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Carebear server, PvP server and RP server in one

Invis pots are a stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid thing to add. If you do that you might as well add total manas!

I make plenty of valid points and people are just anxious to shoot them down and call them carebear. I posted on thing on one post, and Lindenwood has to take it to another level. SO, I gave it back. It was all in fun but a lot of people here can't seem to take a joke because we're, I think, still segregated. Joined by name, but we don't act integrated whatsoever.

It's sad. You'll jump at any chance to challenge what I post.

Moving on.

What's the problem with using the runes more than once?

I don't see any problem. If someone camps the dungeon, which I plan on doing, kills you twice. That's it. Game over until you've paged to have help. The paging to be moved to a town because you've died, no matter the cause, is a poor use of GM resources.

The runes are provided so people of walks can access dungeons, have a chance to get out, and have a chance to go back if they die. It's not carebear to assume you can go anywhere in the world.

It'll create much more interaction because more people will be apt to go there if they know they can leave. It doesn't make any easier if you die on the third level at the foot of a dragon and rune on a pits runes, go into a town, resurrect, go back, and try and try again.

There's nothing sissy about that. I don't think a lot understand the use of the word carebear.

Getting a house given to you is carebear. Giving you skills is carebear. Getting your R/R item back is carebear.

There's a lot of REAL reasons to use that word, but to help out players, RP, or PvP oriented alike is not a "carebear" thing to do. It's a promotion of interaction and diversity among hunters and Pkers.

We would see more interaction in dungeons I think with the ability to go back as many times. For all we know, Destard could be the next Ocllo or next Trisnic.

Yeah but this eliminates stealthy tactics and a challenge, not to mention the decision on trying to run back to town after a res or to try and be quick but stealthy all the way back to your corpse. Which is very possible 4/5 times.
Also if someone or a group of someones kill me in a dungeon... why would I want to rush back if they beat me? There is no hurry for this since I am sure my corpse was looted dry. BUT if I do decide to go back and try to defeat whoever killed me and die again... why would I go for that third attempt. People normally cut their losses rather then contributing to them.
Just as an added note, if for some reason this is added I think the decay timer should be lowered. It already provides enough time to walk to town, res, grab a bag of regs and recall back, for most dungeons anyway. If I am not mistaken and the timer is 10 minutes for decay, this includes destard.

And smurtle, is calling something stupid 4 times your explanation of a valid point? You just through a hissy fit because you don't agree with something instead of stating why... this is what I was trying to explain earlier. I personally think they add an extra factor to the game, limits the use of other pots a person can use (timer wise) while you fight them and is easily canceled out with detect. So why is that stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid?

[Image: mariozl3.png]

I went to watch a movie at 7 yesterday and fell asleep...when I woke up I saw this. I'm just at page 3 but I saw something that made me want to post.

What I want to say is that I do not think that this is an IN vs XUO topic, but it might become one, due to the differences in the servers. If you want it to be an INX topic it kind of requires us to discuss from our point of view that isn't entirely just our own, but the "shards".

And now, I have not discussed this with the other staff mebmers, so I really have no clue if it is "ok", but I figured I would post it to add to the discussion.

What does INX think about having a pits rune, that only works for dead people, that takes lets say 1(-x) min to use?

Since I have not spoken with the other admins yet, I have no clue if this feature is "carebear", or goes against where we want the server. It is merely a suggestion to spark a discussion.

Thanks maka, for staying in the topic in despite of the tone that some people are using.
It is too bad that some have to instantly yell carebear, or feel this is an XUO vs IN topic. It's clear that in despite of the differences in background, most players also have a lot of fun playing together and meeting new people.
Your suggestions seems like a good one to me, as it only targets the people that do get stuck or lost, and not everyone else.
What's best about this shard is that staff and admins like yourself care about what the playerbase thinks and that you're open to suggestions and tips. This makes me think in the end will all be okay, even though it is impossible to please everyone.


If detect is so easy tabion, then the pots are negated by that. It's just cheaper to run, and while running pre-stage your stealth or hide. I thinking having two options to hide already are enough, such as actually casting invis and stealth. If you were to have them, have the pots take just a bit more mana, say 1-2, than casting it if you use it.

I make plenty of valid points.

And no, calling the the invis pots stupid wasn't a valid point and they weren't part of the subject so why discuss it? That's why I called it stupid. We can leave that to another thread.

A timer wouldn't be a bad idea, but I think one minute is a bit too long, maybe 30 seconds, maybe 15. I still think just a teleport to the pits and then the ability to go into a town and then back to res is awesome.

From all of my years playing, this has never affected the gameplay, far as I'm concerned it helps it. It helps newer players who don't know the map access to their goods and body if they die more than once.

