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Lederoil Wrote:LOL, your mainchar was not banned! you deleted it because you're stupid!

yeah regret what I've done because my char was banned i didn't delete him I'm not retarded but i did lose a lot of shit

Rabbi Samild Wrote:I blame George Bush, the economy (destroyed BY George Bush), and those muther fockers from Pakistan (probably) that just took a shit on Mumbai, India.

George Bush has virtually nothing to do with the collapse of the dollar. The fractional reserve banking system as utilisied by the FED, and which has spread to nearly every bank in the world through the IMF and world bank, is designed to fail. Download a pdf of Modern Money Mechanics and see for yourself.

Currently every economic problem is a direct result of a banking system which increases the money supply irrespective to goods and services. We're at the end of a near century long bubble. By 2015 the U.S. will no longer be able to afford the interest on the national debt, this is unavoidable if people dont start to catch on quickly to the scam. People use money every single day and never question for a second how it was made, where it came from, what gives it value.

Andrew Jackson shut down the national bank prior to the federal reserve because of bold attempts to control the government, but several years later the federal reserve act was drafted not by congressmen but by bankers in private on a small island, jekyll island, you can actually go to the hotel and theres a plaque on the meetingroom saying "Here is where the Federal Reserve was born".

The european banking dynasties such as the Rothschilds had figured out that keeping slaves was obsolete, you had to of course care for them, feed and cloth them, provide accomodation etc. So they decided to instead control the money supply and wages, therefor controlling the people but forcing them to feed and provide for themselves. This is economic slavery, and every single one of us was born into it. Our economy is based on debt, if there was no debt, there would be no money.

Heres how the scam works. The U.S. congress decides they need say, 10 billion for whatever. So they print out 10 billion in US government bonds, and give them to the FED, who in turn prints 10 billion dollars which they LEND to the US government AT INTEREST. This of course all just happens electronically, funds are transferred and thats that.

But a simple question arises from this. If all the money in our system is barrowed at interest, where does the money to pay the interest come from? It doesnt exist. We cannot ever be out of debt, it is impossible.

But heres where it gets hilarious and.. sad. Because in the fractional reserve system, they cant just create that 10 billion, you can do much more.
The fresh 10 billion is now sitting in a bank account and added to that banks reserves. According to modern money mechanics that bank can now loan 9 billion, keeping only 1 billion in its reserves, 10%. So that 9 billion is loaned to someone else, goes into their bank account, and that bank can loan 8.1 billion to someone else keeping 900m in reserve. This is inflation, and that original 10 billion now equals 90 billion.

But whats giving that new money value? The answer, the money that already exists. The fractional reserve system leeches buying power away from the money already in circulation. And it does this irrespective to a countries ability to provide goods and services. Its a mechanism designed to leech all wealth from the population and focus it in the hands of the banks.

So you the american people are now left paying back 10 billion at interest, with money worth less then before the loan was taken.

But you couldnt ever actually pay back all your debt anyway you see?


EDIT: Btw the reason the US has enjoyed such a long reign of prosperity under this system is a result of a few things. First, when the dollar was backed by a gold standard and created at no interest, it was worth about 1000x what it is now, a truly solid currency. Second, because the majority of multinational corporations in the world are US based, and because the US controls the world bank and IMF by being the largest provider of capital (which we make out of thin air), we have been able to coast along by aquiring other nations resources and wealth by getting these countries in debt to the world bank, and forcing them to allow our corporations to aquire their resources in payment of debts through "good governance" clauses.

End of the day if we cant bribe the officials into taking huge debt on behalf of the people, and we cant assassinate the leader, we just go in and blow the **** out of the country and make them hire our construction companies (halliburton) to rebuild the infrastructure of the country that we just destroyed, then we make them pay for that with their oil resources which our companies tap, see how this works? We've been living off the benefits of a global corporate empire. But within the monetary system we have, all wealth and power is ultimately centralised and moved away from the individual, it was only a matter of time. And americans look around and go wow our economy is ****ed. Well guys its been ****ed for like 80 years and no politician is going to fix or break anything, they cant do **** all.

