06-19-2009, 02:31 PM
Shade Wrote:Anyways, I know you may not care but some players like living in certain locations and when that is taken by a player who quit, that is rather unfair to them as well as an annoyance. In any case, this isn't something that needs immediate action but its best to prep for the future. Even if we were to limit housing to x amount per account, we still have near 1000 accounts that have been created since day 1 of this shard, eventually we will run out of room no matter what because we still have new people coming and going.
No no, I completely get the idea of wanting to put a house in a certain location, hence why I placed my house where I did and I even asked a GM to place it for me when I thought 1 lousy stone was blocking it but eventually I got it on my own (check the logs if you think a staff did some fowl play).
You're right, immediate action isn't needed but at some some form of action will be needed and I fully agree with that. However since we both agree immediate action isn't needed, isn't it possible that we can hold off on implementing house decay or possibly introduce less severe measures first.
Papa Smurf Wrote:Yes, actually I do think you would spend this much time on the forums because people actually pay attention to you on here (kinda) *coughs* attention whore! As for me using my brain well I like to think I am kinda smart. I am sorry if I dont have a PHD like you, or at least thats what you try and make people think by belittling everyone on here and telling them to use their brains.
Oh yes, I am the biggest pre-madonna ever and I require non stop attention from people I never met and most likely never will meet and most of my time spent interacting with them is spent arguing... Oh yes I CRAVE attention from these people...
I understand sarcasm is hard to read so I'll put it in straight forward language for you. Aren't I nice? I post so much on these forums because I care what happens to INX just like I cared about what happened with XUO and I want to help it get better every day.
I make statements such as 'use your brain' because with all the hub bub of the ever increasing fast paced lives we lead I find that more and more people don't take the time to sit down and read something and think it over before disagreeing with it. If you feel insulted by that kind of comment or if you feel that I'm belittling you then you have some personal issues to sort out. Read a book on establishing and improving self-confidence or look in a mirror for 5 minutes a day saying 'I love myself' if you have to. Just sort out your personal issues on your own and don't shit where you eat as the expression goes.