10-22-2008, 01:37 AM
House looting is allowed as long as it is not from the abuse of a bug. This is not a care-bear server.
When you choose a name, please use common sense. If you pick something like "K3wl d00d", we will have to rename you. Also, you are not allowed to have the same name as a staff member.
wow first rule is up there becauyse they say this not care bear server, (lol god mode 100 all skills, plz no swearing plz dont make fun of me, everyone with pots and scrolls) everything is done for you. this server is pointless its nothing but bad pvp (at least extrmely repetitive pvp it could be better but all u see is people runing around with bards and fs fs fs fs. how can you play with those horrible words of power KAL VAS FLAM all fite long extremely annnoying and does not take any skill just makes for a gay fite.
and your gonna tell me there is something wrong with the name K3wl d00d???? are you shitting me? its not even offensive?
what are with nazi rules?
When you choose a name, please use common sense. If you pick something like "K3wl d00d", we will have to rename you. Also, you are not allowed to have the same name as a staff member.
wow first rule is up there becauyse they say this not care bear server, (lol god mode 100 all skills, plz no swearing plz dont make fun of me, everyone with pots and scrolls) everything is done for you. this server is pointless its nothing but bad pvp (at least extrmely repetitive pvp it could be better but all u see is people runing around with bards and fs fs fs fs. how can you play with those horrible words of power KAL VAS FLAM all fite long extremely annnoying and does not take any skill just makes for a gay fite.
and your gonna tell me there is something wrong with the name K3wl d00d???? are you shitting me? its not even offensive?
what are with nazi rules?