If your interested check out these books:
The creature from jekyll island - G. Edward Griffon
Tragedy and Hope: A history of the world in our time - Prof. Caroll Quigley
Confessions of an Economic Hitman - John Perkins former chief economist of Chaz T. Main Inc

LAST EDIT: Because you mention mumbai I cant help but point out, twice as many people die of peanut allergies worldwide then die of terrorism per year. Leading cause of death in america is coronary heart disease which kills like 450,000/year, we spent 2 billion last year on research for that, and like 200 billion on the war on terror. Terrorism is a conveniant obscure enemy which we can fight forever and never win against, but corporate media, and all media is basically controlled by 4 corporations now, plasters terrorism everywhere to keep people distracted from whats actually going on.

A couple years ago Bayer had a massive production of a drug for hemopheliacs become infected with the aids virus. Instead of releasing it in the US, they actually got approval from the FDA to take that drug and distribute it in france, latin america, china. Essentially killing tens of thousands of innocent people. Simply to turn a disaster into a profit. Act of terrorism?

Smurtle Wrote:I think it was the mortgage companies and banks giving out credit when they shouldn't have is responsible. Now massive defaults and spiking interests are gonna make everyone tuck away their worthless dollars. Soon we'll be carting them to the bread store and giving it all away for a piece of bread. Let's buy up some more private companies. The government is in essence a service provider/business, but they're gonna inch closer every decade to socialism with this crap. Companies need to tank in order for others to rise. I hate these bailouts and I'm so glad the auto one failed. The UAW needs to cut their standards or they won't have any place to work.

Look what bad management and selfishness gets you. **** unions.

Yeah it seems like an attempt to nationalise everything doesnt it?

I found it very interesting that 3 auto corporations more economically powerful then the majority of countries in the world actually had the balls to ask for a bailout :/
And those figures are from 2000, I could make an educated guess and say they certainly have not fallen any in the rankings since then.

I know. I can't believe they were that close to approving a loan for a private company. I'm so sick of private companies being bailed out.

Nope, they haven't fallen far, but it's amazing what a selfish union and poor profits can do so quickly to a large company. There's really only one solution now, and it's not stalling the company for a month. This union needs to lower their demands and salaries.

There was an awesome article (if I could find it I would) about an executive (or journalist, I do forget) that went undercover in both American and Import factories. In the American factory he in essence was handed a tool and told to get to work. In the certain Japanese factory he wasn't allowed to just jump on the assembly line. He was trained for weeks, inspected, and then deemed allowed to work.

By doing this, it allows for end of line inspections, not inspecting each worker, disrupting the production line.

I'm sick of these crying companies. Economics used to be about survival of the strongest. Not the neediest.

With this bailout we could fund education for years, help social security, or have anyone thought of proposing a small business bailout system? I just hate the slight shift towards socialism. We're getting the economy of it, but no universal features. I feel slighted. Sad

Smurtle Wrote:With this bailout we could fund education for years, help social security, or have anyone thought of proposing a small business bailout system? I just hate the slight shift towards socialism. We're getting the economy of it, but no universal features. I feel slighted. Sad

Well, whether its capitalism, socialism, communism, facism, or free enterprise, they are all essentially the same thing. I mean china isnt any more or less capitalistic then the U.S., the only difference is the amount the state intervenes in enterprise.

For every system of government currently, there is a basic premise they all work upon, which is competition, labor, and money. Every institution whether it be religion, government, corporate, they are all functioning on a need for self preservation. This is absolutely essential in a monetary system. You cannot for example tell your customers that a smaller competitor is making a better product and to buy from them instead, you'd be out of business in a heartbeat. But society is basically sick because of this, we are stopped from true progression by the need for profits. Every institution requires this above anything else, so things like the welfare of people, or environmental impact, etc. These are all secondary; afterthoughts at best.

