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My Encounter With An Idiot!!!!!!!

Oh shit, i expected a good story out of that thread's title, now it's just stupid... "OMG I was noobing and another noob came to noob it with me!!"

He had been calling me various names including a noob. I have played IN for years upon years. Other UO shards aswell. I am no noob to the system. As for silverwolf. Please, don't follow me all over the forums just because you have insecurities.

Galens Wrote:I was recently in the noob dungeon training my skills when I saw a fellow training what seemed to be parrying, healing, tactics, and swordsmanship. He had 4 monsters around him. I needed to milk monsters for money. I was all decked out with my copper platemail, using an accurate hailberd, which later became accurate hailberd of ruin when a lucky monster dropped it for me. I went over to kill the zombies and ghouls, because as you probably know, they drop decent gold starting at the very beginning. Ranging from 50-80 gold. Keep in mind this fellow had a knife! I had a hailberd. I killed the monsters, only the ones I stated. Took the gold and left. He then proceeded to follow me and call me all sorts of names along the way *****ing about how I stole his money. I kept leading him into the second level in hopes he would get chopped up, but alas I was disappointed. I even hid and walked a couple tiles to trick him up. He eventually came back.

The final encounter was more hilarious than anything I have ever seen in my life on IN.

I told him
"If you want your money so bad, come and get it BOY!"

I laid out single pieces of gold into a trail behind where I walked. He got occupied with fighting so I kept trailing all the way to the dungeon exit. I then hid near the exit so he would think I left. He walked up to every gold piece and picked them up and saw them leading out. HE RAN OUT!! I was like NOOOOO WAY. He couldn't possibly be that stupid. HE DID! I was so suprised and amazed that "I" was the noob. That was a priceless moment for me.


Instead of flaming you, I decided to give a few tips.

1. Do not use 6 exclamation marks in your topic title, that many exclamation marks are usually only used as a joke. When it is serious it instantly makes the poster hysterical. (that would be you)

2. Do not use capitals like in "I was like NOOOOO WAY" unless you are extraordinary angry (in which case it still makes you look bad) or something extremely big/important happened to you. (which is SO NOT THE CASE(see what I did there?(man these brackets are annoying)))

3. Do not make a post about a lamer on the server. There are so many lamers on the server, that if we would all make posts about them this entire forum would be about lamers on the shard. Then we could actually rename the forum to "Stories about lamers", which is an interesting idea if you think about it, but then if you think a few seconds more it's just very lame.

Does it agrivate you that I TyPe WIth DifFERent capITAlizED lETters? People understood my post. I thought the situation was so funny to myself, I would make it an important matter for all to see. People enjoyed it. And my emotions cannot be determined by the size of a letter.

GO watch that music video LOL

Its about someone saying something funny and he starts singing

I'm typing I'm typing I'm typing LOL

But I'm not laughing!

Please do not find petty things about my post to argue with. And for a bit more of information, I could have given this person's name out, but I didn't.

Use common sense.

(I liked the first post, your a little weird but I liked it)

Are the admins really allowing such horrible threads to clutter these forums?

Hahaha, yeah I know how fun it can be to do similiar things. Great story.

Jakko Wrote:Do not use capitals like in "I was like NOOOOO WAY" unless you are extraordinary angry

Now this is getting really ridiculous! What you just wrote has nothing to do with what would be considered as "correct grammar". It is simply your invidual understanding when someone writes sentences with capital letters. When I read his sentence "I was like NOOOOO WAY", I imagined him leaning backwards in his chair while laughing out loud, while he just could not belive that the guy did what he did. This is still the way I think he felt, and if it was, he expressed himself perfectly!

Jakko Wrote:3. Do not make a post about a lamer on the server. There are so many lamers on the server, that if we would all make posts about them this entire forum would be about lamers on the shard. Then we could actually rename the forum to "Stories about lamers", which is an interesting idea if you think about it, but then if you think a few seconds more it's just very lame.

This is not just a post about a "Lamer", this post includes a funny story that will give many people a laugh! Just read the comments in this thread, and you'll see that many appreciated this story. And when/if you reply to this post, I want you to write a funny story about one of these called 'lamers'. I'm not saying I have to find it funny, but I want to see people replying that the story is funny and appreciated. Time to prove this thread is simply a thread about a 'lamer' that everyone could have done. (PS. I'm really looking forward to this DS.)

Jakko Wrote:1. Do not use 6 exclamation marks in your topic title, that many exclamation marks are usually only used as a joke. When it is serious it instantly makes the poster hysterical. (that would be you)

Hysterical? I would rather use the word "excited".

Silverwolf Wrote:That story was stupid, and waste of everyones time, gg.

This story was brilliant, and did for sure lighten many people's day.

Silverwolf Wrote:Maybe we can make a section on the forums that has "waste your time reading something I find funny" and have Galens post as our first.

A more proper name would be "Read something funny". Everyone with a common sense knows that humor is something very invidual. Everyone with a common sense knows that a 'funny' story cannot please everyone, mainly because humor is something invidual. But then I do not assume you have a common sense.

[Image: sigpicc123.png]

This is funny, if you dont like it then dont read it

aim: umba111
yahoo: deadbi_misociety44
msn: [email protected]

Silverwolf Wrote:That story was stupid, and waste of everyones time, gg.

Maybe we can make a section on the forums that has "waste your time reading something I find funny" and have Galens post as our first.

If you dont like it dont read it... and its not like you can talk youve posted plenty of shit through out the forums. Rolleyes

Kyo Wrote:This is funny, if you dont like it then dont read it

Couldnt have said it better myself.

But still, cut the crap if you children cant play nice, dont play at all. Wink

Saintful Sinner, The Ministry

These are the best IN forums yet.

~Zorus, Tallmen, Garm, Syn, Senteil, etc IN1
~Seven Locks, Syn IN:R

~Admin Syn, Damien, Mary Jane - ONO
~Syn, some other random names - XUO
~Syn, Dodge Omni Turbo, Mary Jane - Navid1aUO

EVE Name: Slaquer ...sold my old account ;/

Kyo and Elcid, hehe. It's kinda hard to know if you like it or not before you have read it.

[Image: sigpicc123.png]

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