor shops safe.
just the players houses that they have there own vendor in
not the all shops in city !! that would be stupid duh

Circle of transparency and fix the timing of the guards. Excellent end to this thread.Tongue

A gate in the correct place cant be seen with the circle of transparency till u are too near to avoid it so stop posting it like u find the way to solve it cause its not.

Out of the topic i will say everyone or almost everyone here at the forums say i fight anyone i dont care if i die blablabla BULLSHIT loot duels were open yerterday like 1 hour or 1 and a half and i couldnt find no one to duel, i know if i had call scare, smoke, pedro or a few more guys they surely have dueled but thats it no one more on this shard take risk no one more try to improve, i never played a shard where ppl were so ****ing afraid of losing items, i remember when in Tus Xuo with 100 clients loot duels get open u have a duel every time u want noob players mid level players and good ones, but here no one take risks, shard its almost 3 months old and still no one evolved from a bad player to a good one, i mean in the final rounds of the tourneys u see the same faces over and over again, then u come to the forums and see ppl whining abuout changes who need to be maded, well the first change needed its ur mind, thats a game the items are just pixels on ur computer and u can get them again, why u want a full bank if u dont give use to it come on guys ...

PD: Sorry for the post but im just annoyed of just 1 hour action per day in the shard :S

chaO!! Wrote:A gate in the correct place cant be seen with the circle of transparency till u are too near to avoid it so stop posting it like u find the way to solve it cause its not.

Out of the topic i will say everyone or almost everyone here at the forums say i fight anyone i dont care if i die blablabla BULLSHIT loot duels were open yerterday like 1 hour or 1 and a half and i couldnt find no one to duel, i know if i had call scare, smoke, pedro or a few more guys they surely have dueled but thats it no one more on this shard take risk no one more try to improve, i never played a shard where ppl were so ****ing afraid of losing items, i remember when in Tus Xuo with 100 clients loot duels get open u have a duel every time u want noob players mid level players and good ones, but here no one take risks, shard its almost 3 months old and still no one evolved from a bad player to a good one, i mean in the final rounds of the tourneys u see the same faces over and over again, then u come to the forums and see ppl whining abuout changes who need to be maded, well the first change needed its ur mind, thats a game the items are just pixels on ur computer and u can get them again, why u want a full bank if u dont give use to it come on guys ...

PD: Sorry for the post but im just annoyed of just 1 hour action per day in the shard :S

Ya thats why items arent easy to get, almost for some people, in TUS XUO u earn a lot of money in a few minutes, if u go here to kill monsters is not very profitable nor i have so much time to kill em, then i have to spent 100 xuo flame 100 gh 100 lightnings 100 magic reflect, 100 Nos, 100 gh pots, 100 Mana pots in one hour in a half?, cos if i need a lot of time to getting them, im not gonna waste them, probably u are rich or people present u a lot of things, but its not my case.

Tus XUO was definetly easy to earn money, here it isn't, that means no money no scrolls, no scrolls no pvp. i've heard that in Tus XUO u could earn 1 million in a day. here 1 million in how much time? (this information was gived by XUO players so im not lying.) also the skillgain here is harder so skills like scribe is completely insane, as i need from 73.7 to 100 like 600 ks?

I like this pvp style but im not gonna play 24 hours to get resources for spending them in a couple of hours,
maybe if there were autosupplied pvp you will see me more as a lot of people. till then probably i will go one or two times.

I have seen 1vs1 regular tourneys for 11 persons when other 20 persons where saying pls make it autossupplied so 31 persons would have been playing, instead of 11.

If regular tourneys doenst works, its cos something is happening.
People is not gonna loose a lot of things for dont earn nothing. cos a 1 vs 1 regular, if u are decent, you spent a lot of manas, gh, scrolls etc...

Yep im also annoyed for cant play as much pvp i will like to..

see u around

Love Wrote:but I think the gate-infrontof-doors tactic is nice and legal.

agree its a part of the game

The main problem here its the server isnt working and the ppl in charge are doing nothing to solve it. We lose active players everyday cause of the lack of action. I know the idea of the shard were good but come on ITS NOT WORKING change the things or the server will die, we dont want megahard skills, we dont want megahard moneygain we dont want that kind of things, its time to make some kind of poll so we can speak about what direction the sahrd should go.

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