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Fizzle when hit?

p!nk dr@g0n Wrote:1:
ehh do u mean any spell fizzles any other spell? that would so screw up the pvp.. i mean anytime someone casts an fs on u, u could throw clumsy on him to fizzle it..

Did you read the suggestion at least?

It wouldn't be EVERYTIME.. Spells only had a little chance of making others fizzle..

It's about MELEE the important change.. That would make fights a little more interesting..

But I think everything was said anyway

Smurtle Wrote:I could see the hits from a weapon being used to fizzle and actually would support that, but attack spells and heal spells being fizzled lower level spells doesn't gel with me. If you do that then you should make dragon's explosions fail your heal or recall also. It just doesn't relate strictly to PvP when you open that can.

Start with weapons and then progress.

Spell fizzleing would be across the board. If you're hunting mobs, if you try to recall out while getting hit, you'll fizzle, if a mage mob hits you with harm or magic arrow, you'll fizzle. Drags hit you, you'll fizzle.

If you get hit by any form of attack, you should lose your concentration, and fizzle the spell in my opinion.

Wholly Agree

Dotjr Wrote:Now it's just FS FS FS FS that's it...

if that's what u think you have no clue.. no clue whatsoever..
i bet i'd win 5 out of 5 duels against u.. that would prove this pvp is skillbased and not the least random..

Kreole Ragehead Wrote:Well it would not be so great if spells fizzled spells meanwhile if you fizzled when hit, now that would make a huge different and make warriors alot better.

dude on this shard u don't have to choose to be either a warrior or a mage.. on the contrary, almost ALL players are BOTH warriors AND mages..


Quote:if that's what u think you have no clue.. no clue whatsoever..
i bet i'd win 5 out of 5 duels against u.. that would prove this pvp is skillbased and not the least random..

When did I say it was Random? I never said this PvP was not skill based, however what I did say is that all I ever see is FS spam. It is very very very rare that I ever see someone use a proper weapon.

All of you think I'm just moaning and groaning. I am not, suggestions like this in my eyes will help. Unfortunatly no one else cares all that much because I very rarely see staff post in the suggestion forums, and I very rarely see a thread that doesn't involve "omfg stfu u newb" dragon, this isn't directed at you by the way, I'm just a bit ticked off on how inflexible everything is here... And it's unfortunate, I really thought this shard would be the shard I stay on for a while.

Dotjr Wrote:Spell fizzleing would be across the board. If you're hunting mobs, if you try to recall out while getting hit, you'll fizzle, if a mage mob hits you with harm or magic arrow, you'll fizzle. Drags hit you, you'll fizzle.

If you get hit by any form of attack, you should lose your concentration, and fizzle the spell in my opinion.

I disagree with the magery fizzing magery across the board. I do support the weapons fizzle.

Ganking requires nothing but tank mages, so that's all you'll see and that's all I've ever seen. The reason ganking is so one-sided is because of sheer numbers. Usually that's when I die- when it's more than three people and provided I'm not pinging so high as I usually do.

When four people FS you, yeah, chances are you're going to die. As I mentioned in another post, when we ganked, all five of us would just FS without harming or clumsy beforehand. One would take the reflected FS but the remaining for would be hitting at the same time. Bam, easy kill.

There's more to surviving than just changing something you don't like because, well, you don't live often. But I am in support of your idea for weapons fizzling the spell. I'd vote for it.

Meh, I'm going to give up this fight. Staff posted in this thread and pretty much put their foot down, soooooo I'm done here. It was a nice try eh?

Ive been playing Uo for a few years now, and on many different servers. Fizzling is Definately one of the best PvP features i have ever seen. It allows for a HUGE amount of strategies and tactics behind pvp, and does not make it random. In order to understand the dynamics and the possibilities behind it ill explain it using somethign more simple.

For example Boxing. Now imagine that 2 boxers come into a ring, and their main goal is what? Throwing the biggest punches possible to knock the other person out right? Well thats all and good but whats the other person gonna do? probably block the punch and counter. So now whats the idea behind the fight? the fighters are probably gonna start using their brains and thinking, how do i beat this guy if i cant just punch his face whever i want. Well he does that by timing his punches and moving his body to incorporate his new style of fighting. i.e Dodging, ducking, parrying and intimidating (jabbing to help stop his opponent advance.)

Now thats probably gonna make for a more exciting and strategic fight rather than 2 guys standign toe to toe not blocking hits, and whoever gets knocked out first loses, Sounds exciting i know.

Now how would this effect the style of pvp on this shard?
Well ill list some pros and cons, (feel free to add to this list if you feel necessary, also no stupid ones like. It makes it random, or i dont like fizzle cause i cant think while i spam FS.)


Strategic PVP

increased use of environment (using trees to avoid fizzle)

different combinations of spells. (i.e Poison & lightning)

More exciting pvp (Yeh i know dumping fs nonstop is fun but cmon.)

Melee stands a chance? i think this ones a given, hows someone supposed to roleplay a melee character if they cant even stop their opponent from dumping on their face. Resorting to every single character to be a magetank.

Skill: This ones probably the hardest for most peopel to accept, because this does add to a whole different spectrum of concepts and strategies that you fs dumpers seem to be afraid of.
Someone who has spent the time on the server to understand the timings, and the strategies behind this style of pvp could hands down take on 2-3 people (ive only seen 1 or two people capable of this, especially not myself.), yet at the same time someone who has no magery whatsoever still stands a chance against them if they understand the strategies behind melee vs mage tactics.


I honestly cannot think of any cons other than players who are already accustommed to dumping FS would have to change their style of play.

So now that ive listed the pros behind this idea, ide like to ask those who oppose it to come up with a list of cons if u can. Have fun.

I think making it so any spell would ALWAYS fizzle ANY other spell is stupid and people are right it would ruin the pvp, however if we added a chance based on things like Resist and Eval Int then it could be an idea... ie...

Gm Magery, 0 Eval and 0 Resist theres an 80% chance you will fizzle if hit by another spell.
GM Magery 50 Eval and 50 Resist theres 50% chance you will fizzle if hit by another spell.
GM Magery, 100 Eval and 100 Resist theres a 20% chance you could fizzle etc etc.

That way its not always a 100% fizzle chance and adds a bit more chance into it.

i find that fizzling spells in a 1v1 match is not a very bright idea considering the type of pvp Xuo has brought. Being an Xuo pvper for quite some time, i can tell you that if spells were meant to fizzle, no skill would be required in the type of dueling, the person that pulls off 2 fs and a light wins if the other guy fizzles his heals lol... *dumb*? The Xuo pvp was designed to be fast paced and meant to have people challenge themselves to think of a way to trick the other player into putting himself in a situation leading to death. Adding fizzles to this completly ALTERS Xuo pvp. It changes the pvp and makes it become a whole nother type of pvp that Xuo was NOT known for. Im not trying to post this because i am from Xuo but, i strongly believe that the pvp Xuo brought to this shard is absolutly perfect the way it was and should not be changed in any aspect. Maybe damage tweaks or the 3 weap hit limit like on xuo2, but only those minore changes... This game is not World of Warcraft and we should do everything BUT change it to suite that game, WoW is a waste of time and money, this is Ultima Online.. a completly seperate game. This is my input on the subject. Take Care.

Bow Down To The ScareKing! jeje

[Image: scarecrowinxkd2.gif]

ScareCrow Wrote:or the 3 weap hit limit like on xuo2

Mind clarifying what that means?

I hate to jump to conclusions but it sounds as though xuo2 tried to put a limit on weapons?

[Image: mariozl3.png]

Tabion, you are always into "war mode" against XUO, aren´t you? Big Grin

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