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If you're not going to allow random talking.

This entire thread was completely inappropriate. If you have a complaint about a moderator, notify the admin, don't make an entire thread bashing him. Doesn't even matter what he did or didn't do. This thread should have been moderated by someone - i find it ridiculous that personal bashing and arguing between 3 players has gone this far.

[Image: Cole_Green.JPG]

Cole Wrote:This entire thread was completely inappropriate. If you have a complaint about a moderator, notify the admin, don't make an entire thread bashing him. Doesn't even matter what he did or didn't do. This thread should have been moderated by someone - i find it ridiculous that personal bashing and arguing between 3 players has gone this far.

Well i would of closed it but they'd just start another one.... and it was fine until everyone else joined in. me diabolical and smurtle kinda resolved things Tongue

Saintful Sinner, The Ministry

Smurtle Wrote:It's because they have a moderator who shouldn't be a moderator.

LOVE IT... also
Smurtle you pretty much hit the nail on the head. If there is something that Elcid don't like reading he just locks it.

General has Genral conversions in it. OFF TOPIC is for thread not about the game.. complete about something else...WHY IS IS CALL OFF TOPIC!

I'm that Crazy Muthaf*cka named Ice Cube!

I'm not sure why many people are still giving their opinions considering the issue was resolved and quite amicably I might add.

Oh noes Cole, the ridiculous police are comin'!

I mostly find it ridiculous that most people can't fight the urge to not post stupid bullshit like you did, Cole, that further allows more and more asinine posts, such as this one that's bashing you (but don't let your self-righteous good-guy mentality go to waste!). I mean, it is ridiculous, but you just can't shut the hell up and let the parties involved work it out (which I state again, amicably was).

So, thank you. Thank you for involving yourself a day late and dollar short when 90% of the posts here are from dumbasses making dumbass assumptions and dumbass suggestions along with dumbass responses and dumbass rhetoric.

I can't believe I wasted two minutes on a dumbass again. Sad

Smurtle Wrote:I'm not sure why many people are still giving their opinions considering the issue was resolved and quite amicably I might add.

Oh noes Cole, the ridiculous police are comin'!

I mostly find it ridiculous that most people can't fight the urge to not post stupid bullshit like you did, Cole, that further allows more and more asinine posts, such as this one that's bashing you (but don't let your self-righteous good-guy mentality go to waste!). I mean, it is ridiculous, but you just can't shut the hell up and let the parties involved work it out (which I state again, amicably was).

So, thank you. Thank you for involving yourself a day late and dollar short when 90% of the posts here are from dumbasses making dumbass assumptions and dumbass suggestions along with dumbass responses and dumbass rhetoric.

I can't believe I wasted two minutes on a dumbass again. Sad

I'm surprised you decided to describe me as self-righteous, when your posts are equally or surpassingly filled with passion and pride. I'm sorry i came a day late, i'm glad the issue was resolved amicably, but i do find it inappropriate to publicly rail on a moderator or staff member, and i thought it was inappropriate that the only reason Elcid put up with it was to prove that he's actually trying to be reasonable when the complaint against him was not expressed with that kind of respect.

Excuse me for expressing myself differently than you - i would like to think in a more reasonable way than you, and in a way that allows for more criticism than you. Excuse me and everyone else for being a dumbass and ruining your perfect string of self-contained truths. What is it that makes you so special, that you are allowed to assert your opinion without check?

[Image: Cole_Green.JPG]

Cole Wrote:I'm surprised you decided to describe me as self-righteous, when your posts are equally or surpassingly filled with passion and pride. I'm sorry i came a day late, i'm glad the issue was resolved amicably, but i do find it inappropriate to publicly rail on a moderator or staff member, and i thought it was inappropriate that the only reason Elcid put up with it was to prove that he's actually trying to be reasonable when the complaint against him was not expressed with that kind of respect.

Excuse me for expressing myself differently than you - i would like to think in a more reasonable way than you, and in a way that allows for more criticism than you. Excuse me and everyone else for being a dumbass and ruining your perfect string of self-contained truths. What is it that makes you so special, that you are allowed to assert your opinion without check?

People are treated reasonably when they act reasonably. Closing threads without asking, or warning of the content and it's tone beforehand is unreasonable- which unless the thread is a basic, blatant display of someone saying "**** you, you're a piece of shit. Die."

