Thanks for taking the time to read my novel Shade, but after reading your replies I don't think you took the time to understand what I'm writing because in your mind the solution is house decay so you dismiss my suggestions right away... I know you're busy and I can understand and appreciate that. I don't mind waiting a week for you to answer me, but at least answer me after you have the time to read and understand or consider what I'm arguing here... The way this is going there's no point to anyone, even you, discussing it because you're refusing to see the other side to the argument. This is a closed minded discussion :/
Shade Wrote:I don't know what the big deal is about this... you are making a big friggen stink about something that is not a big deal.
The big deal is that it's not all the players who even want or see the need for this. It's about a 50-50 split among the player if you look over all the posts.
Furthermore, what makes it such a big deal (at least to me) is the fact that you're considering implementing an idea that will completely wipe out all the time someone spent with us on INX working for those items and gold to buy their house. Did you ever consider that some of the people who haven't been playing lately are just waiting for us to get out of beta and then they will be back? There's no reason to punish these people because they're waiting for us to get out of beta. I know that's not the case for everyone but I'm sure there are a fair amount of people that fit into that category! Well kudos on screwing these people over by deleting their houses and items on them.
Shade Wrote:1) This creates more work then is needed. Not only would we have to check all the existing houses and log them for reference purposes, we would have to constantly update that log, check for houses that people don't bother to get approved, check new houses that people actually did post about, etc. Even if we changed the housing system (which is a ***** to do actually) people could still place empty lots all they wanted and I don't think any staff wants to hop around the world like an idiot looking for them. Sure we could add a new logging method for housing but that just eats up system resources. All in all this idea is a waste of staff time as well as unfair to players considering you are suggesting that they need to babysat even when making houses...
If there's SOOO much worked involved in mainting this, make me staff and I'll look after this menial task that is too lowly of a job for other staff...
Here's yet another attempt to explain my suggestion. And to be honest it's getting really annoying to explain it over and over because people don't take the time to read and UNDERSTAND the whole suggestion. You can't just look at 1/4 of the suggestion and dismiss it all...
My suggestion wouldn't have to be repeated every other week, it's a 1 time thing for
existing custom houses, and the other parts of my suggestion would take care of all future custom houses. Remember what I'm suggesting only takes effect for CUSTOM houses, not the classic ones so it's not quite every house in existance that has to be examined.
Step 1) One time a GM goes through
existing custom houses and removes the ugly ones. AND FOR F*CKS SAKES READ WHAT I MEAN BY UGLY! IT'S SERIOUSLY ANNOYING HAVING TO REPEAT MYSELF OVER AND OVER WHEN PEOPLE DON'T READ... a house saying HI in colored tiles is USELESS!! I'm not talking about deleting a house that has sandstone walls instead of marble walls... That's designer's choice, not a useless house!!!
Step 2) Change custom houses so you have to be a GM or higher to finalize it. - This makes sure that all future houses aren't useless and will serve a purpose.
Step 3) Make a tweak so that houses have a timer and once this time limit is over if the house isn't finalized a staff member receives an automated message saying check out the house at co-ordinates x y z. You talk about my suggestion taking more work, well this part of the suggestion has to be done anyways; a timer set to self-destruct the house after x weeks/months.
Shade Wrote:2) Who is anyone to say what is ugly or anything along those lines. You said have the staff team vote on it but someone might make a house that has no value or meaning to anyone but themselves. I have seen people recreate houses that used to be near their old house elsewhere for a nostalgic feeling. Again, you want to put too much regulation and limits on players for no damn reason as well as waste staffs in game time.
Like I said before and again a few lines above this I'm not talking about a house that has sandstone walls isntead of stone walls, that's not a useless house. I'm talking about a house that serves no purpose. Don't clasify them as ugly if that makes a difference, call them useless.
ANd are you kidding me? I barely see GROUPS of houses as it is and I really don't think anyone is making 5 houses around theres just so it looks like it did 5 years ago... If you're worried about item count putting a strain on a server, then unused houses put just as much a strain and this should be restricted.
Shade Wrote:3) Work 16 hours a day, only play an hour a week? 80 don't care, tick tock!
What? Please refrain from answer me in a non sardonic and cold response... I have no idea what you're getting at here...
Shade Wrote:Stop suggesting limitations and pointless rules.
You do realize that society is nothing but rules and limitations? Sure, let's get rid of the speed limit because it's a limitation or pointless rule that stops me from getting to my destination. Oh wait, don't tell me... there are rules on INX too... oh snap, we better get rid of those...
Shade Wrote:4) Another suggestion about limiting? How shocking
Please refrain from answering me in a non sardonic and cold response... This really doesn't help us come to a solution...
Shade Wrote:Look even if there was a limit that doesn't fix a damn thing. Eventually, without decay, the world will be full and there is no arguing that fact. Houses add up and rarely get removed. If the playerbase doubles so does the house count, and if those players leave their houses don't thus accumulating the house count. You don't seem to understand that eventually all land will be taken up one day without decay.
I agree with you, there has to be some kind of measure against useless houses but I don't think at this time or within the next 6-12 months the necessary steps are to go from NO regulations to full on automatic house decay and loss of items.
Shade Wrote:It doesn't matter what you think a player needs and doesn't need. That isn't up for you to decide. If they want to blow their money on some houses, who cares? As long as they are active and participating in the shard let them buy all they want. Granted there may be a maintenance fee for excess houses but it still wouldn't be putting a limit on anyone.
Alright fine, lets say I agree with you 100% and house decay has to be implemented tomorrow. I'll be sure to run around placing USELESS houses all over the world just to block people from putting a house there and other then my main house I'll only visit these once every 3 months... Same problem that we apparently face today: no free space.
Shade Wrote:All in all this is starting to annoy me. You are arguing something that won't effect existing players and it has like a 1% chance to piss of someone if they return one day. Meanwhile it would make several players happy, not just the ones who posted here but the countless pages and queries about places that are taken by players who quit.
You said in one of your posts that I'm only thinking of the current moment and not down the road... Well this house decay issue will exist our present playerbase when they want to take an extended break. You're awefully fast to turn your back on someone who spends x amount of years here but then wants to take a break for a short time...
When was the last time people in favor of this idea actually ran around for more then 5 minutes and tried going to different parts of the world to find a space for their house? If you did you'd see there's actually still plenty of space for a house. And not everyone wants to buy the 1 million gp castle that covers a huge area. Some people just want a tiny 1 room house or that tower at ~360k. Don't tell me it's impossible to find a place for these houses...