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Why the Taming system is flawed.

Well we can't really make it more random than that if it's automated, since the mounts could end up inside houses etc.

Skorpion Wrote:People under 50 taming shouldn't really be able to tame a stang at all. It should take them like 3 or 4 hours at 50. Like 6 to 9 hours at 0 taming. Something like that. That is how it worked on sphere and that is why people actually trained taming.

lol no, that's not why people actually trained taming.. people trained taming because there was a bug where you could do it afk..

I don't think a person with under 50 taming should be able to tame a stang period. It is completely unfair to anyone who trained this skill up. I mean seriously, so what if it takes someone 8 hours to tame it at 0-30 taming... thats easily done overnight after you gate the stang somewhere safe.

They should all be protected by monsters to some degree too.

People who earned taming should be able to make a profession out of it. People with low taming should not.

As for the range, it only takes 1 minute to track 1000 tiles if you run in a large circle around the general area of where it spawns. Isn't there some way to make it spawn at a new location after it is tamed but keeping the same timer?

[Image: mariozl3.png]

u cant gate rides.

Id prefer completely RANDOM spawn points, That way the true devoted Tamers get the rewards.

Allanon Wrote:Id prefer completely RANDOM spawn points, That way the true devoted Tamers get the rewards.
I agree.

[Image: sigpic786_3.gif]

Quote:ol no, that's not why people actually trained taming.. people trained taming because there was a bug where you could do it afk..

Dude are you an idiot?

We couldn't afk train taming on IN:R, do you know how much magus worked for that crap? Dude I would see him everyday getting all excited about gaining a full point in a day or two, Thats ****ing Devotion and hes earned the fruits.

i agree that someone with <50 taming shouldnt be able to tame rare rides. For some rides on IN:R, if im not misstaking, you would need >80 taming. and the skill was so hard to train most people didnt bother. The few ones who had >80 like Magus, really deserved the 50-100k gold for a rare ride.

makes me sick when people want everything to be so easy and handed out for free..

and also, they should spawn randomly in the world.. but like once a day at most.


So yeah.

You're in a guild, aye?

I'm sorry our guild works together.

Maybe you're guild shouldn't suck.

If you're not in a guild, find one.

I hardly think it's fair for you to whine because of teamwork.

P.S. That's a much better Deamon Stang tactic than I had... mine required two people, one with a newbied sword that was deadly poisoned... you would have to run in, hit them, die, have someone rez you outside... wait for poison to wear off... repeat. The whole ordeal took quite some time and a lot of dead Gaea's.

There needs to be a way to macro taming if you are going to make it impossible to tame rares now.

Kano Wrote:Is this thread serious? You're upset because a guild is camping a spawnpoint and taking all the rides that you want. Umm... lol? Go do something about it. There's nothing wrong with the system just because you don't have spawnpoints "to yourself". Props to SIN or wahtever for finding the spawnpoints before anyone else. It's their right to camp them.

You've got the medal for the most retarded answer to a post, next time try reading it before please.

By the way, I think mounts should spawn more regularly, as it is very ugly to ALWAYS ride those shitty bought horses, i really hate them and cannot dress properly because mounts are impossible to find.

Hmm, interesting.

I do agree with the post saying that the spawns should be random around the world. I dunno if this server has the "You do not have enough skill to even think of taming that." for lower taming characters, but it should.

But at the same time, colored mounts are trammy items when made so rare. You'll never see them out of town, which is 1 bad thing about them. Every once and awhile you'll see someone run around with an ugly color mount out of town, but that's it. You'll never find a player with an elite color running out of the guards.

Basicly what I'm saying is, it's just a horse. If they maybe increased movement speed, or evasion or something based on the color or animal it'd have more purpose, but it never will, so it's just a ride to make you look cool. Smile

Never will I understand paying 20k+ for a trammy item, no sir.

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