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Any one remember me?

after i read wiegraf's post i read something funny so his post slipped my mind (happens when you are skimming through the forums very fast and have other things to get back to.) oh and elcid, i know it was just an example but i doubt he came back for me since i never played IN and he did :p

oh i forgot to mention this; tabion, we will see how much you like me when im the staff ingame answering all the pages, addressing players concerns and hosting more events then anyone else

GM Pande

Pande Wrote:oh i forgot to mention this; tabion, we will see how much you like me when im the staff ingame answering all the pages, addressing players concerns and hosting more events then anyone else

Is that a threat? Sounds like a threat... Or maybe you were saying that you will give me extra loving in game to make me stop disliking you or something along those lines. Either way I can't help but feel that what you stated is a little corrupt. No shocker there.
Listen kid, I know you are having fun by posting useless comments everywhere. I understand that is how you pass the day away. The thing is though, I enjoy making fun of people who are dimwitted and ignorant.
So here is the deal, I will not stop you from posting and I will continue to post whatever I want.
Sounds pretty fair, right? Well indeed it is.
I will say that I am sorry that I always end up picking fun at you... its just that you always seem to be setting yourself up, posting rediculous things and being very narrow minded. I see it elsewhere with other people but I just figure as a member of staff you should maybe... post something intelligent once in awhile. Maybe I have missed a post like that though, maybe you have said something worthwhile somewhere, maybe.
Anyway, this really makes me wonder how old you are kid. I am going to guess 15. I am generous like that.

Golly gee this is fun.

Tabion Wrote:Is that a threat? Sounds like a threat... Or maybe you were saying that you will give me extra loving in game to make me stop disliking you or something along those lines. Either way I can't help but feel that what you stated is a little corrupt..

He was just saying that you may not like his way of talking or acting at the forum, but you'll probably like him as a staffmember in-game, answering pages and hosting tourneys. :] I see no corruption in that, and it wasn't a threat ;p You can like or dislike Pande as much as you want, I don't mind, but I just wanted to make it clear that we do not have any corruption in the staffteam what-so-ever, and we do not "threat" our players ;p


Yeah, I wonder where you got threat and corruption out of that. Pande is one of the most devoted and working staff members on this team. He, tiesto and mito are the ones that most likely will highest online time. Ginz will also do a lot of work I'd say, he is one of our best beta testers.

Would be great if we could drop the hostility, I really do not like seeing staff members being harassed like this.

tabion if you feel you need to discuss my behavior on the forums when i make a silly, fun having comment now and then, feel free to pm me and ill address all your concerns. the other staff and i don't need you suggesting that i am corrupt, or am threatening you.

and don't call me kid. just because i try to have a bit of fun doesn't make me 15 or mean i have the mentality of a 15 year old.

GM Pande

There was no hostility in my post, just for the record. I realize it is hard for some people to detect sarcasm over the internet but thats all it was so everyone relax.
As for me calling you a kid... welp I don't see that stopping as I call everyone a kid.
I do not have a "problem" with you Pande, I am merely stating my opinions on certain topics. Of course there is another reason I post this way, we will see if anyone can figure it out:p

Anyways, I think that most of you would realize by now that I am a sarcastic ******* but I don't get aggrivated at anyone online. There is no reason for you to gang up on lil ole me. This just merely started out as pointing out the fact that staff complains about topics going off topic but set no example for the players. If anyone gets offended, I do not care because people shouldn't take anything online to heart or even care at all.
You kids need to calm down. If players can post this way to other players then why can I not do the same to a staff member. Establish some rules for the forums and I will follow them, if this is such an issue, but until then I suppose I will continue posting however I want or I will get banned. Up to you kids.
Everything I post has no reasoning or hatred to anyone, so relax. Go do drugs as you the staff have suggested.
Having fun yet?

who gives a **** if he didn't say hi... who gives a **** if he went off topic? you made it even more off topic by bringing it up and *****ing about it you ****ing smart ass. if you had just shut the **** up life would of gone on.

maybe you haven't realized this in YOUR 15 year old mind, but who the **** wants to spend their time working somewhere where people just piss on em. keep up the *****ing over nothing and the staff won't put time into this shard for thankless complaining ****s like you.

Someone Please Turn The Obscenity Filter Off I Wanna C All Those F U C K 's On My Screen I Need Itttt Fuccccckccckkk

[Image: dextermorgancq0.jpg]

Eighty Swords Wrote:who gives a **** if he didn't say hi... who gives a **** if he went off topic? you made it even more off topic by bringing it up and *****ing about it you ****ing smart ass. if you had just shut the **** up life would of gone on.

maybe you haven't realized this in YOUR 15 year old mind, but who the **** wants to spend their time working somewhere where people just piss on em. keep up the *****ing over nothing and the staff won't put time into this shard for thankless complaining ****s like you.

How is this helping? By posting here you made it stay off topic. The very thing you complained about.
How is life not going on? Has my posting here haunted you so much that you cannot continue on with your life?
Do you really think the staff would stop working on this shard because of me? Do I really have that much influence? That was actually kind of flattering, hinting that IN:X revolves around me and what I do or say.
I love how you attempted to say that I have the mindset of a 15 year old by cursing as much as possible, quite adorable. So I was wondering... if your not doing anything this weekend... maybe we can... you know, hook up or something? I have a thing for pmsing, underage boys. Though in accordance to Megan's Law I have to inform you... eh nevermind. See you at 8pm on Saturday in the park. I will bring candy.
*hugs and kisses*

Eighty Swords Wrote:who gives a **** if he didn't say hi... who gives a **** if he went off topic? you made it even more off topic by bringing it up and *****ing about it you ****ing smart ass. if you had just shut the **** up life would of gone on.

maybe you haven't realized this in YOUR 15 year old mind, but who the **** wants to spend their time working somewhere where people just piss on em. keep up the *****ing over nothing and the staff won't put time into this shard for thankless complaining ****s like you.

Ok lets calm down.. *throws some ice to Eighty*. Chill Wink

Oh **** it, please Tabion, make mankind a favour and shoot yourself straight between your eyes. If we gave a shit about those stupid things, when something really hard happens what should we do? suicide?
As i said before, please, suicide then the forums will be calmer, you do not bring anything here apart from stupid arguing.

SombraX Wrote:As i said before, please, suicide then the forums will be calmer, you do not bring anything here apart from stupid arguing.

I really hope people will see the irony in SombraX post, haha... Sombrax, ok, and by that you mean you bring something to the forums other than stupid arguing? - Yeah, right!

[Image: sigpicc123.png]

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