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Fizzle when hit?

p!nk dr@g0n Wrote:no need to get rude.. u think it's a good idea.. i don't think it is.. u put it in suggestions because you want staff to read it, but this is a (partly) democracy site and staff want to think what everyone thinks.. if noone disagrees they might take it into consideration and i don't want that.. this shard is supposed to be an in-roleplay/xuo-pvp shard.. xuo pvp wasn't like that..

k thx

Dont mind Manson, he has a mind of his own...

On the XUO comment. I understand that that is the style of pvp here, however I feel that maybe some changes should be made to enhance this style of PvP. Make it a bit more challenging then simple scroll/pot use.

Sick of arguing with people so heres a bold ****..


Happy New Years!

FH coming soon. Big Grin

I have waited and waited for someone to suggest this. The lack of fizzling is one of the reasons I cannot stand the PVP here. All it is is DUMP DUMP, HEAL HEAL, and whoever gets lucky with the hally and gets two good hits off wins.

Please enable fizzling of all spells, it adds so much more tactics to fighting. You cant just overpower someone with FS. Make Poison hurt you and fizzle you. This would make the PVP better.

Bottom line is we need to change something, server pop is dropping faster than jenna jamesons panties

I've only just realised recently that this is how it worked. I'd love to see it changed aswell. Where i've come from, mage pvp involved terrain in a big way.

Hiding behind trees, rocks etc... casting on targets then running round an object to get out of line of sight stopping the enemy to fizzle you, then coming out from the object to execute the spell just in time.. the current method seems to be down to how many mana pots/fs scrolls you can afford.

Yea, noobs can block you with clumsy or magic arrow, but so what? Deal with it, we used to. If someone was trying to escape spamming magic arrow, we used to run round an object whilst casting magic reflect, then paralyze, cast a quick wall/para field etc and finish the job. The possibilities in UO are endless, there are SO many ways to fight and SO many ways to get around things. The current systems seems to be limiting these ways dramaticly.

TAHT WIL RUIN PVP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

/irony off

Pink dragon.. everyone has the right to their opinion, and some guys might find this suggestion bad...

But at least explain why, because everyone here that was against only said:

"we dont need more WoW things"
"that will ruin the pvp"
"that will ruin the pvp because.. it will ruin the pvp"
"ey that will ruin the pvp"

If it REALLY would ruin the PvP explain why, because what it seems is that you guys are really afraid of sucking in a more skilled and thinking based game...

Xuma Wrote:If it REALLY would ruin the PvP explain why, because what it seems is that you guys are really afraid of sucking in a more skilled and thinking based game...

p!nk dr@g0n Wrote:ehh do u mean any spell fizzles any other spell? that would so screw up the pvp.. i mean anytime someone casts an fs on u, u could throw clumsy on him to fizzle it..

2: afraid of sucking? anyone who reads this: *slaps with a glove* u've been challenged to a 100k duel, WITHOUT unlimited supplies handed by gms..

k thx


Hey, respect, but... That´s not a good idea. I mean there are two possibilities:
- Spells like they are now, so magic resist doesn´t work at all.
- Enable fizzling, so magic resist should be tweaked, because PVPing without resist and spell fizzling is just a 4 years old kid game.

I don´t agree with the idea of spell fizzling, because if we play with magic resistance, we are relying on that skill our success to damage an enemy with magic. In the other hand, as we are playing now, without magicresist blocking spells, we are relying our success on our PVP skill! You KNOW that spell will hit the enemy and the enemy KNOWS that spell will hit him, so it is not a ramdom PVP. It is a strategy and skilly PVP Wink

PD: I was going to say... "It will ruin PVP", but I had energy to write a little more and argue Tongue Long life to XUO PVP! Big Grin

Having spells fizzle is not random PvP.... You have to know when to hit the person. Also you will use a weapon more. Now it's just FS FS FS FS that's it... what's the fun in that? The point of having spell fizzle is to get away from scrolls and potions. Someone can start pvping on this server with just GM mage and eval int. Whilst the other type will require you to have mage, eval int, tactics and a weapon skill, on top of probably parrying. If you don't have a weapon skill then all you have is mage and that isn't going to keep you alive.

Magic reflect will remain the same. There is always the possibility that someone has or put on magic reflect. That would add to the strategy.

Well it would not be so great if spells fizzled spells meanwhile if you fizzled when hit, now that would make a huge different and make warriors alot better. Wont say i want this though cause im done trying to change the pvp ill just adapt but im just sying its a half good idea.

Obviously a spell should be able to fail, if not it's just plain silly. Bring in some fizzling, yo!

Kreole Ragehead Wrote:Well it would not be so great if spells fizzled spells meanwhile if you fizzled when hit, now that would make a huge different and make warriors alot better. Wont say i want this though cause im done trying to change the pvp ill just adapt but im just sying its a half good idea.

Adapt ha..grabs some scrolls and some pots and join a crew.. gank fs for the win.. whoever casts more fs in a shorter amount of time wins!!!

Happy New Years!

FH coming soon. Big Grin

Dotjr Wrote:Having spells fizzle is not random PvP.... You have to know when to hit the person. Also you will use a weapon more. Now it's just FS FS FS FS that's it... what's the fun in that? The point of having spell fizzle is to get away from scrolls and potions. Someone can start pvping on this server with just GM mage and eval int. Whilst the other type will require you to have mage, eval int, tactics and a weapon skill, on top of probably parrying. If you don't have a weapon skill then all you have is mage and that isn't going to keep you alive.

Magic reflect will remain the same. There is always the possibility that someone has or put on magic reflect. That would add to the strategy.

Get away from scrolls and pots, even though they're quite popular and used on many shards? I can see people wanting that, but..........

Having spells fizzle is random. Someone mentioned a failure percentage rate. You still have a fail rate and adding another failure rate on the preceding failure rate, well, that complicates things. This PvP is random. Spell casting is random. There is always a chance to fail and often does when you want it least.

Getting a critical hit or a hit for 1 is random, so is scrolling. Healing out of it's also rather easy. Dying is also easy when you have no idea how to use scrolls or pots together.

Going four people against 1 is a bit of a suicide without line of sight aide to help you dodge the attacks. Recalling is your best option and that's for any regular Joe that plays the game. If you think you can take four people of a decent PvP background in the open with no trees or structures, you've got a rude awakening. Of course anyone can gank, but being effective and efficient is one thing. I see so many people waste resources and so many get away. I'm not sure exactly how you all PvP, but it must be terrible.

I could see the hits from a weapon being used to fizzle and actually would support that, but attack spells and heal spells being fizzled lower level spells doesn't gel with me. If you do that then you should make dragon's explosions fail your heal or recall also. It just doesn't relate strictly to PvP when you open that can.

Start with weapons and then progress.

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