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Fizzle when hit?

Just curious about what people would think if it was changed so that when you were hit by either a weapon or mage you were interrupted when casting. This is what I was used to when it came to PvP.

Please, no flaming, only intelligent remarks. I just want to see what other people think of this.

I'd say this game has a little room to be more WoW-esque.

As far as I can remember fizzling a spell ment failing it.. which would be a good idea..however on only get delayed you dont fail when hit...

Considering the amount of fs spam that goes around on the server... atleast a noob might have a better fighting chance if this was implemented.. same should go for scrolls interruption = failure..

However spell vs spell interruption if possible should be a 20-30% chance rather then a sure thing each time you could have that depended apon magery percentage of the person wishing to interrupt.

Now all for melee weapon balancing..

Happy New Years!

FH coming soon. Big Grin

Rabbi Isuhjoo Wrote:I'd say this game has a little room to be more WoW-esque.

Last time I checked UO came out before WoW....

On that note, MANY SHARDS had it that when you get hit you fizzle. That is one of the reasons why so many people complain about PvP in my opinion. What the hell is stopping you from getting hit with 4 FS? Nothing, at least if you can hit them and fizzle 1-2 of them, then you might have a fighting chance. What this would also do is entice people to use weapons more, Why? Well, you'd save your FS for the final blow if you knew they were just going to fizzle you if you FS right off the bat. In turn, this would make armor useful because you would not be wearing because of magery, but to take more blows from a weapon.

This would effect the economy because armor will be needed and weapons will be needed. Nuff said.

Dotjr Wrote:Last time I checked UO came out before WoW....

I'm well aware of that...that doesn't mean it can't take some WoW traits.

ehh do u mean any spell fizzles any other spell? that would so screw up the pvp.. i mean anytime someone casts an fs on u, u could throw clumsy on him to fizzle it.. i think some spells fizzle now when getting attacked, like recall..

Rabbi Isuhjoo Wrote:I'm well aware of that...that doesn't mean it can't take some WoW traits. point is that ideas like spells being interrupted when hit is a UO feature. Not originally a WoW feature. Anyway, that isn't the discussion. I want peoples idea. I personally would love to see this changed. It would make PvP so much better.

p!nk dr@g0n Wrote:ehh do u mean any spell fizzles any other spell? that would so screw up the pvp.. i mean anytime someone casts an fs on u, u could throw clumsy on him to fizzle it.. i think some spells fizzle now when getting attacked, like recall..

Yes that's right. It wouldn't screw up PvP because just because you cast the spell doesn't mean you are going to have the timing down. Trust me, I pvped on FH ( any of you guys back me up) and that is the way it was. You did not get a harm or magic arrow in. Usually if you missed you die. PLUS you will try to concentrate on healing because that person can run in and hit you again with a weapon.

not meaning to be rude, but that would honestly ruin the whole pvp.. some spells should be interruptable, but making fs/gheal/lightning interruptable would simply ruin it..

p!nk dr@g0n Wrote:ehh do u mean any spell fizzles any other spell? that would so screw up the pvp.. i mean anytime someone casts an fs on u, u could throw clumsy on him to fizzle it.. i think some spells fizzle now when getting attacked, like recall..

I mentioned % chance of fizzling spell for spell casting as a percentage chance rather then everytime did you bother to read that part? Gm mage could have maybe a 30% chance of fizzling someones spell.. otherwise its all magery for pvp.. or and maybe some bardich and elven bow...

Either way there needs to be end alternatives to just using magery in a pvp fight poisoning weapons would be nice although.. all I see on the bridge is little arrows flying and fs.. not exactly the players fault but the way the combat system is designed.. all in good time gentlemen..

Happy New Years!

FH coming soon. Big Grin

I really think it's a good idea Smile

As said, people would use more weapons, and a lot of shards were like this. They made the difference between the skilled players and the spammer ones.

People that actually has skill on UO has the timing to move away, cast spell, instead of staying in the same place spamming FS scrolls Smile

And to the guy who say this is a WoW feature.. rofl.. you didn't play UO a lot did you? Smile

Jimmar Wrote:I mentioned % chance of fizzling spell for spell casting as a percentage chance rather then everytime did you bother to read that part? Gm mage could have maybe a 30% chance of fizzling someones spell.. otherwise its all magery for pvp.. or and maybe some bardich and elven bow...

Either way there needs to be end alternatives to just using magery in a pvp fight poisoning weapons would be nice although.. all I see on the bridge is little arrows flying and fs.. not exactly the players fault but the way the combat system is designed.. all in good time gentlemen..

no need to get rude.. u think it's a good idea.. i don't think it is.. u put it in suggestions because you want staff to read it, but this is a (partly) democracy site and staff want to think what everyone thinks.. if noone disagrees they might take it into consideration and i don't want that.. this shard is supposed to be an in-roleplay/xuo-pvp shard.. xuo pvp wasn't like that..

k thx


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