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PvP matter!! (idea?)

Smurtle Wrote:No wonder no one really cares to come back or play. You have little dipshit kids like Smoke who suck at any other form of PvP besides tanking. Sorry, kid, but you're a douchebag and probably one of the dumbest people I've ever seen here. Killing yourself wouldn't hurt anyone's feelings. Big Grin

The PvP was decided on. So were a lot of things that have been altered or changed. Like I said, keep that mentality up and you'll have only Silverwolf and Scarecrow, and random other foreigners who think the PvP is their reason to live, to duel.

yooooooooooo stuuuuuuuuppppppppiiiiiiiddddddd fuuuuuuuuuuukkkkkkkkkk. When the **** did you see me say " DONT CHANGE THE PVP LEAVE IT THE WAY IT IS ITS DECIDED" can you fuking look it up in the forums? I honestly feel like coming to your house IRL and shooting you in the face. Stop fuking putting my name in everyone of your fuking post you stupid mother fuker. Just because i'm fuking good at this pvp doesnt mean im not ready for change. i already said in previous posts, "I dont care what happens to the pvp as long as people are happy and it increases the player base".

Smurtle, you stupid little pokemon wannabe, you must have selected reading, because other wise you must be the SINGLE DUMBEST kid ive ever met over the internet. Get your god damn facts straight before you trash talk someone and stop categorizing people you cun-t.



This seems to be how most any thread on any type of change ends, with a lock and going down in flames...heh.

~Zorus, Tallmen, Garm, Syn, Senteil, etc IN1
~Seven Locks, Syn IN:R

~Admin Syn, Damien, Mary Jane - ONO
~Syn, some other random names - XUO
~Syn, Dodge Omni Turbo, Mary Jane - Navid1aUO

EVE Name: Slaquer ...sold my old account ;/

well i tried the nice guy way, so now im gonna lay the facts down straight for all of you guys that think you're better then someone else cause your parents are rich and you got a mad allowance and haven't worked 1 day in your lives. fyi #1 for you all: complaining doesn't count as work, it just pisses people off.

Kandorin Wrote:About your 1), I believe that is in my rights to speak up whats in my mind even if im whining, as long as im not breaking the forum rules. Secondly i know pvp comes down to one thing which is experience, i didnt start playing yesterday and i pvped alot before, either on sphere or in runUO, i tried both systems butpersonally dont like the pvp here so i didnt even bother wasting my time learning it. The only thing im saying right now is that you all you care is about pvp and the players that have other interests are kind being "left out" and so they leave. Got it now pumpkin? And about the thousands of players, its just an expression..never heard it? Well you have now.Wink

i dont give a fuk about this right you have to talk, learn your place and where you should keep your mouth shut, this being one of those times.

listen to me daddy's little girl, its XUO pvp, not sphere, not your basic run of the mill runuo pvp, not osi pvp, XUO pvp. its unique, and its been perfected to the tastes loads of people like. its exactly as hiphop said, its not only your chars skills that count, its YOUR ability to play. kandorin i've never seen your sorry ass ingame, so you didn't even give the pvp a fair shot and you want it changed. 2nd of all, call your boyfriend pumpkin, i aint no punk little kid. im a man with a brain, the type of person you look upto, ask around to people who know me irl.

Smurtle Wrote:A consistent 220 to a consistent 85 and that's counting the people who just log on and idle.

its not right to say that's attributed 100% or even 50% to pvp. maybe it has something to do with the most active eastern time zone gm being fired, maybe it has something to do with a few select inactive staff, maybe it has someting to do with the lead developer being in university and working to replace his broken pc. fyi #2: university is important, expensive, and maka's priority, so you can all hold your ****s for a little while. maybe it has something to do with the other developer moving again for the 2nd or 3rd time in a period of 6 months, again, hold your ****s for a little while.

Smurtle Wrote:They don't say anything about RP because it doesn't concern them

take a book out of their page you wise ass motherfuker.

