12-09-2009, 06:02 AM
Just some rules and information to go along with this:
-All donations must first be confirmed by Taran.
-All donations are recorded.
-Trying to scam or cheat this generous offer in any way will be jailable. This was designed as a way to inspire donations and help the shard, therefore interfering or attempts of scamming in any way with this offer will not be tolerated.
-If possible and available, a staff member can assist with trading and in-person confirmation of said donations.
-The donation system will work exactly as it did before and this will, in no way, have any effect on donation items received.
-All donations must first be confirmed by Taran.
-All donations are recorded.
-Trying to scam or cheat this generous offer in any way will be jailable. This was designed as a way to inspire donations and help the shard, therefore interfering or attempts of scamming in any way with this offer will not be tolerated.
-If possible and available, a staff member can assist with trading and in-person confirmation of said donations.
-The donation system will work exactly as it did before and this will, in no way, have any effect on donation items received.