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Fizzle when hit?


It's ALMOST fair in those cage-matches you call tourneys. But in typical non-tourney PvP, there's no balance on the side of meele weapons.

Let's have a tourney in a REAL tournament arena like the pre-built arena in Jhelom. Then you can see how one-sided that crap really is. :evil:

Dotjr Wrote:What?

Pe ell and others have present well-placed arguments about the current PvP system. UOX player who want to system as is, have also presented their opinions and ideas about the system. This is currently a debate, so people are going to voice their opinion. I am with Pe Ell and other who have stressed what we believe to be the flaws in the current PvP system.

We do not wish to offend anyone, however we all want to make this game enjoyable for not only ourselves, but others. Otherwise we wouldn't be playing here, and voicing our opinions.

You have your right to your opinion but, it was already stated that Xuo would get to keep their pvp, not to be rude or threatningbut... why do you think we are here...? It was a Combination of two shards, the only REAL thing Xuo had that meant the world to it's players was the way the pvp was. As i am aware of, since alot of my new Ultima Online friends played INR, you guys were more a Pvm PvE shard and all tried to get very rich and decorate your things. I completely understand what your stating but instead of posting this EXACT topic every 2 weeks and going nowhere, focus on things you need to worry about like the Shard and ideas to help it benefit from. Taran is the only scriptor atm and im not a computer genious or anything, but one of my buddys does that stuff for a living and i give Taran mad respect because that shit is like another language except that 1 mistake KILLS everything you worked on ... I think you should post about bugs and things that are NOT good about the shard, not a whole part of aspect of the shards existance. It's the beta, start GMing your skills and think about things that can help, not things that will change the shard. Im not trying to offend you, im stating what is true, this type of post has already been administered and i see it every so often and its always the same, i never see people from Xuo yelling that Xtreme Monsters arent implemented which was our MAIN hunting source. I think we should all just adapt to the shard and all try every aspect, i was very closed to RP and Hunting, i used to get my cash from owning kids but.. i've come to learn that you can't fully experience INX until you try every aspect the shard has to offer and i've played MANY shards and so far, i really like the way this shard's looking.

Bow Down To The ScareKing! jeje

[Image: scarecrowinxkd2.gif]

I hate this bullcrap about INR players only freaking buying stuff and decorating. That is not how INR was, we had a very strong pvp record with major groups of good and evil. Not only did the PVP take more skill their heck it was more fun.. Right now we have 5-6 people arguing against INX lame version of PVP and 2 people defending it. Truth be told if we changed it less people would leave than if we leave it the crappy way it is now.

With all this division over "XUO" pvp or "IN" crafting this server will never be "IN:X". Until the status quo is broken and things get changed. As long as its "XUO" pvp and "IN" crafting we will always have this arguement.

Cyn Wrote:I hate this bullcrap about INR players only freaking buying stuff and decorating. That is not how INR was, we had a very strong pvp record with major groups of good and evil. Not only did the PVP take more skill their heck it was more fun.. Right now we have 5-6 people arguing against INX lame version of PVP and 2 people defending it. Truth be told if we changed it less people would leave than if we leave it the crappy way it is now.

With all this division over "XUO" pvp or "IN" crafting this server will never be "IN:X". Until the status quo is broken and things get changed. As long as its "XUO" pvp and "IN" crafting we will always have this arguement.

You basically just said that we should make INR again.. you wrote a whole paragraph of useless nonsense.

Bow Down To The ScareKing! jeje

[Image: scarecrowinxkd2.gif]

I have to say that pvp was a lot more fun on INR and I completely agree with Cyn. Scarecrow you have to realize that a lot of people on INR were not playing to decorate their houses and pvm. Cyn and I were in a guild together in the first half of INR's lifespan and I don't think either of us hardly ever hunted. All we did was pvp. Well Cyn crafted too in between fighting but the second there was action he was ready.

The reason I bring this up is because on INR everyone was excited to fight. We all looked for it and provoked it. Not because we all memorized specific tactics but because it was always fun and new. We had so many possible tactics that you never knew what would happen next, that is what a real challenge is.
Like if you were to fight me, I would either try to rob your wep, scrolls or pots. If you were laying down heavy aggressiveness I would try a new sneaky tactic. I would try tricking you into a preset trap, like lure you into my animal army, or maybe make you think I ran away, recall back to brit bridge and hide to catch you off guard and begin the fight all over again. Sometimes I would just duke it out normally with people who expected tricks from me to keep them always guessing.
I was not the best on the shard, not even close, but I was always ready to fight and so was almost everyone else. Why do you think it is different here? Not because of skill gains because INR had harder gains and we still were all fighting within the first week. Please think about this insight on INR before commenting anymore about your generalized stereotypes of who the players were.

Sure INX might have a good pvp, I will give you that. I like the scrolls but I hate the spam. I don't hate the spam because it confuses me though, I hate it because it is childish and just plain ignorant. The point is though that with our combined communities, we can make a godly pvp system that almost everyone will love.
I know you like mentioning the whole deal thing but how selfish are you that you won't allow changes just because you don't feel like adapting to even the simplest of changes? I agree that the pvp should get an overhaul but a few simple additions would really help the shard out. For once try to come to some mutual agreement.

There are ways to improve everything in life, this is no exception.

[Image: mariozl3.png]

I understand where you're coming from Scarecrow. I would love to stay on this shard, but me and a lot of my friends are debating about whether to stay here or not. PvP is not fun for us.

