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Economy issues

take the gump away.

the afk mining rule just won't stop the fact that there will soon be lots of gm miners anyways. so just let them afk macro. they can't afk macro in Mt.Kendall becouse its dry anyways... and solution for the people who whine about afk miners... GO MARK RUNES TO THE MINES AND KILL THOSE AFK MACROERS = FREE INGOTS! (caps rules!)
lots of gm miners = lots of ingots sellers = armours for pvp'ers for decent price and they will actually use them... they loose them in fights, some people will get lots of them by killing people and they start to sell them... etc.

give tailors something they can sell... its 1 of the ways people has allways made money.. so why take it away.

make monsters drop around 100-300gp more.

make stuff for carpentry... like back at IN1 the stone and marble tables. that was good way to make money when people brought me the stones and i made tables + its nice deco.


oh and the fact that if we want to keep this place as PvP shard.. the current economy just won't suport it.

"Time is never wasted when you'er wasted all the time"
"Spanking Since 1982"
ingame name: Bart von Horst [SIN]

the game is old.. sure we all like to play it but still there just really isn't anything fun to do anymore when you have done it on the other servers like 100 times allready... and when you can't do stuff afk.. and you won't get profit by selling anything this are getting boring. most of us are at the age where we don't use as much time front of computer as couple years ago.

atm theres couple people who got lots of money but they have played alot and mostly they are the ones who allready had the skills to make the money or the people who got no life and mine all day. i don't blame them becouse i give them credit of doing the skills or mining so long and finding out the way you can make money... but not everyone wants to be just miner or scriper or where ever the people get money these days.

if there isn't medium way for new players to make money, they will get bored fast and they will change the server. i'v done it many times.. i'v only sticked here becouse all my old friends are here and there are couple things i like. money making isn't 1 of them anymore... and pvp dosn't really look intresting becouse theres nothing to gain from it... thats where the armour selling comes in. something needs to be changed.

"Time is never wasted when you'er wasted all the time"
"Spanking Since 1982"
ingame name: Bart von Horst [SIN]

kitehimuro Wrote:Perhaps make afk resource gathering in guarded areas illegal, just like it was on all the past IN servers. Those risking to gather outside guards and go afk risk getting massacred.

Actually all afk macroing should be illegal in guarded areas, that's basically skillgain handed out for "free" in a safe area. If that's the case why not make macroing available in the Pits, wouldn't that be more or less the same? ( Ok, not, since that's safezone, but since we don't have warring guilds yet it IS the same for now: no-one can kill you while you are macroing )

Agreed, I think this would be best to only have macroing in unguarded areas. If there was no gump why not just give everyone GMed crafting skills, it would be the same thing but without wasting the time.

Pande Wrote:I like the effort put into your suggestions Valas, but I dont know how adding some more craftables will help. People will still be hunting and crafting their weps. The only difference I think it will make is that the gold will shift from people hunting for it to the people who put together the rare weps. It doesnt fix the economy or slow down player incomes.

In regards to all transfers wether they are skill based, gold based, or static houses. These were all agreed upon and we took the best solution that was put forth. We worked out as many flaws as possible and tried to make it balanced for both sides. Please try to show some understanding for what difficult decisions we had to make between sacrificing the players we had on INR or XUO and the prospective players. We knew we would keep the INR and XUO players if we coaxed them into staying, but we couldn't predict the amount of players who would come over from another shard.

If you guys have problems stop b*tching about them and put forward a suggestion. B*tching doesn't help us improve the shard for you, suggestions do.

The craftables I'm talking about are the ones that require resources that need to be hunted for, not bought or mined. Our diamond katana for example required 100 diamonds and diamonds were taken off the jewelers so that we needed to hunt dragons for the diamonds. This would give money to the hunters, the crafters and the pvpers who hunt the hunters.

Valas [Vampire]

[Image: Opiatus.png]

Dear Taran, I know that sometimes u want to quit uo staff because its true boring hearing all the whines and complainings. i know cause i was member of a staff one time... so just calm Tongue

What i want to say is that why i have to try to suggest something... when no one is gonna support the idea or everybody is gonna flame me because half of the server want the idea, the other half dont want...

