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A newb town

How will a lot of newbs benefit from the experienced players helping if no experienced players can get there?

Is a noob town a real necessity? Because I don't believe newcomers are having a hard time developing their characters at all. I know I didn't.

As they say, if you don't need it, why bother?

PS: I love Cove, don't you dare to limit it's acess! Besides that, lots of people visit or macro in Cove. Oh, and the orc villagers were a nice touch, also.


Jerek Stormgard ----> HE'D SLIT HIS MOMMA'S THROAT FOR A NICKEL!:icon_twisted:

i played in an italian shard where cove was the newbie town
you were forced to go out asa you reached journeyman rank in any skill
you were forbidden to pk
you were forbidden to macro away.

it was smaller and has an active PC guard most of the time.

it was wonderful, expecially in that server where you were pked almost everywhere...

i think cove as a newbie town would be extremely wonderful to get the right feeling..

edit: there was a guild: the [Cove] guild that were the only non-newbie allowed to enter there
their task it was to give young players advice on the various element of gameplay and newbie things...

Nemo Wrote:And yes u can leave and come back if your still within the like 2 week period.

put some training dummies add a mine in that rock mountain leading to orc fort on the other side that way noobs can mine, Fish at cove docks,
plenty of trees around cove to lumberjack and if that mining cave is added to orc fortress they have a place to hunt.

Its a nice place where all new players with low skills can commute and hang out and be protected from pkers and such dangers.

Played Obsidian have you? Tongue

I like having new players and old players together, I like being able to meet new players. As it is britain has tons of new players and Mt. Kendall always has young players too. Why separate them? I see no need when the towns are already guarded.

Selling Forges and Anvils, 15k Each, 25k for both.
Selling Looms and Spinning Wheels, 15k Each, 25k for both.
Selling Water Troughs, 10k Each
Help me help you, contact info in my profile.

Kreole Ragehead Wrote:Played Obsidian have you? Tongue

hehe that was my server for many many years

Big Grin It worked out beautifully there and i would love to see it here because all in all Obsidian being the bad server that it now is still has some great stuff in it.

[Image: untitled1copyyb3.png]

Nemo Wrote:hehe that was my server for many many years

Big Grin It worked out beautifully there and i would love to see it here because all in all Obsidian being the bad server that it now is still has some great stuff in it.

Absolutely, thats where i started 7 years ago and been playing on and off since but 10 people online average just dont do it.

But yea as you say they got some thi9ngs that are really good such as the newbie town.

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