I will most likely read through this whole thread tomorrow, and give some some answers to why we can not add fizzle on hit to our pvp. I have not yet read this thread but I have been answering similar questions about why we can not change the PvP you want it to be in this thread. Go take a look there, read through it, and then come back here and read my answers in this thread tomorrow most likely.

I'll make a short summery here now though:
When we merged we made a couple of agreements between XUO and Imagine Nation. Two of them were that XUO would get to keep their PvP style, and Imagine Nation would get to keep their world-environment, and pretty much all that comes with that.

There for we are not able to change the PvP in drastic ways. We can balance it, by for example editing damage on certain weapons, or making some spells more useful again. However what we are NOT able to do is to change the PvP in drastic ways like adding fizzle on hit, or damage reducement on armors. That will cause the PvP to "change too much" from the XUO roots, and there by breaking the agreement. If we would be doing that then we could just as well split the two shards again, because there would be hardly anything out of XUO left at it, except for our duel pits and some minor things that we also got transfered. Since XUO was pretty much a PvP shard we figured that what was most important to keep from there was the PvP. Removing it now after the merge would pretty much be like removing XUO from the merge, and there for that can not be done.

A longer explanation and answers to your posts that you've made in this thread will come in a near future, most likely tomorrow. For now I hope that the post I just made will suffice, at least temporary.


Umm....heh Hate, old threadBig Grin. This thread was shot down when staff posted that fizzling spells would more certainly not be implemented. No point, give your fingers a rest ^_^

I think that as long as the scrolls have the same casting time as the regular spells (just use less mana and no regs [which is the point of scrolls]) and the spam gets taken out, this will be an OK shard. We need to get the rest of the pot spectrum scripted in and armor needs to account for a myriad of spell defense... not just one or two... Also, whats with this spam? Is it REALLY necessary? This is the first shard out of the many I've played on that had WOP as a command - and it's pretty annoying. I know FS is coming, so why does everything else need to be spammed?

That's all I've got for now. Everything else is fantastic.


To attempt to fool you. That's the only reason the spam is there. It's fairly easy to see through it. However, I am also used to it but eh..I hardly play now. Logging onto the shard is more of a hassle than a joy.

Dotjr Wrote:I understand where you're coming from Scarecrow. I would love to stay on this shard, but me and a lot of my friends are debating about whether to stay here or not. PvP is not fun for us.

Its quite funny reading always the same posts.

Fizzle with spells = shit and boring pvp.
Fizzle with weapons = if u use Elven bow always will fizzle people
Instead of Magical Gank it will be Elven bow ganking.
Random fizzle = pvp based in luck.

In my opinion: a lot of people have gone out because skill gain was too slow for them. Nobody and i say Nobody of IN said hey why dont we put the skill gain faster so not so much people will go out.

And now i read that people is always complaining about the pvp is boring and people is gonna leave. Quite sad im sure that 80% of the 100-125 players went out of the server this 3 weeks ago. was for the "hard" skill gain and because all the people is macroing. and now u want action... quite funny. Also because everything is hard. for finding coloured stangs u have to run all over the world and probably u wont find nothing. Because All is looked to not to break the economy. Also you cant sell nothing to vendors because u lose money and all is based by hunting or crafting/trading this last point is very nice if we were 15 years old when we used to play a lot more than now.

People looks for fun ("Quick or relatevely quick") so now probably the best solutions that can make people to come is seen a server with activity.
i have entered a few times this last week and i have seen only 2 -4 people running on brit. 1 or 2 running in pits and its suppose that there are 100 players...

People from Xuo accepted slighty changes in the pvp and as Hate said the THREE only things taht they had with the merge (the important things) were R/R weapons 65ks and PVP of XUO.

What im trying to say is taht instead of arguing always with the same thing that should not be changed (PVP) u are bored because the inactivity

My suggestion is that The important and nice suggestion threads should be move to a special and new place in the forums where all the people can follow them and keep trying to improve the server. Because many times the threads get forgotten because in suggestions a lot of people say or open new threads.

Also New people should have a motivation to play and nowadays a server with 100 players is not a great server nor calls the attention of the people.

I know its Exam "season" so admins and some part of the staff should have a lot of things to do but i hope if "we" suggest nice things and they are implemented soon this server will grow up or i hope so.

If staff "forgets" the server, this will die so as i said In my opinion we need
more fun in the server.

Sorry for the long post.
Remember this is my opinion.

see u.

Rabbi Samild Wrote:I think that as long as the scrolls have the same casting time as the regular spells (just use less mana and no regs [which is the point of scrolls]) and the spam gets taken out, this will be an OK shard. We need to get the rest of the pot spectrum scripted in and armor needs to account for a myriad of spell defense... not just one or two... Also, whats with this spam? Is it REALLY necessary? This is the first shard out of the many I've played on that had WOP as a command - and it's pretty annoying. I know FS is coming, so why does everything else need to be spammed?

That's all I've got for now. Everything else is fantastic.


Scrolls are faster than normal spells.. just ask before saying something.

in the HOMEPAGE of INX you can see a timer of each spell with scroll and without it.

Guide made by n0x.

As you can read i will put an example, i hope with that u will get enough.

Greater Heal: Spell
Mana Intake: 11 mana
HP Regained: 42
Cast Delay: 2.1 seconds.

Greater Heal: Scroll
Mana intake: 29. -- 26 on and 3 on cast.
HP Regained: 36
Cast Delay: 1 second.

Well you now have more information.

see u

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