Smurtle Wrote:but PvP concerns everyone who plays, regardless if they RP or not. God, you're so ****ing stupid. You think the entire system was built for you. Well, guess what? You got what you wanted. Another XUO while you're helping push away the Imagine Nation crowd. I don't like most of them, but they shouldn't be treated this way.

hey dumbass, pvp doesnt affect people who stay in guarded areas and harvest ressources, doesnt affect people who stay in their house or a shop crafting all day, which a fair amount of players do. learn a little something before you want to throw an argument my way.

this shard is in no way geared more towards xuo players over inr players, or the other way around. its been made as balanced as was possible. you say im pushing away the inr crowd by trying to preserve the one thing implemented on this shard that came from xuo. maybe you're pushing away the people from xuo by trying to change the one reason they came to this shard. you're a bloody hypocrite and a moron with a narrow scope on the situation you're a part of and love complaining about, but never try to improve.

Slaquer Wrote:I don't login anymore because of the number drop and foreseeable future problems, which most people who are still here, are in denial about see no need for change. Or they just like to waste their time playing a dead game, on a most likely soon to be dead server.

I am an INer, and I didn't get pushed away by the XUO crowd, I got pushed away by the inadequacy of staff to fix problems, update, communicate, and when they don't want to do this anymore, find people who can and will do it.

then wtf are you doing posting? get the fuk outta here, cause if you dont play, you shouldnt say anything. now go back to the hell hole you came from you frauding, theiving motherfuker.

syn you are another one who *****ed when you were here but never offered to lend a hand. you're even still *****ing when you leave. stfu already if you left.

Smurtle Wrote:No wonder no one really cares to come back or play. You have little dipshit kids like Smoke who suck at any other form of PvP besides tanking. Sorry, kid, but you're a douchebag and probably one of the dumbest people I've ever seen here. Killing yourself wouldn't hurt anyone's feelings. Big Grin

smurtle do people a favor for the first time in your life and do what you suggested for smoke. i know more people care about him then your ugly ass. oh, did i mentino you're a *****? you got no balls, you appologize then insult someone. one or the other moron. this isnt the cafeteria line, you dont get everything.

Smurtle Wrote:The PvP was decided on. So were a lot of things that have been altered or changed. Like I said, keep that mentality up and you'll have only Silverwolf and Scarecrow, and random other foreigners who think the PvP is their reason to live, to duel.

oh you mean how stuff from xuo was changed? like how you cant trade in pits? or like how there are no pits runes around the world and only a few in towns. or maybe how the hunting system is nothing like ours and xtreme monsters aren't in yet. or maybe that crafts are way harder then xuo players are used to, that dungeons are differernt, the world itself is different. i go somewhere in the world and its not what im used to. im not saying any changes made to the xuo side of some stuff is bad, im saying that both sides made compromises, but some things need to stay as were agreed by the staff, the people who graciously put their time towards this game for you to have some fun.

yo amin call me saturday, i wanna hit the 2 or maybe a place downtown.

Yea eighty, I did steal something, and we came to terms about it already me and staff. And lend a hand? You just said I was a thief, why in hell would staff trust me to do anything? I do love this shard, and the community, in fact this whole merge would have never ever happened if I would have never put Makaveli in touch with KM and fought for over 17 pages for KM to actually even talk with him. So don't ****ing say I haven't tried to help you ignorant kid.

I *****ed a lot as well, for good reason, because I played the previous IN iterations, and INR being the worst, I did not want this to be the same thing. I stay on forums and keep up with this because I have been playing UO since 2001, and my first shard was IN, and I like it a lot, so I can post here all I want. And though I do not actively play, I login once or twice every so often to see what is going on and such.

Also, since you never played IN, how can you be so sure we got all this great stuff in the merge? When we logged in, none of us really knew this world, new to all of us. You don't have Xtreme's, we don't have Guardians (Guardian of Destard is not what I am talking about). You don't have any of your craftable weapons, we don't have any of ours...etc. I think that is fine, shouldn't just be a 100% copy over, but since we are all used to having these things, and this shard doesn't have them or even an attempt at a replacement, I think people just get bored of the same old deal. I really think skill gain on combats needs lowered, loot needs to be upped a bit, craftable weapons need to be implemented, we need more staff, and most of all we all need to somehow stop dividing the community into groups and having people like smoke spout random 15 year old insults at anything he deems not fit to him. All of this will lead to eventually new players and old ones returning.

