07-01-2009, 03:25 AM
LudaKrishna Wrote:i gave mine, put webstatus (old way) to promote pvp, send out emails so old players know about the shard get better hardware that will support 100 players. If we're not gunna get new hardware then ppl should just say it because if the current server can't hold more than 80 ppl wuts the point in having a shard with just 20-30 ppl max?
Webstatus - Luda's idea.
Sending out emails - that's been the plan since day 1 so don't try and take credit for it.
Getting new hardware - that's something that's been in the works for a long time so again, don't try and take credit for it.
First you say why have a server that can support 80 people just to have 20-30 max. Nice number crunching there hahaha.
Look, I'm not here to count who has more suggestions implemented or bugs reported (whether you consider them important or not doesn't determine if it's a bug), etc. I'm here to try and help improve the shard. So if the only thing you can say about this is that people SHOULD have macros made, come up with something else as this is in no way a valid argument. If you think it is it can easily be countered by what Lederoil pointed out: if you want paralyze to be realistic you shouldn't be able to do ANYTHING during that time. Hell you shouldn't even be able to talk!!
LudaKrishna Wrote:yes in this game macros are obligatory, u think anyone will gm the skills manually without a macro, so yes they HAVE to have macros. If you don't have any you will find it extremly hard to play the game in almost every aspect.
Macros are not at all an obligation to play UO, simply put they're there for your CONVENIENCE, as are the spell icons you can drag out of the spell book instead of having to search through it each time you want to cast a spell.
LudaKrishna Wrote:and finally i put down this suggestion because it is retarded, and matter of opinions ask people and they'll tell u half ur "bugs" and suggetions are useless
Why is it retarded? Because it will help someone get away from you on that odd occasion where their macro doesn't work or they don't have the spell icon out? Yet again you're looking after yourself and not thinking of the shard on a whole.
smoke Wrote:it must be because im technique that the server doesn't correspond my way ever
That's exactly it smoke, every player, gm, and authority figure in the world are out to get you. You act really surprised about this... Wait, don't tell me... Your mom didn't tell you that yet? lol come on man relax with the negative attitude it's not everyone's fault you act the way you do ALL the time.