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Carebear server, PvP server and RP server in one

Of course...

How often do you heal (both HP and time wise)?
What weapon are you using?
Are you using a shield?

I am definitely against pits runes at dungeons.

The only consistent positive effect that I'm hearing from adding pits runes is convenience. If you had never played on a server with them this wouldn't be an issue. Once you get used to them I can understand that not having them can be frustrating. Jakko's argument that we want to make the game challenging not frustrating is understandable. But the only reason that not having pits runes seems frustrating is because you are used to them. The idea of teleporters everywhere to pits irks me a lot I'm sorry to say.

People constantly complain that it takes 30 minutes to walk to a town from a dungeon. If you actually did it, it would take you 3 minutes. I actually walked alongside someone to a town to show them how quick it actually is. You're complaining that it is a frustration and an annoyance, but that is what death is. When you die you should be required to make some effort to be alive again. Adding pits runes everywhere ruins the atmosphere of the world. Instead of traveling to different places, in a large world, you're simply entering gates and recalling on runes.

The world is a vast place and I hate that only small areas ever get any traffic. I'm not saying we should all be spread out and there shouldn't be any hot spots, but I really want people to explore the world and learn it and see it. Someone mentioned that this is frustrating for a new player but exploration is part of the game. If you don't know how to get to and from destard and its closest town, how and why are you hunting there?

Personally I'd prefer players didn't only know what the entrance to dungeons looked like but actually knew how to get there. I'm not saying all players who are used to pits runes don't know the world, I'm just saying it highly discourages it.

It is really only a matter of convenience, but being that convenient lowers the value of death, there is little penalty for dying in that case. After saying all that, I think maka's idea is a fair compromise. However I think pits runes at dungeons should have a delay larger than the decay rate of a corpse. It is possible to run to a town and return and save your corpse if you die, but if you choose the easy and lazy way and step on the pits rune you should be giving up your corpse to do so.

If pits runes are added I believe it would be fair to add guild banks as well.

I don't even like the idea of a duel pits, to be honest.

I agree with Vulcan. It doesn't take THAT long to walk back to a town to resurrect. And -if- a player decides that it's too annoying to do so and logs out then obviously UO is not his type of game. :doubt:

"He's fire and ice and rage
He's like the night, and a storm in the heart of the Sun
He's ancient and forever
Burning in the center of time
He can see the turn of the Universe"

Smurtle Wrote:I don't even like the idea of a duel pits, to be honest.

Same, but i do hope they put in guild banks atleast. I mean what would be the point of having a guild house with no bank. None of the members would ever be there expect when macroing afk, ever having a chance to do guild raids, suit up together and go pk. I wouldnt mind is banks cost like 250k ( or even more ) if we could have them.

Vulcan Wrote:When you die you should be required to make some effort to be alive again. It is really only a matter of convenience, but being that convenient lowers the value of death, there is little penalty for dying in that case.
If pits runes are added I believe it would be fair to add guild banks as well.

I disagree with that, the games about being alive, and once your dead and have to walk back constantly that creates inconvienience/frustration.

Vulcan Wrote:I think maka's idea is a fair compromise. However I think pits runes at dungeons should have a delay larger than the decay rate of a corpse. It is possible to run to a town and return and save your corpse if you die, but if you choose the easy and lazy way and step on the pits rune you should be giving up your corpse to do so.

That would be retarded. Straight up.

Vulcan Wrote:If pits runes are added I believe it would be fair to add guild banks as well.

I see no problems with guild banks, they used to have them back in the day, but it should be setup that only certain people can use them... Maybe only the owners of the house.



Jakko Wrote:All these changes would, on one hand, make the risk less. And the recover-time shorter. (I wonder what is wrong about a shorter recover-time, I don't think it has anything to do with carebear servers)

It isn't about the shorter recovery time, it is about taking a shortcut. Why not just make a custom map with everything all scrunched together... The world is a rather nice size and it should be utilized, not skipped over.
Also as other players stated, when you go to an island to hunt you take a risk. This is why you get to use 2 stuck options a day and that is more then enough.
Guys I know some of you want simple hunting and straight interaction but by adding such features it really limits the world. Back in the day you used to be able to find people roaming in the woods and those were fun fights, as well as a change of scenery. That might not directly pertain to this situation but it certainly has an indirect effect on it.
But seriously why do we even need pits?

