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PvP matter!! (idea?)

point still stands that you are incorrect in your statement that "in simplest terms, INX = IN WORLD + XUO PVP". It is XUO PVP, not IN world, the world is INX world. I don't really care that it isn't the same "world" just that any time someone brings up PVP, this is the response ; "agreed at beginning! XUO pvp, IN world!" when it is incorrect.

~Zorus, Tallmen, Garm, Syn, Senteil, etc IN1
~Seven Locks, Syn IN:R

~Admin Syn, Damien, Mary Jane - ONO
~Syn, some other random names - XUO
~Syn, Dodge Omni Turbo, Mary Jane - Navid1aUO

EVE Name: Slaquer ...sold my old account ;/

no point adding disarm IN:R had disarm and the fact is no one here is a noob anymore. All you do is add doubleclick shield , doubleclick weapon into your badnage macro and it happens so fast that you dont even see a disarm.

inx has a 600ms timer between movements

AptaR Wrote:^^
inx has a 600ms timer between movements

werd. Smile get on msn Oz! haha

Bow Down To The ScareKing! jeje

[Image: scarecrowinxkd2.gif]

Slaquer Wrote:point still stands that you are incorrect in your statement that "in simplest terms, INX = IN WORLD + XUO PVP". It is XUO PVP, not IN world, the world is INX world. I don't really care that it isn't the same "world" just that any time someone brings up PVP, this is the response ; "agreed at beginning! XUO pvp, IN world!" when it is incorrect.

maybe im just ignorant on this fact, but dont all the decorations across the world contribute to the 'in world' or feel, the special static areas, the custom dungeons, the fact that you can buy statics, the pvm system (ie the loot packs, monster difficulty, spawn locations, etc) all contribute to the 'in world'? i never played in so maybe there was more then what i mentioned off the top of my head, but that seems like a few pretty decent things that are the 'in world'. they're all things that either didn't exist or weren't even close to the same on xuo.

slaquer there were a lot of things agreed upon in the merge talks and it isnt right that everything stays as was agreed with the exception of pvp. id love to bring it all up, but the merge forums aren't available here anymore, nor are the private ones we talked on.

if you change the pvp, you take away the main reason the xuo players came here, and that's just not right. changing the pvp will make this shard IN # whatever, not INX.

We had much more then pretty decorations and a few special monsters on IN. The lootpacks were nothing like they are now, as many things aren't - which I don't really care, I would like to see a more diverse world like on IN, but I don't count on it with the status of the shard. All I was saying is that people always say things about how we got our world, so you get your pvp, but we didn't get our world so it is incorrect.

In anycase, the disarm thing is useless, just like Duke said. I don't think it would do anything other then add annoyance to the game, make para ganks come up tenfold, and generally fvck stuff up.

~Zorus, Tallmen, Garm, Syn, Senteil, etc IN1
~Seven Locks, Syn IN:R

~Admin Syn, Damien, Mary Jane - ONO
~Syn, some other random names - XUO
~Syn, Dodge Omni Turbo, Mary Jane - Navid1aUO

EVE Name: Slaquer ...sold my old account ;/

Slaquer Wrote:We had much more then pretty decorations and a few special monsters on IN. The lootpacks were nothing like they are now, as many things aren't - which I don't really care, I would like to see a more diverse world like on IN, but I don't count on it with the status of the shard. All I was saying is that people always say things about how we got our world, so you get your pvp, but we didn't get our world so it is incorrect.

In anycase, the disarm thing is useless, just like Duke said. I don't think it would do anything other then add annoyance to the game, make para ganks come up tenfold, and generally fvck stuff up.

You have to give more time to developers, they are now coding for add new IN items as hells halberd and those things.

What does means a more diverse world?

see u

Kitiara Wrote:You have to give more time to developers, they are now coding for add new IN items as hells halberd and those things.

What does means a more diverse world?

see u

I agree, Sir.
In fact, I think XUO guys want more diversity too. Not only IN people Wink What do you think, Slaquer? Personally, I want more rideables and craftable magical weapons Wink

By diverse I mean we should add some custom weaponry-with the main thing being USABLE weaponry [not underpowered, stupid decorations], add in the Xtreme monsters, IN-type guardians, etc...

Basically I mean I don't wanna login, have to arm up a bardiche and Elven bow, since these are the most used/powerful weapons atm. Then head over to Destard to kill dragons, to get to lvl 2, to get to the Guardian of Destard, come back to town, bank, goto bridge, shoot people with elven...etc.

I think since Taran is back he said he was working on some of these things, can't remember, but I hope that when they are done they are done in quality and not quantity.

I agree with you Love on the weaponry in that post.

~Zorus, Tallmen, Garm, Syn, Senteil, etc IN1
~Seven Locks, Syn IN:R

~Admin Syn, Damien, Mary Jane - ONO
~Syn, some other random names - XUO
~Syn, Dodge Omni Turbo, Mary Jane - Navid1aUO

EVE Name: Slaquer ...sold my old account ;/

sorry if my saying you got the in world was inaccurate. you all know i never played, so i only see the in world as what's here, clearly there's more. the fact is you still got, or the attempt was made, to reproduce the in world, and nobody's trying to change it. however people are trying to change pvp yet again, and they dont even give it a chance. look at the guy who made this thread for example, how long has he played? from what i see, not long. yet he thinks the pvp needs to be changed.

its the same story as pits, give it a good try before you want to change it. that's more directed to the new players then people who have been here from the start, since you have given it a try. and some find it as good as, or way better then the in pvp.

i think i can speak for all the xuo guys by saying we definitly want a more diverse world, so long as it doesnt interfere with the xuo play style we know and love.

in craftable weapons; sounds great so long as they're balanced and aren't 1 hit killers, or close to that... and also that EVERYONE has a chance to craft and sell them, not just the few guys from IN who came into this shard with loads of craft skills at 99.9, or up there.

xtreme monsters; we've been waiting for a while for that (not pressuring devs, i know the kind of situations you've all be in recently).

come up with cool things to add instead of trying to change something where half the shard likes it and half doesn't.

i think some people are picking on pvp because there's a lack of stuff for them to do. but once they're given more options, i think the down talk on pvp will loosen up.

Slaquer Wrote:we got our IN world.....*laughs ass off* thats comical, and wrong ;[

you wanna tell me what the **** we got? you guys got your crafts your monsters your world your skill gain we are not even use to this, your rp rewards and we havent even complained once. we got our ****ing pvp and we only are here for it so stop saying u guys got nothing when u got ALMOST EVERYTHING

i have to say i've yet to see something that was brought up in the merge talks from the IN side that has been significantly altered.

maybe loot packs, but that was a compromise and an attempt at a balance between the two servers' very different loot packs. same for skill gain. maybe not as hard as what i've heard it was on in, but again it was a compromise between the two servers very different skill gain rates.

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