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Fishing AFK Checker

I believe everyone who tries out fishing is aware of this...
Well when you are out at sea fishing you get hell lots more afk checks than when you are mining or lumberjacking.. i believe the reason is because you hit the water with the rod way more often than when you are mining or lumberjacking!
It is so annoying, just so you can have an idea.. in 40 minutes of fishing i had 15 checks!! thats almost 1 check every two and a half minute!
I don't know if i am doing anything wrong, but in case i am not and it happens to everyone else, please reduce the odds of the afk checker while fishing... i know it's to prevent afk gathering but i don't believe it was designed to be annoying otherwise it should do the same with mining and lumberjacking =x

Messages In This Thread
Fishing AFK Checker - by Raziel_ - 05-07-2012, 11:11 PM
Fishing AFK Checker - by Eru - 05-08-2012, 12:01 AM
Fishing AFK Checker - by Raziel_ - 05-08-2012, 12:59 AM

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