On a somewhat related note, I think entrance to the pits or exiting should cost 12 gold Smile

[Image: mariozl3.png]

Seriously... I re-read some of the posts just to get an idea of where everyone stand and how many and something occurred to me. You guys supporting pit runes at dungeons make it sound like you die 100 times a day. Unless this is the case then I cannot understand where you guys are coming from with this. I hunt once a day at least, depending on time allotted, and I have only died once. I have hunted in every dungeon except for deceit and still only died that one time. That is not me saying, I am a godly pve'r it is the complete opposite. When I hunt I am doing other things as well, I never just play or devote myself to one single task. How is it that I can pull multitasking off while hunting and not die but you guys seem to die every few minutes? (thats how you make it sound to me)
This shouldn't even be a huge discussion... you die and you go do your whole ritual of re-equipping and ressing... There is always a chance to lose your stuff or to gain the belongings of someone else who died... isn't that one of the great things about uo?
Yeah yeah its annoying blah blah... maybe if you find dying to be annoying you should just camp a blue town and stay neutral. It is part of the game and so is the whole after effect of dying and this should not be cut short.

[Image: mariozl3.png]

Silverwolf Wrote:I disagree with that, the games about being alive, and once your dead and have to walk back constantly that creates inconvienience/frustration.
whats so challenging always being alive?


Rofl honestly this post is going nowhere, you guys have the same defense constantly, its like you read what someone else wrote and re-write it in your own way.

I'm done talking about this issue on the forums, the staff has read it and said they would go over it again and I hope they make the right decision for the long run. Explaining things to certain people is like teaching a new born how to run, it takes a little time to get through to you.



Silverwolf Wrote:Rofl honestly this post is going nowhere, you guys have the same defense constantly, its like you read what someone else wrote and re-write it in your own way.
Actually, its both sides. Everyone who is in favor if the pit runes seems to want everything to be more convenient. It could literally be summed up in one phrase: "I want everything to be more convenient."

On the other hand, the argument of those opposed to it can also be summed up in one phrase: "I want to keep the value and original feel of the game."

I personally think that the pit runes are a lame idea. I don't have anything else to add that isn't subjective, so I wont. I would also defend the playstyle that the shard was supposed to be based on, but I no longer know where the staff stands on this.

Tabion Wrote:Seriously... I re-read some of the posts just to get an idea of where everyone stand and how many and something occurred to me. You guys supporting pit runes at dungeons make it sound like you die 100 times a day. Unless this is the case then I cannot understand where you guys are coming from with this. I hunt once a day at least, depending on time allotted, and I have only died once. I have hunted in every dungeon except for deceit and still only died that one time.. That is not me saying, I am a godly pve'r it is the complete opposite When I hunt I am doing other things as well, I never just play or devote myself to one single task. How is it that I can pull multitasking off while hunting and not die but you guys seem to die every few minutes? (thats how you make it sound to me)
This shouldn't even be a huge discussion... you die and you go do your whole ritual of re-equipping and ressing... There is always a chance to lose your stuff or to gain the belongings of someone else who died... isn't that one of the great things about uo?
Yeah yeah its annoying blah blah... maybe if you find dying to be annoying you should just camp a blue town and stay neutral. It is part of the game and so is the whole after effect of dying and this should not be cut short.

i think jakko said that monsters should be more of a challenge.
i dont see taking a substantial amount of time and mabye even implementing some strategy into it (hunting) as a tedious task

however, walking what seems to be forever or waiting 2 minuites to get back to a city is tedious and annoying imo

and one more thing quite a few hunting spots take some time to back track anyway and you face danger throughout, as far as i know were only asking for pits runes at the entrances only not around every corner

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