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Your opinion on loots and monsters (help us!)

well they were mad when i got there... are you saying theres someone going around molesting goats? I'd be mad too, they arent even catholic! Definitely looking in Paulie's direction though ;D

I'm not sure how the new loot system works, but all monsters might have to respawn or die first before the new loots are in.
Unless someone has done that already.

well i did kill quite a few of the ones at titan fort, so like maybe 6 titans including respawn and quite a few of the ettin and ogre lords. Honestly it doesnt feel like anything is different from the previous loots.

Jiraiya Wrote:well i did kill quite a few of the ones at titan fort, so like maybe 6 titans including respawn and quite a few of the ettin and ogre lords. Honestly it doesnt feel like anything is different from the previous loots.
I don't think any of the monsters you said there (besides Ogre lords in the bottom of your post) have been mentioned, so chances are that you might be right about what you saidTongue

I'm not sure though, we will have to wait for shadeTongue

Well I did just about change every monster we have, though some changes will not even be noticeable I don't think. For instance I may have added an extra 50 max gold to some things, lesser creatures like ettins, just so they might drop more then they used to. Personally I wouldn't notice it as a player but looking at the script it stands out to me now :p

As for ogrelords, they definitely got a boost. Titans did as well but again theirs isn't too noticeable. What was mainly defined with mid range monsters, like ogrelords and titans was their chances at additional loot. I would say you may have to kill about 40 before you see what you could really get from them at max.

In any case, I am not saying I am right with the adjustments but just wanted to let you know they were changed. If you wouldn't mind, you can fill out maka's template for those monsters (I know you did a few already) with your experience with them and we can see if they still need more adjustment. Just keep in mind that killing ogrelords for 4-5 minutes and killing an xtreme dragon in 4-5 minutes shouldnt be the same as there is more risk involved with the extreme. Especially considering the fact that ogrelords can be provoked.

I really appreciate the feedback, it is helping us out a lot Smile

yeah but you have to factor in that when your killing an extreme, its just the extreme there, i dont have to worry about 6 other monsters all attacking me while trying to provoc or ev/bs. Thats probably the biggest factor in why its so simple to get 4.5k each extreme with so little effort.

I mean yeah, a lich lord or ogre lord is provocable and easier, but when theres groups, and there almost always is, its just not worth the extra time and trouble.

But you are thinking in the moment now, you dont thinking in the future...

With 12 players on you dont have any risk on xtremes, but when the server get more players be sure some one go be there at xtremes and he can be a pk, so you going to get risk.

I prefer Alzheimer than Parkinson. Better forget to pay the beer than pour it all.

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[Image: Love_Tent_Map.jpg]

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Yeah i talked to shade about that in game and he made the same point. With a big playerbase they'd be pvp hotspots and not farmable like they are now. But the idea I thought was to really improve drops across the board to bring other monsters up to par with extremes for gold as they are now? And also I hope to put in some interesting stuff like crystals into the loots? It sorta feels like there is this big gap, you get tons of ruin and might weapons, defense armor, etc. Then nothing all the way up to power and vanq which only ever drop off a few monsters which take a hell of a lot to kill. Which is fine for vanqs, but wheres all the force and power weaps? I've only seen a handful drop, but got tons from THunts.

Killed a few more monsters.

Elder Gazer's I'd say are almost perfect, maybe like 200gp more to make them 1500~? Right now they are 1100-1200 but the ones i killed dropped weapons and gems, also a young treasure map? Kinda wierd.

Crystalized Golem was 1 shoting every bs as soon as it landed, killed ev's near instantly, had some crazy wierd hp loss patterns? When it killed an ev it seemed to drop like 1/5th hp instantly. Very strange. Maybe I'm unaware of some tactic to these? Anyway it dropped like 200 gold and some iron ore, and an arcane gem? This prolly needs fixed, those things should be worth at least 2k, i mean they cant be provok'd, and the gem is unusable currently?

I have no idea why that golem dropped an arcane gem... but they don't have super loot because they have other reasons to be killed Smile Also archery is the way to go when killing them, I think they can auto-dispel.

Weapon and armor drops are really different now, for the better, and that is why the loot system took so long to implement. Right now a dragon has a chance to drop might to power, and it didn't drop powers before, it barely even dropped force? It also has a chance to get quite high accuracy levels.

awesome maka, no i never got a force off a drag, i think i got one off a demon of some sort once. One of those slayer/lord of the *****. They also used to have a small chance to drop vanqs which i thought was cool but kinda obsurd cause of how easy they are. I was killing them tryin to get a fs wand and got a vanq :/

I'm gunna do an hour or two today if I have time killing drags and ogre/ettin lords to see what kinda stuff will drop. I'll post what I find.

I was thinkin and another thing you guys could possibly do to help increase the money supply for hunters is raise the vendor buy value on magic weapons. You could do this and then as the population increases lower it gradually back to what it is now, obviously with a bigger population there'd be more people to actually sell weapons to. Right now theres only about 5 types people will buy and they must be +20 or more power or vanq. People of course still buy the custom weaps especially the bows.

Killed a bunch of ogre lords and ettin lords, the ettins were really pretty disappointing. Easier to kill but only a few hundred gp, just not worth it yet. Ogre lords were average 1500, found very few weaps or armor from either.

Killed a bunch of drakes and dragons, they were ok, found no weapons or anything off the ones I killed but plenty of gems. They averaged 1400 gold or so but with the gems probably near 1600. Drakes are of course super easy so they were fine at 600-800g.

Still feels like not too many weapons or anything are dropping off normal stuff. Killed about 8 extreme drags. As usual just gold and gems. So I went and did the Destard Guardian, he was well worth the extra time and effort, around 10k gold, a +15 power axe, gems, fort leather armor. Thats a good boss.

Gunna try out skeletal drag and ck, some of the other hard ones and see how it goes.

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