I told u this because i've never post anything in other servers in the forums i only played and i didnt try to help the server. Now after 1-2 years break of playing uo i try to make this server better, posting my ideas and what i think its not just etc...

I only have seen people whining, complaining and crying, and i know that u cant be at everywhere and i suppose u have a life outside of uo so its not ur faultm, but i havent seen barely the staff supporting nice ideas that i've read.. and that makes me sick also seen that people want to do harder the game...(just make a thread where probably will be the next implemented ideas when devs can do them)

I've been playing for more than 8-10 years uo so when i came to the server i thought it was a new shard with everyone new... then crap i saw that there were vet... i didnt like that but i accept it then i accept also the "hard things" of the skill gain also the economy that u dont earn any money when u use the tailor for example and the only way to get money from the start is mining and getting logs... that make me sick of course

Also i know that in In there werent any gump for macroing (i read that here in forums) so why are u making so hard for new people? sometimes i've think about closing uo and doing other things.. Also think that most part of the players have a life outside of here, almost i have it and if i play its because i like the game, but when i see more hard things than normal... that pisses me off. The slow skill gain, of course i dont want free items or free mounts but man, we are here for fun, not for suffer.

Its like not offend but In people want to suffer with the game instead of enjoying it... and Xuo want free things.. i prefer to be an xuo player... but here im trying to be an inx player but the only things i see is that vet can have all and newbs nothing, 250k for a guildstone, the static house they will be for veteran people, because they have more money, and they dont have to spend so much money like me.

sorry for the large post but what can i say Taran? Do u really think is just the treat that u are giving to the new people ( not only u, just because u are the admin, im talking to u) you say that 1k is not much for someone... but for newbs 1k probably is more than u think. how much blank scrolls i need for getting gm inscribe? the most important skill for pvp.

I dont want that u go out, or the server go to the crap, i want that the server have a nice player database and everybody enjoy is hard but u have to think a lot before doing extreme decisions.

Also there are a lot of trouble with tubs and mounts as they were some part of ur life... it doenst have any influence in uo... not for going with a golden mustang u will have 20% more chance to get a vanq weapon or gathering adamantium mine...
I said to put normal spawns of horses, llamas with stupid colours like basic red, blue,etc and very rare nice coloured mounts like ice etc which they will make the economy of tamer survive. that will make the server have more colour. but thats my opinion, also i said to put bods but some people said no... i dont know why because its just something that will make
funnier to craft...

I dont feel like posting suggestions when i know they will be flame as i said, just because some people will like to suffer other not and they dont see that this is just a game in which most people have more than 20-22 years, and have a life.

Ps:Sorry for my english.
Ps2: i hope u understand what im trying to tell u.

just dont give up and get fun
see u

I agree with those who've been saying take away the gumps and allow afk resource macroing. I believe it will help the economy.

Don't agree with it.
The problem with the economy is that no one wanna buy armors from the smiths. Since in PvP you don't have to wear a armor since the PvP is based on scrolls and not weapons. Add some AR based spells, so players actualy would have to wear armor, then the miners can start to sell there ingots to the smiths, and the smiths can sell armors to fighters. Then we will get the flow of cash going.
It's not a question about AFK gump. The AFK gump is there to prevent evryone from doing AFK mining, lumberjacking etc 12 houers a day. Cause that would serious **** up the economy.

Need pots or stangs drop me a PM, i got it all.

Ingame char: Es [SIN]
ICQ: 334254966

Shadok Wrote:Don't agree with it.
The problem with the economy is that no one wanna buy armors from the smiths. Since in PvP you don't have to wear a armor since the PvP is based on scrolls and not weapons. Add some AR based spells, so players actualy would have to wear armor, then the miners can start to sell there ingots to the smiths, and the smiths can sell armors to fighters. Then we will get the flow of cash going.
It's not a question about AFK gump. The AFK gump is there to prevent evryone from doing AFK mining, lumberjacking etc 12 houers a day. Cause that would serious **** up the economy.

I dont really think u know so much about pvp... u also need weapons in pvp just try to kill me with spells, or try to kill someone in pits with scrolls and without a weapon lol, impossible? if u have seen some pvp, nice pvp they always use weapons.. so what can i tell to u?