Tabion, you dying and not going back is your choice. Everyone wants the choice to go back, I'm sure of it. You wouldn't have to go back if a gang of four people dropped you, chances are your things are gone- but to the novice player, they might want to at least TRY. Cutting your losses may be your prerogative but it's not everyones' and nor is mine. But the chance for all to do it isn't a bad idea either.

The point is the ability to try for some. Even if that's the most they'll use it for.

I don't think it will be detrimental to the gameplay. It's not a "Carebear" thing to do either.

Here is why it's not:

Player interaction could be increased. That's what we like as a whole anyway.

Everything transfered, skills, etc. aside, how does this actually affect the PvP or economy? It doesn't. It doesn't change the spell timer nor does it change how much gold you can get.

There's no REAL reason not to, aside from the headache that could come to some players. There's nothing worse than wanting to hunt on an island, but you've died too many times and now you can't leave. What's the point? It can cause dismay in some people and they'll just say "F-it" and log off. That's not what we want.

Interaction. Quicker access to people and dungeons which equals interaction. No real downside to PvP except the increased chance of seeing someone, maybe more than once. No affect on the economy. Big deal you can die and go back, die again, or actually get your loot.

And lowering the timer on a 10 minute decay? If you want the shard to be impossible for some of the newer players, you're going to adversely affect it by doing things like that. The PvP is pretty sound and so is the economy.

Aside from some bugs, it's great and the kinks can almost work themselves out as time goes by...You don't want to make it annoying.

You want it fun and accessible to all.

I was about to post this in my topic, but seemed that a few posts came in between.

Jakko Wrote:[SIZE="6"]The shard should be offering challenges instead of annoyances.[/SIZE]

This has nothing to do with me agreeing or disagreeing with anything Jakko said, but that is more than an excellent point. I wish we could come together as IN:X players and discuss the issues maybe everyone finds to be an annoyance rather than a challenge.

That is very true. It's just a little annoying when a lot of things suggested are called "Carebear" and then bashed to oblivion.

This doesn't mean some Xuo kids haven't had their share of being dicks either. I'm a natural, egotistical male who always thinks he's right. But when I'm wrong I'll admit it and I will call people on their bullcrap.

The carebear shit has to stop and so does the stereotyping IN people into some blunt, dumb RPer category also.

But, both sides have to amicably do this, otherwise it won't work.

The best way to settle this whole dispute and to find middle ground, is to have a private, player developement team. Honest people, willing to help for the better of the shard's RP and PVP balance. Perhaps a few people from each group who have shown their wit without losing their cool, or being obnoxious to the forum and its members.

*If this ever went through, DO NOT pick me. I don't want the stress*

Smurtle Wrote:It's not carebear to assume you can go anywhere in the world.

You're right, it isn't. Oh wait! It is, if done by stepping on a rune, no-risks-involved. You SHOULD be aware that when going alone to a dungeon that's on an island, you risk getting stranded. That can be annoying, but noone forced you to go in the first place. Don't want to be annoyed? Don't die on an island.
I'm all against giving players a red-carpet access back to thier corpses every time they happen to die. If that happens, we should as well as make towns safezones and add travel-stones everywhere.

"He's fire and ice and rage
He's like the night, and a storm in the heart of the Sun
He's ancient and forever
Burning in the center of time
He can see the turn of the Universe"

The PvP and RP isn't the problem. It's the pit runes.

Having a "player development team" won't cure anything. Most of the GMs have been playing a long time, maka especially, so they know fairly well of what is to be said.

This is why this post is here to get our insights on the pit runes and their affects or adverse affects when concerning the shard.

I, for one, think they're a great attribute and can promote a lot of interaction and less annoyance and more fun as a whole- all of which I explained earlier.

kitehimuro Wrote:You're right, it isn't. Oh wait! It is, if done by stepping on a rune, no-risks-involved. You SHOULD be aware that when going alone to a dungeon that's on an island, you risk getting stranded. That can be annoying, but noone forced you to go in the first place. Don't want to be annoyed? Don't die on an island.
I'm all against giving players a red-carpet access back to thier corpses every time they happen to die. If that happens, we should as well as make towns safezones and add travel-stones everywhere.

You're comparing apples and oranges and being a dick about it as well.

There's nothing "Carebear" about having access to your stuff or the ability to go back and forth to a place you like without having to page a GM the second time you die.

"Don't die." Way to be proactive and promote a sensible discussion.

This is what I'm talking about. Bullshit, sardonic attitudes like yours when anything concerning the shard's development and future takes place.

Want to be a "real man?"

Take out the ****ing duel pits and any travel device whatsoever.

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