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why is there so much staff but so little?

Galens Wrote:I mean come on, from what Odi told me, he built the Gingerbread house in less than 30 minutes. >.> Now how many hours are left in a day?

I dont know about you but i dont play every 24 hours in a day Wink Staff do what they can in their spare time. I know back on INR there were alot of pages i didnt answer because i couldnt... it might be an idea to atleast make contact with them though telling them a GM or someone who can fix it will get back to them.

Saintful Sinner, The Ministry

Galens, you should be embarrased of what you just said. The staff of IN:X do not have the obbligation of helping us. So instead of saying, its your job. You can say, thx for helping me or something like that. And it could be truth that there are no active gms, one of my pages didnt get answered in 2 days but still i appreciate them to help me.

[Image: 2cn76h2.gif] [Image: avatar20124_12.gif] If you liked my posted, dont forget to thank me Wink!

Best Regards,

Galens, you need to be banned from the forums for the health of the shard, seriously Big Grin

PD: I don´t mind you reply to me. I won´t Tongue

Galen is right. For all you people who go "you dont have the right to complain, they don't get paid for it" fine whatever, but it is THEIR JOB as they applied for that position. You could ask almost ANY player to staff and they would say yes straight away. Having a staff position is a privilege as well.

Gah i don't understand why people want to be staff.

Running around helping people all the time. Only fun thing i can see about being staff is being able to go "An army of monsters have been spotted outside x town! Come kill them" Or screwing around with players i.e RP'ing the voice of "god" for the ministry etc. Big Grin

But answering pages all day? .. Never in my life heh.

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Galens Wrote:Point is, you, the staff, have been slacking off lately, get your ass in gear. We got problems, we want/need answer, give them to us.

Galens weren't you taken on as staff? Why are you going on blaming them for doing a bad job? Get off the forums and go answer some pages if it's such an issue. Or did you quit after your 1 weak stint?

Something I don't get at all is you guys are saying there's no staff, then you go and list what you've seen each staff doing and you get all of the ones who are available.

Galens Wrote:Taran, it is part of every staff member's job to answer a page.

Not all staff are responsible for doing something ingame. Look at their job descriptions then say who isn't doing their job.

I don't like speaking for others, but here we go;

Nasir has explained he doesn't have a PC, he moved less then a month ago and thats the 2nd time in maybe 3 months. Cut the guy some slack.

Maka is going to University and also broke his PC. Maybe you guys don't realize it, but University is very expensive. So is living in your own apartment. Buying a new PC really isn't his priority.

Do you think the staff want to keep working at a job where they have 0 appreciation and are constantly being given shit?

ex 1:
Galens Wrote:I mean come on, from what Odi told me, he built the Gingerbread house in less than 30 minutes. >.> Now how many hours are left in a day?

Pretty cool place for 30 minutes work. Did you guys take the time to thank him? I didn't see a thread saying "Nice Work Odium" or "Thanks Odium". Instead I see people complaining.

ex 2: GM Pande makes a JOKE about telling people to relax by going to smoke a blunt and people *****ed about that for over a week. Pretty pathetic on the part of those people.

ex 3: Devs do a ton of fixes and I'm wondering where their thank you thread is. I wonder how many people wrote a "good job" comment in the weekley updates thread since the last one... *checks* 2 people did. I scrolled through a few pages and counted roughly 12 different people who have said "good job", or "nice update". And 2 of them were staff encouraging other staff! 12 out of aprox 150, not much appreciation there.

Starting to get the point?

Galens Wrote:The staff should work in shifts. At least 3-4 hour shifts at a time during a da. This allows the opportunity for a staff member to handle his own affairs, and still come back and work more on the shard.

You kidding me? I take it you will pay them the money they would make in 3-4 hours working at their different jobs?

Galens Wrote:I also agree with the pre response you just talked about. If a GM is busy, the least he can do, is tell other players to be patient, rather than waiting a substantial amount of time.

I've seen staff try that, something like "I'm getting to the pages now, give me a few minutes and I'll get to yours." or "Wait a moment please <insert name here>, I'm busy answering a page for <insert another name here>". The typical player response: "OMFG it's taking forever to get my page answered" or "I've been waiting 3 hours and you go to him first? wtf is that?". Ever think you weren't first in line? That's how a que works. First come, first serve.

Has your page gone unanswered? Maybe it's because the staff that's on doesn't know the answer, and if he says "Sorry, I don't know the answer to that, I'll leave your page for someone else", someone will say "What a useless GM, he can't answer shit".

Galens Wrote:But you need to start closing the holes in your head, and start opening that mind.

I was writing a nice answer here, but I just couldn't resist this quote. Close that big whole in your head; your mouth. You tried out for staff and now you aren't one maybe it has to do with the fact you turn around and b*tch about the work done by a team you were part of.

I could go on, but my message is clear; lay off the staff. They do what they can with the FREE time they have. They have no obligation to justify to you what they do in a day.

Galens may have been the one who wrote a lot of stuff, but I know a lot of people are thinking it so you're just as much as fault.

lol I definitely miss this hahahahah

Well said Eighty

And Galens, why does anyones personal information need to go public?

This is a signature.

Look, i know I'm probably one of the biggest A**holes on this shard but, even im trying my best to behave, why don't you all just give the staff some time and appreciation.. yelling is getting us nowhere. Who cares why Galen has a staff or not, no one cares if you speak in the voice of god, no one cares about you little kids fighting with eachother over the internet, post something constructive and useful, im getting fed up reading the same BS everyday, always *PVP SUX, SKILL GAIN TO HARD, TARANS A SLACKER, OMG I QUIT, I LOSE 20K* NOBODY GIVES A S***! OK? NO ONE! If you want to cry... walk into the corner of your room, mansion, shack, shoebox, watever you live in and cry by yourself, this isn't a consultant webpage, its an IN:X Forum. Shard's only in the Beta and already your acting like fools. Show some respect to the staff.

Bow Down To The ScareKing! jeje

[Image: scarecrowinxkd2.gif]

Well.. i could put in my two cent's to be added to alot of the mindless dribble that's been beat like a dead horse here... OR.... i could just post these pictures of kittens....

[Image: kitty2.jpg]

[Image: kitty.jpg]

Awww! Arn't they cute?

I am The Good Father Juan.
Qui Tac Concentrat * Those who are silent, agree
All are born to observe order, But few are born to establish it.

Fear is not knowing what is, it is wondering what for.

[Image: meph28lu.jpg]

hey!!!!! the second one looks like exactly mine omg!!!

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