Murphy Wrote:If you actually take the time to read what has been written you'd know why the staff team are tired. I'd rather think that the staff team is happy when some one calls you out for what you are, a ***** made, ball lacking, get laid needing, ***** ass whiner. How's that for intelligent words?
Wow, you must be a mind reader. I lick balls, need to get laid, and am a ***** ass whiner. Did you come up with those h4dc0re insults all by yourself? Or did your kr3w down at the playground help you?
Murphy Wrote:You claim to support the staff team and the original idea of the server, yet, every post you make, you complain. You made the "enlightening" poll about PvP and what to do to improve it, but you didn't even take the time to add any real suggestions.
How were those not "real" suggestions?
And I supported what was implied to be the original idea of the server. However, I have yet to see much that resembles what was implied. However, since you have read that poll, I am sure you can also see that more people voted in my favor that changes needed to be made. Not only was the number of people who agreed with all three suggestions greatest, but an even greater total percentage felt that some changes did need to be made. Also, judging by the few responses, those who agreed with my suggestions, agreed with the exact way I put it, and not some lesser variation.
Murphy Wrote:2/3 of your suggestions have been announced to be implemented, the 3rd about the scrolls was pretty ****ing horrible and stupid.
I know they will be implemented. However, to what degree, we don't know. Secondly, according to the poll, half the shard is horrible and stupid for supporting that idea.
Murphy Wrote:You didn't make that post to get the over all feel of the server, you made that post for the same reason you make every other post, to spread your tears. To me it seems like you are trying to force the administration into doing what you want, so that you get get it all your way, and you try to do it by being as annoying as possible on the forums.
Actualy, I am trying to get the administration to listen to the players. Maybe you didn't catch that, despite the poll, and my last post.
Murphy Wrote:So really, before you turn all innocent and go "I was just explaining bla bla", how about start contributing to the community, instead of ruining it. If your issue has been addressed, and if it has gotten attention and been confirmed, stop ****ing bringing it up.
You're right. Im Ruining this community. Im bringing the whole shard down.
Murphy Wrote:This server isn't all about little woody, who got unfairly treaded, cause magery was set to a more acceptable rate for newbies.
Haha. I didn't get unfairly "treaded." That didn't affect me at all. Heed your own advice and go back and read what I said. Here's a clue, though: it wasn't at all about how I was "treated."
Murphy Wrote:To me it doesn't really matter, but profanity does indeed help to describe what I think about you, no word like an emotional one.
I think that proves me right. You don't have the intelligence or lexicom to think of any better insults than what you've learned from Rap and your friends at school.
Murphy Wrote:So please, stfu and do everyone a favor, make this server a happier place. I'm not responding to your useless dumb ass "joor zpelling and w00rdz suck, joo stoopid" posts no more, even if this is therapeutic.
**** you very much.
Hah. If you find getting yourself all worked up and e-cussing someone out, then you've got problems. Really.
Murphy Wrote:do everyone a favor, make this server a happier place
That is exactly what I am trying to do.