06-13-2008, 08:47 PM
- Updated to RunUO SVN version 297
- Fixed bug where you could try to resurrect someone in places where ressing was unallowed and that person would then get to keep all their items that was supposed to be on the body.
- You can now get treasure maps from monsters and fishing again
- Added full non-newbied spellbooks in the loot of a bunch of magic monsters
- Mages now sell 4th level scrolls
- Added a 3 second delay to decoding maps
- Added quest reward gate for seed quest.
- Creatures summoned with spells now appear at targeted location instead of right next to caster.
- Updated XMLSpawner to the latest version, also added a few more features such as attachment identification and skillcheck
- Removed some unnecessary scripts
- Field spells: Added Z-axis check (15 units) and made LOS checks more sphere like.
- Red Xtreme Monsters will give Red Armor and Blue Xtreme Monsters will give Blue Armor
- Added few more weapon types that can be poisoned. Should be same ones as in sphere .51 now.
- Made weapons usually used for sparring (ButcherKnife, Cleaver, Dagger and SkinningKnife) more durable for easier training.
- Increased durability of all other weapons a bit also. Old weapons will be unaffected by this change but any new ones will be more durable.
- You will not go criminal anymore when guards go after your red mount or when you summon a red creature with "Summon Creature" spell.
- Made a new statuspage
- Modified my old code that teleported mobiles back to their spawnpoint, hopefully it won't crash the server this time
- You can no longer cast spells while using the pitsrune
- Fixed runebooks. They are NOT newbied, but instead they won't use up charges on the runes. Vendors don't sell them, they will have to be crafted. The ingredients items are the same as default, but you need more of each. Also increased the required skill to create them.
- Modified loots
- Fixed 2 issues with the treasure maps.
- Players will be able to unshrink their pets even if the internal mobile got removed. Only issue is that horses will have a darker hue if it was bright from the beginning.
- Added new Dice1to3
- Changed .online command priv to admin, changed string from onlinex to online
- Temporary fix for stacking protection. Some people were having insanely high AR because of this bug.