Xuma Wrote:Nah, I don't want to remove weapon to cast, skill cap, nothing like that.
I would like to see some variety, only that 
As I said, weapons should be rebalanced.. Everyone uses the same.
Armor will be fixed, but after that, everyone will use Plate.
I know that it's a pain in the ass to balance different kind of armors, and maybe it's not worth it, so I will not even talk about them.
Some other skills could have more use, like poisoning.
WoP are spamm at the moment, maybe putting some cooldown would make it really a skill based thing 
Let's wait till everything is fixed now, and maybe after we can suggest and test new things like weapon type abilities and stuff.
I'll give it a try the way it is, but I really hate to see people naked spamming scrolls 
Firstly, weapon abilitys are aos, this is a pre shard, even though i would love being able to use disarm as being a experienced puremage aos pvper i dont think it will happen.
Secondly, poisoning indeed is useless atm, but if its made to strong you will descide any pvp match with who casts and hits the first poison.
So if you would want poison to be usable in pvp, you need to adjust casting caps so you will be able to cure poison faster. Just a idea.
Im not saying change the caps to aos standarts, i mean the cure spell.
That would make poison more effective and enhance pvp alltogether.
Here is the overview:
Poison should block bandage/magic healing.
cure removes poison depending on its skill/type (w.poison can be dp, magic can be greater poison at gm with a chance of 50/50 from normal poison)
Damage can well stay as it is since poison is more of a "block heal" skill than a skill to damage.
Lastly, changing armor strenght is a very stupid idea, it will create upward balancing and unbalance pvm.
I think that its a good idea if staff did think about weapon skills and poison/cure editting, but i dont think it will happen as long as its pre oriented. Well, poison might, since its a pvp enhancement rather than a gameplay adjuster.