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The mistake of merging a pvp shard and an RP shard.


Browsing through this topic I just want to state that anyone who harrasses me for rping will be reported and I would expect something to be done. I have already been told "rping is for losers", "rp sucks", "you don't know how to rp", rping is retarded", and so on... this is really annoying and I have been avoiding everyone on the shard that doesn't rp as much as possible because of this.
I am here to have fun and I have fun rping. Yeah, I am not the best rper in the world and I am well aware of this. I don't need to be reminded and I don't want to be called stupid or retarded for trying to have fun.

[Image: mariozl3.png]

If you think it's bad now, you haven't seen shit yet.

I <3 you all.

~Zorus, Tallmen, Garm, Syn, Senteil, etc IN1
~Seven Locks, Syn IN:R

~Admin Syn, Damien, Mary Jane - ONO
~Syn, some other random names - XUO
~Syn, Dodge Omni Turbo, Mary Jane - Navid1aUO

EVE Name: Slaquer ...sold my old account ;/

LOL I dont roleplay but I'm getting on the spirit of it. When ever I talk to an rp'er I talk back all old English an proper. You might see a post in the rp section soon Smile

[Image: untitled1copyyb3.png]

Ignore them. There's no sense in quiting something you've waited months to play on. If they give you a hard time, ignore them or report them. They're not that important to you anyway if they're conducting negative activities and affect your mood and fun. Don't get me wrong, I'm going to love battling all the guys from IN and I dislike RP- if I want fantasy I dive into a good book. I'm not here to make fun of someone and how they play, Enjoy the shard and ignore them.

you ***** ass's need to stop complaining on the forum ofc there will be trash talk its an online game to have fun there just immature and cant not talk trash.. but if you post on the forums crying about ppl calling you an rper you are a sad little boy with alot of time on your hands. WE ARE A COMMUNITY the next one who says iners > xuo or xuo > iners will get pked by me SO STOP THIS STUPIDITY

maka Wrote:It's not right that people are harassed or disrupted form the part of the game they like, it's not right and it wont be tolerated. We have from the start said that we will enforce every rule in the book so that the game play will become better for everyone. We will try to bring the maturity level up as much as we can, but we do need your help.

Razor has a great packet video recorded, if someone is acting out, just record them. You can also page a staff member right away, if you page under harassment, the staff member can get there invis and see whats going on right away.

All I'm asking is that we actually get the chance to help you (everyone). If you don't think that we are doing enough, or that we can't help you after we've tried, then I really understand what ever decision you make.
Are you saying people will be punished for calling him a nerd for rping, or "interfering" with his rp by yelling something like NOOB U GOT PWNT at him? Or I ARE H33RE 2 DRINK YOURE BLODE... Or ALL UR IEC R BELONG 2 M3!!1one
Cause i wanted do do all that... :/

[Image: nori32ef6.png]
-Ya. I'm Oracle. Cry more.

smoke Wrote:you ***** ass's need to stop complaining on the forum ofc there will be trash talk its an online game to have fun there just immature and cant not talk trash.. but if you post on the forums crying about ppl calling you an rper you are a sad little boy with alot of time on your hands. WE ARE A COMMUNITY the next one who says iners > xuo or xuo > iners will get pked by me SO STOP THIS STUPIDITY
I know what you mean... Valas cries a lot. From the 1337 part of the in community ima say: be as shleet as you want, 1 don+ /\/\1/\/d.

[Image: nori32ef6.png]
-Ya. I'm Oracle. Cry more.

Maybe it's an idea to build up a Roleplaying city.
Then you ppl have a hotspot where you can enjoy your roleplaying, without those idiots.

To me the combination is what makes this shard awesome.
I love PvP, PKing, Ganking and all that crap.
But I also really like to try out RPing, and like it when the storyline of a quest is more than just to kill some dragon whos name is "KILL ME".

Surely this can be combined?
There will always be immature kids, but surely your RPing skills allow you to own them with words? Otherwise give me a PM in game, I will gank them with you.


Look, i know how this looks. Dude comes here, makes his little drama, plays the rper carebear card, cries, everyone from xuo supports. Thing you dont know about this tool is that he rps when it's convenient to him, and now he's crying because people are irritating him and making his panties go in a bunch. He's a joke, and he scamed recruits in his guild out of cash, then kicked them. He did that since in1->even before in:r. That's not how a real vampire would treat a recruit as far as im concearned. This is all bullsh1t tbh, and i for sure dont buy it. He also used to say "lol" and other non rp terms by the minute before he got a rp skin/shroud, just like any other online gamer. Dont let the carebear act fool you, this is just about him not wanting people teasing him.:lol:

[Image: nori32ef6.png]
-Ya. I'm Oracle. Cry more.

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