~Zorus, Tallmen, Garm, Syn, Senteil, etc IN1
~Seven Locks, Syn IN:R

~Admin Syn, Damien, Mary Jane - ONO
~Syn, some other random names - XUO
~Syn, Dodge Omni Turbo, Mary Jane - Navid1aUO

EVE Name: Slaquer ...sold my old account ;/

hey uh this is a pretty useless and very annoying thread, i think maybe it should be blocked or deleted so we can concentrate on real problems instead of all the drama

In my opinion, the dram is the REAL problem. I bet nothing will get solved in that matter though.

I love when people start to get pissed and lose control of everything else. Eighty Sword you sir are an idiot but yet you just gave me a good laugh so your kind alright.

I will be very brief here and it will be my last reply to this thread because this isnt about a discussion just ended up in a flame war between XUO and IN.

Eighty Swords Wrote:well i tried the nice guy way, so now im gonna lay the facts down straight for all of you guys that think you're better then someone else cause your parents are rich and you got a mad allowance and haven't worked 1 day in your lives. fyi #1 for you all: complaining doesn't count as work, it just pisses people off.

First dont talk about rich kids with a big allowance when you dont know shit about the person thats on the other side. If you are not or were not one of those kids, well im sorry but lifes a *****. Im not a rich kid or i havent worked at all. I worked already and i do work and im taking my university course so dont bring the mommy and daddy rich kid into this.
Complaining moves things foward, shows whats wrong and what people dislike which make the upper people (admins) make decisions and change things, BUT if that what you so call complaining pisses you off i believe you shouldnt read the threads for real.

Eighty Swords Wrote:i dont give a fuk about this right you have to talk, learn your place and where you should keep your mouth shut, this being one of those times.

I know whats my place is, and right now its right here replying to you even tho you dont really deserve any of my time because like i said in the begin of my reply "you sir are an idiot".

Eighty Swords Wrote:listen to me daddy's little girl, its XUO pvp, not sphere, not your basic run of the mill runuo pvp, not osi pvp, XUO pvp. its unique, and its been perfected to the tastes loads of people like. its exactly as hiphop said, its not only your chars skills that count, its YOUR ability to play. kandorin i've never seen your sorry ass ingame, so you didn't even give the pvp a fair shot and you want it changed. 2nd of all, call your boyfriend pumpkin, i aint no punk little kid. im a man with a brain, the type of person you look upto, ask around to people who know me irl.

Ok and again i think you totally missed out my first point. I dont want pvp changed, i just want the other systems changed so they can work, and by other systems i mean the market system, economy system. Well i do play alot everytime i can but then studying and working and having a social life dont leave me alot of free time..but im sure you know what that is. hm right?! And well to finish up im not sure if i can be called a man yet..because you see im only 20 but well i do have brains and im also the type of person you look upto..just ask around the people who know me irl.

Oh and to finish off do us all a favor..its something like head + oven.. got it? Wink


kiss kiss pumpkin

[Image: Kandorin%20Banner.jpg]
Holy Marquess, The Ministry

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well props to you syn for being the contact through which maka and coldrake started talking. we all gotta thank you for that. but the question is, what have you done since then to help? that's what i was refering to, what you've done since the shard went up. that's right, you launched a shard with stolen threads and tried stealing the players from this shard when we were in a development stage. maybe that's why the staff don't and won't trust you, because you blew your shot.

how do i know that there's in/inr stuff here if i never played? simple really. it wasn't on xuo, but it's here, it didnt come up on the staff forums, and nor was it written in the merge forums before these forums went up.

your suggestions that follow are good ones, and things that need to be looked into instead of changing the pvp. i sincerely think people are harping on the pvp because they think there's nothing for them to do (but there is, they just gotta find it). adding some of the things you mentioned would increase the choices for the players and take pressure of the pvp, which is just fine as it is.

