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Shade's Antics Gone Too Far

Your silly.

The gates were named differently.
They were not the same color.
There was no announcement of an event.

The only announcement broadcasted was the one for Ocllo.

I have been reading the forums... and I don't know what it is but it seems like everyone is out to get the one staff member that will never turn his back on you, that will never abandon IN-X, and never let the shard be... 'boring'.

Why are you worrying about what... 'could' have happened, losing expensive and rare items and whatever else, when no one is complaining they lost that stuff. They were obviously smart enough to not go in there with their valuables.

This is probably because, ..........IMO,

the gate WAS in fact a different hue,
there were spams for Ocllo not long before,
and the gate was named... Ocllo.
People used common knowledge.. and the reasoning skill to figure this out.

Your barking up a brick wall my friend.
I don't see why everyone is attacking shade the way they are.
No one was being tricked.

And like what was stated before, no one forced you to enter.

I think you should re-think your argument, and maybe come from a different approach, IF it's really that important to YOU.

Shade was clearly trying to wake things up a bit.
If I were you, I wouldn't complain about everything you 'think' you can complain about.

The BEST female GM EVER! Cool

I won't even bother anymore then. Like I said I got tired of everyone just sitting in the pits waiting for us to create action and I was trying to remind everyone that they can make their own action. This is why I seriously dislike pits because it just makes people sit in safety all day waiting for one of us to host something.

Its quite silly to be called out like this rather then just say "next time do it this way" because I am trying to get you guys to understand that those of you who are online and not afk need to make the shard have action.

Honestly though I won't bother doing anything like this again so I guess this post served its purpose.

Good Job Luda!!!! Man way to go U did it happy?

Dont stop doing things liek that shade, if u want i will stick ur pink dildo in ur ass for u if it will make u feel better? shit ill even give it abck to u if u want?

[SIZE="2"]The Horny Pink Daemon[/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]Worst typer on the World[/SIZE]
[Image: sigpicpaulieq.png]

This is what I was trying to avoid seeing.
I'm sorry Shade.
Clearly the players can do better at running an entire shard, as staff, adding new content and interacting with 'players'.

And I for one, have never liked the pits.
This is too bad.


The BEST female GM EVER! Cool

lol im not going to walk away from the shard just because someone was worried about what ifs, Im just saying that players can create their own action from now on as I will not try to inspire it in any way anymore. It isn't worth my time having to listen to this when all I was trying to do was get people to do something on their own for a change.

And don't get all mad at Luda, he is just expressing his thoughts on what happened. Even though I think hes digging too deep into it:p

Lol. I know you wouldn't walk away from the shard.
I meant what you said, inspiring actionnnn!!!!!!!!!! :badgrin:

&& I get mad at no one. You know this! Smile

The BEST female GM EVER! Cool

Shai the hue was the same color as free duels idk wtf ur talking about and the annoucement was "Gates Open In Pits". Hell I even told scare on vent, after i already went in and before he went in because he thought it was free duels.

I don't need to rethink my argument, next time don't trick people and don't mix up the facts. I have no advantage in lying about this so don't even tell me that I am.

Also please lookup everything I complain about because I think this is one of the 1st things I do "complain" about. Shai idk who u r but by just attacking me in ur posts isn't getting u anywhere. I presented the facts and arguments I don't get why ur just denying them.

Shade if you want to get things going them by all means do it, just don't trick ppl with interpretations. Wasn't ragging about what your intentions were it was about how it was done (near the end) that's all.

Paulie Wrote:Good Job Luda!!!! Man way to go U did it happy?

Dont stop doing things liek that shade, if u want i will stick ur pink dildo in ur ass for u if it will make u feel better? shit ill even give it abck to u if u want?

LMFAO, but seriously noone lost anything he was trying to be proactive for the shard AGAIN and we get people complaining. Luda man chill the **** out. Everyone needs to stop crying over spilt milk :badgrin:

The craziest thing about this thread is that it all took place around 12-2 in the ****ing morning! Go to bed for ****s sake lol.

I think the issue here is the association we as players make. Gates = events and we all know it. I mean when's the last time somebody stopped to check the name of a gate in pits instead of just jumping in? If it was the same color I guess there's faults on both parts; players for not checking what it said, and staff for making it look like another gate that we are used to seeing as something else. For example I know the two blue pads are Britain and Minoc and if someone switched these to point to a 5*5 room with 100 xtreme dragons I'd be pissed too.

I have to agree with Luda on one thing; this is the first time I see him 'complain' about something. In the end though, the proper thing to do in this kind of scenario where you think staff are abusing their powers is to bring it up with Taran via PM or email and make sure you have your facts straight and aren't over exaggerating because Taran can check the logs.

Good job to Shade getting some action going late at night! Just before I turned off my monitor to go to bed I see a green bcast. Turn my monitor back on, check my journal, and it's Shade saying 'rep in 4 minutes'. I thought wtf are you serious a rep at midnight? We can't even have 10 people on... There were 28 people on! Most probably afk or idling in pits, but Shade got some action going so good stuff man!

1) If an EV was attacking someone, it was probably summoned by a player since Shade would have to give the command to attack and target a player specifically. I would be surprised if other people saw all the EVs and started making some of their own to join in the festivities.

2) Shade is awesome.

3) As far as the gate not being to an event: Like other people have said, if you go to the pits and run headlong into a portal without looking to see where it goes, then you deserve whatever happens to you.

4) Shade is awesome.

5) People need to make up their minds. One post says that the staff need to do things to liven up the shard, then these posts come along BAWWWWWing about how the event that people have been begging for isn't to their liking. There's something about UO, man. The people who play it just love to complain. I guess that's any MMO though. Just learn to go with the flow.

6) Shade is awesome.

7) @ Shade : You so bad. :3 Rawr.

none of my replys were intended as attacks, so don't accuse me of attacking one person ever.

I was just mentioning this isn't the only thread where people are 'complaining' about shade.

And I assure you, the gates were different hues.

I'm trying to get this over with.

Can't everyone ever just be happy?

The BEST female GM EVER! Cool

Luda lost a bag of regs in occlo by pks and this is the result..

fukin awsome

No life is complicated only if you make it to be

[Image: 1t27gdviiokfmncbdgmg.gif]

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