2º There is no economy now on the server so why i have to spent 50k in a armor? most part of the server is new people, if they dont have any income, dont think that they are gonna spend all in armors.
Its difficult to earn money so just dont try to people spend a lot, thats impossible. Are u a veteran player? dont get mad if i ask that but it seems me that.

3º Your solution about wearing nice armors its quite ilogical, just because not so much people here plays 24/7 hours a day for spent so much money in armors, do u want that no one will pvp? because too much people when they will see someone attacking him, and if he is wearing a nice armor he will ran so it will be worse, ur solution than the illness.

3º ur only solution is about mining and smithing. thats completely sad, for me and all the post that i ve read about u, probably im wrong but i have only see u saying things to be harder the game, as u like that the game is hard not looking the nice things for everyone.

Shadok is completely crazy ¬¬ Don´t worry about his posts, you´ll become crazy aswell.

Diabolical Wrote:I used to be positive on this forum, but after all of my post to help better the shard were ignored and flamed, all I can be is negative and truthful.

It's kinda hard when I said like 2 weeks ago what was going to happen is happening and I tried to give some insight on how to change it and I got flamed, it's really hard to be positive.


you and scare flamed eachother most others just didn't agree with you
not sharing your ideas isn't the same as flaming ok?

the real problem with afk resource gathering is that it becomes much more cheap and easy to gm mining/blacksmith lumberjack/carpentry
when the majority of the shard has gmed crafts the skills are worthless in making money

i figured prices would go down but aparently ppl have much more money that i thought. a good amount of players with transfers started with skills and cash and they are the ones that set prices, some aspects of this shard were set up for the new players ie loot so we have rich players setting prices for craaftables and vendors selling things to cheap

resourse gathering should be illegal
the only thing to do now to help would be to get the rich to spend there money and thats why we have 600k dye tubs (good idea imo)
mabye offer some other special items for high prices (non craftable) so that the rich will spend there cash and get recycled through the shard

aside from balancing things like the arrows and scrolls, making armor worth having (if it cost more to make than the vendor sells for its wrong!) this economy will balance itself over time how much time depends on how much money was transfered, once the new players catch up it will be balanced assuming the little things are fixed

I really like Galen's post. Between the character transfers/money/statics, that is what has made the economy so bad so soon.
And I especially like the part where he said about how we've all played previous shards, and people like me had to start from scratch.

I don't mind starting from scratch at all, but it's more than a little discouraging watching all these transfered guys running around with the upper hand.

Okay, I spoke my mind about that. Now suggestions:

Just let people afk resources. That will help a lot. It's not going to make the economy any worse than it is, it will just allow some people to catch up.

And I personally think you should be able to craft weapons out of colored ignots. Let's face it, that'd be sweet.

Make the carp and blacksmithing skill gain a little faster. I don't mind working hard to gain skills, but it's not worth the resources to do it. We have those select few GM Smiths, and it shouldn't all revolve around them.

Make armor have some actual effect on the game.

In the supplied tournaments. Give people a certain amount of potions and scrolls per fight, or something. Unlimited stuff is ridiculous, and it makes things boring. Scrolls are too big of a part of PvP. In fact, they're the biggest part. No one even casts Greater Heal or Flamestrike from their books anymore. It's made spell books pointless, and they should be far from pointless.

Excuse my language, but take out that stupid ass ****ing WOP command. My god, I've played soooo many servers in my time on UO. I played back when it was Greyworld, and I've never seen something as lame as the constant spamming of dumb shit. It's annoying, and uncalled for. All it does is lag and distract. People shouldn't need to out spam someone to win a duel.

That's all for now. If I have more, I'll post later.

Oh, another thing. You can leave the gump, cause its not a big deal when you're at keyboard, honestly. But when people AFK resources, they risk dying. Dying from either the gump, or from getting PK'd. When they die, they lose the resources they obtained in that time.

And trust me, people do die while afking resources. Just let them die and lose their stuff, that eliminates your problem right there. Who cares what their mining skill is? So they don't have to pay 500 gold for one freaking ignot that is useless anyways, so what.

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