01-11-2007, 11:43 PM
LiquiD Wrote:Hates opinion on everything! i totally agree on.. I like the way Hate thinks, even working with him on Old Novus opiate, i always liked the way he ran things and found solutions to problems.
Vote for Hate
Haha, vote for Hate! Glad you like the way I think!
Skorpion Wrote:Dyes I think are fine. Rare stuff should remain rare all fine. I dont' think dye tubs should be locked in banks though. The reason I thought this was done was because fire fields would burn dye tubs. I don't see why you can't easily fix that on IN:X.
We've fixed so firefields can't burn dye tubs at XUO, and since we're using XUOs scripts (but even better, upgraded) at IN:X, that means you won't be able to burn dye tubs with firefields, or at least as long as the INers doesn't "want" you to be able to burn them.
I think we've discussed the dyetub issue and I believe we came to the conclussion that we'll have both buyable rare dyetubs from vendors (the XUO way, with some of the rare colors, really expensive to buy though), and some rare dye tubs (with different colors) that you can only get by GMing tailoring (the IN way to get them).
And when it comes to the dyetubs being locked to the bank issue, I believe we discussed having it so that you can share it with guildmates, but nobody else, not really locked to bank but "character/guild-locked". I do not remember to 100% if we agree'd on this or if it was just up for discussion though, but I think we decided to have it that way. In case we didn't decide it's always good to hear your opinion on the matter anyways :]