kandorin, did you ever hear of a little something called moral, or willingness to work? if all the people who give their free time to develop this shard or to help people out ingame just see *****ing, there's no satisfaction in that and it kills people's desire to play and help out. if i was staff and getting *****ed at cause i only did 1 tour one night and not 3, i wouldnt host another for 3 days. people need to learn that appreciation = continued rewards of helping gms and devs. why would anyone want to spend their time working, when they will only be *****ed at by someone saying something like 'why you only spend 2 hours this week? you should spend 50!'. a lot of pessimists on this shard. people should be happy that the shard got 2 hours of development at all, but instead they complain, demand for more, and ***** in the mean time.\

devs work on something for so much time to get it just right as per the suggestions given on these forums (few and far between without complaining) and when it's implemented ingame, people turn around and complain about this and that and dont stop. devs cant cross stuff off their list and move on to the next thing because people ***** non stop.

like i said, learn your place and stfu for us all. *****kin Wink.

Yes eighty u'r right, univercity is important and very understandable why it maka's priority, but as a man he should explain to players why he cant do anything with shard... Cos if u bringed alot of people and promiced to do anything for shard u must atleast explain why u dont do that...

Gang-Bang Wrote:Yes eighty u'r right, univercity is important and very understandable why it maka's priority, but as a man he should explain to players why he cant do anything with shard... Cos if u bringed alot of people and promiced to do anything for shard u must atleast explain why u dont do that...

Why should he explain a damned thing to you??? His priorities are straight. Look how you all ****ing act and present yourself. There's no doubt I'd open the shard and run away quick as possible.

Eighty, you're officially more stupid than Smoke. The PvP is from XUO, therefore if you look at it from the page in your book of "dumb things I post to make myself look more stupid" no shit it will favor XUO players. IN kids tried it, found it boring. You're too used to tank mage PvP.

Now now, here comes the crusade of "OMG ITS NOTTT!!" One good hit, dump. Heal out of it. Good hit, dump. Repeat. It goes on until someone dies. Try to make it out to be anything else and I'm going to laugh at you. Now, I'm not saying I don't enjoy it. I do enjoy the ganking.

XUO PvP doesn't do it for many, and many quit because of it. You're fooling yourself if you think no GMs on make 220 people quit. God, I think you must have some sort of reading disorder, or thinking disorder.

The PvP concerns everyone, otherwise the 50 of you that use it can honestly just make your own server to just sit around and circle jerk or duel each other all day long. RPers use the PvP system too, as they would on any other shard.

Maka is at a university- so are many other people. The point is if there was to be true dedication, there'd be a way to access it. I'm sorry, but to play this game you don't need much. And I hope he stays away and gets a good education. Anyone seeking an education should put that before anything. Especially ******s who think this game is still worth playing.

You ***** and cry about how you lost so much from XUO- dungeons, trading in pits. ROFL Are you serious? No one from XUO plays to hunt or trade. Go die.

Silverwolf. Shut up. I wasn't even talking about you but I can see why you'd think so- you both are stupid as hell.

Quote:Why should he explain a damned thing to you??? His priorities are straight. Look how you all ****ing act and present yourself. There's no doubt I'd open the shard and run away quick as possible.
Thats why u didnt ever open shard and u never will. One more thing - u cant even run as away and quick without opening any shard, but i think many wants to see how u do that. Go ****in chat somewhere else, this forum for uo server, and u dont playin there. About maka - all thought hes different than u, all was sure if he promiced - then will do all what he can, or atleast explain, why he cant

Why would I waste my time with an old video game? You must live for this shit, otherwise you'd realize how stupid that comment just was.

Let's say he is, and I have played XUO from the start, and he's been good about talking to people:

It's not hard to relay a message. So, where is it?? An instant message, something, to post. Where is it?

Hate to break it to you, once you get away and realize it's not worth coming back- you don't come back. I know you like him and want a good administration presence but it's just not here right now.

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