04-04-2007, 12:54 AM
Odium Wrote:On XUO it showed player locations, but the location was *hidden* if the player was blue and in a blue town or if you were in a house.
not entirely true, i was a blue player on xuo and sometimes my location was shown.
Magus Wrote:I do not know if this is possible but wouldnt it be kinda cool, if we could have location but it would only say like "Dungeon" if you were in one, instead of wich. same gose for towns etc etc, Then people would start running around looking for them in diffrent dungeons, Would get the action inside dungeons up, but maybe not to the point where it's just to much to be able hunt and such
- Mag
i think more people know where say... covetous is, as opposed to 2119,3140,50.
GM Pande