The reality is we are living in a world of "monetary-ism", just different flavours of it. The need for money is a result of scarcity, in centuries past we have lived with scarcity in a very real way. And a barrier to resources was required. But our technology has come so far so quickly that we have missed the realisation that we no longer need the monetary system. If people were to actually stop and think about what makes their lives better, they would quickly come to the conclusion that it isnt money, you cant eat money. It isnt politics, all the state can ever do is make laws, establish budgets, and declare war. Its definitely not religion, all they do is provide intangible emotional solace for anyone seeking it.

What makes our lives better is technology. Always has been, and always will be. And with the technology we have available to us today, we could literally feed, provide shelter and clothes, good education systems, healthcare, for everyone on the planet in environmentally friendly and ultimately sustainable ways. Without money. But in our current system, theres no profit in doing that. I mean an oil compary isnt going to want electric cars on the road, because their institution then becomes less relevant to society, which is why major oil companies own all the battery patents which would allow for electric cars that can do 100mph and last 300 miles per recharge.

The local electric company isnt going to want you to know that if you were to put up wind farms in just 2 of the U.S.'s 50 states you could power the entire country indefinitely in a sustainable way for an initial cost of minimal resources.

See in the monetary system we all live under, abundance is the worst possible thing that can happen. You dont pay for air because its so abundant it would be pointless to try and charge people for it. However, the more scarce something is, the more valuble it becomes, so our system is focused on injecting that scarcity falsely so as to improve the one thing that matters, profits.

"Greed and Competition are not the result of immutable human temperment... Greed and fear of scarcity are in fact being created and amplified... The direct consequence is that we have to fight with each other in order to survive." - Bernard Lietaer (Founder of the EU currency system)

Also, I should point out that it is literally an impossibility to have true democracy in a monetary system. People in positions of differential advantage will always win the elections, reguardless of their ability to fill the position. A quick look at the list of campaign contributors for both Barack Obama and John McCain reveals exactly who has bought and paid for your president. And therefor whos interests are in fact being represented by that office.

The corruption we all see from individuals, corporations, and governements is a direct result of money, and the need to compete for it. Without money, the word corruption would not exist, this abberant socially disruptive behavior is a creation of our own neglect.

Ultimately the best possible thing that could happen is everyone finally realises that the one hope humanity has for a sustainable positive future is a resource based economy. We cant ever truly move forward into the civilized world until this happens. However it wont ever happen until everything we have built on the monetary system falls apart. Totall economic collapse is the only thing that will make anyone wake up enough to impliment the solutions required.

So knowing this I actually see whats happening just now in a positive light. All these companies begging for bailouts. A fractional reserve banking system which was always known would eat itself to death. Governments waging war over irrelevant resources they dont actually need, so as to benefit their corporations.

I just smile now, because a crisis point is imminent. The corporate and governmental powers that be will attempt to use it to solidify a world government and currency, which will undoubtably be based around the same economic system which has just failed. The first step will be merging the dollar with the canadian dollar and peso to create the Amero, this is already well underway, google it. Then the merging of that Amero with the Euro, then the asian and south american currencies will be assimilated.

But we have something now which has never existed in history, a way to communicate effectively with everyone on the planet, to share information, to learn anything you want with a few hours of research. I'm hopeful the internet will allow us to transcend the paralizing social structures we've created and come out with something better then anyone could imagine Big Grin



Wow... and to think I almost closed this thread.

Yankovic - "... Oh Nasir, sorry, you are teh greatest. I'm a fool, you were right all the time. please forgive me. ..." (possibly out of context)

Nasir Wrote:Wow... and to think I almost closed this thread.

I know this really shoulda gone in off topic somewhere, sorry about that nas. Pretty hilarious though considering the diversity of the thread, everything from flaming to epic tits to politics. "Amazing" thread Big Grin

EDIT ZOOOOOOMG 100th post, yay!

Jiraiya Wrote:I know this really shoulda gone in off topic somewhere, sorry about that nas. Pretty hilarious though considering the diversity of the thread, everything from flaming to epic tits to politics. "Amazing" thread Big Grin

EDIT ZOOOOOOMG 100th post, yay!

hell yeah i predicted all of this before making it. you didnt think i chose "Amazing" for nothing did you? :badgrin:

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