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Roleplay city

I would also have to agree that the idea of a player run town for rping is great, I will definitly start saving money for a house towards one. I was watching two people try and have a conversation at brit bank while some naked ******* stood next to them spamming "OMFGPWNT" I never played on either xuo or IN. fact of the matter is some people like pvp some like to rp, rping is talking however so when someone is spamming over and over so you can't see what one another is saying....its ****ing annoying. I don't want any special treatment for rpers, but its hard to enjoy rping when shit like that is going on right in front of you.

Flame on

I wish you guys could all have tried RP on a strict RP server...The environment is so much different, its like a completely different world.

Not just who can click the fastest type crap.

I love the strict RP shards I played on, and I do not see a problem with Roleplayers making their own area at all, and I do not see why GM assistance is a problem due to roleplaying items being given out for RP. Might as well add some fences, and make the environment that much better.

maka Wrote:Actually, if I remember it right, most role players said no to the idea cause they didn't want to be separated from the "world". I think some even felt like we were trying to "put them away in a box". But obviously, if that has changed, I'm still for the idea. We could make a wonderful RP environment with the OOC filters and a few more tweaks, we could also use another map for it as some of the towns there look really great.

If you guys want this, I'll make it a priority to fix the thing around it so that it becomes a possibility and a joy.

This is a great idea, i think there should be a area we can all go to rp, with OOC filters and such, but I think it should work something like this:
You come to this island or town, whatever it may be, you RP, with a storyline and factions, guilds and best friends and enemies, taverns and you name it. you leave this island, do whatever you want. if you want to go to brit bank and say "l33tz0rz'd j00" then who cares, dont do it on our rping grounds. other then that, i think that it is awesome

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