Publicly railing people is all you can expect when you give a young kid with an attitude an outlet to do so without any threat of real punishment.

Your harm, or self-righteous "come off" was, as I stated, was posting the crap you did. "I find this inappropriate. You shouldn't do this. This is ridiculous."

What did you expect when such freedom is given at the cost of nothing and no punishment?

My "Self-truths" you speak of are truths because I choose to recognize the reality of the situation and respond accordingly. I'll talk, philosophize, argue, or belittle with the best of people and worst.

I'll make the best and worst posts possible, but you're just an idiot if you think there's any rationale with a pissed off teenager on a message forum, and then act appalled when they do something they're so easily allowed to do or say anything they want.

Please. Make yourself a martyr elsewhere.

Eh, Cole. I suggest you follow my example and simply stop posting. There are too many ignorant people here, like Smurtle, to make posting worth the time of day.

Lindenwood Wrote:Eh, Cole. I suggest you follow my example and simply stop posting. There are too many ignorant people here, like Smurtle, to make posting worth the time of day.

Smurtle is one of the few people who say anything intelligent.

BloodyBubbleBath Wrote:Smurtle is one of the few people who say anything intelligent.

Smurtle does show pockets of intelligence, but his judgement, logic, and ESPECIALLY his maturity and reserve are usually overpowered by his aggressive and ****y attitude.

But, the fact that so many people look up to him, despite how many of his post lack reason and any sort of reserve, supports my case even further.

I don't need to justify my posts or attitudes to anyone, but I'll dabble:

Intelligence has nothing to do with this. Used those half-assed attempts at insulting someone elsewhere.

That seems to be the only insults that DO get thrown around here, more than the "pwn nub" shit everyone seems to talk about. These silly little stabs at no one being intelligent just because they choose to aggressively deal with idiots is a fleeting, losing argument in its own right.

Because someone seemingly shows a poor disposition, shitty attitude, or just plain aggressive nature has no merit for proving anything beyond some "Textual" display of mood.

It's funny. The people who I talk to in AIM, play with in game, the people in the vent servers and teamspeak servers seem to have intelligent conversations, discussions, or just plain chit-chat without so much a wisp of this shit you post (gee, I wonder why everyone acts so aggressively to you dumbasses and pussies from IN and XUO alike???).

Haha. Acting smart isn't the same as being smart, little guy.

And I'll edit this post for this one saying:

"I'm tolerant with those who are ignorant, not those who are proud of it."

Here's the big finger.

Lindenwood Wrote:Smurtle does show pockets of intelligence, but his judgement, logic, and ESPECIALLY his maturity and reserve are usually overpowered by his aggressive and ****y attitude.

But, the fact that so many people look up to him, despite how many of his post lack reason and any sort of reserve, supports my case even further.

It's a message board. When maturity is the requirement for surfing the internet, let me know. I'm sure they'll ban porn and all video games worldwide.

Stop being such a judgmental *****. You know very well if someone has merit for an intelligent response, I'll give it. I can't help half the shit you people post has a quality on par with a daft, drooling retard.

Smurtle Wrote:I don't need to justify my posts or attitudes to anyone, but I'll dabble:

Intelligence has nothing to do with this. Used those half-assed attempts at insulting someone elsewhere.

That seems to be the only insults that DO get thrown around here, more than the "pwn nub" shit everyone seems to talk about. These silly little stabs at no one being intelligent just because they choose to aggressively deal with idiots is a fleeting, losing argument in its own right.

Because someone seemingly shows a poor disposition, shitty attitude, or just plain aggressive nature has no merit for proving anything beyond some "Textual" display of mood.

It's funny. The people who I talk to in AIM, play with in game, the people in the vent servers and teamspeak servers seem to have intelligent conversations, discussions, or just plain chit-chat without so much a wisp of this shit you post (gee, I wonder why everyone acts so aggressively to you dumbasses and pussies from IN and XUO alike???).

Haha. Acting smart isn't the same as being smart, little guy.

And I'll edit this post for this one saying:

"I'm tolerant with those who are ignorant, not those who are proud of it."

Here's the big finger.

Haha, that was some "textual" ownage right there.

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