01-27-2008, 11:03 AM
Makes sense. Sounds like a solid idea. I'm down for it. [Monster Loot]
Umm.. As for the Staff Slaquer, i Very much agree with you. I am one of those people who are quite tired of vague messages saying "X will be done shortly" "we will fix X soon". I'd love to know the approximate time and order these things will be done in. Not an EXACT schedule but just some input that reassures us players that we have things to look forward too soon...
Smurtle, ye i know what you mean on the whole drops things, I rarey hunt as you know, usually get my weapons off kids who are scared of me so... I'm not 100% about monster loot. What i do know is, dragons drop BAD items other than the gold and gems, agreed on that and we need more spawns with nice loot to get people more active.. PVPers and PVMers. The PVM world combines all of the communities because everything revolves around currency. [money]
Scarecrow [Prototype].
Makes sense. Sounds like a solid idea. I'm down for it. [Monster Loot]
Umm.. As for the Staff Slaquer, i Very much agree with you. I am one of those people who are quite tired of vague messages saying "X will be done shortly" "we will fix X soon". I'd love to know the approximate time and order these things will be done in. Not an EXACT schedule but just some input that reassures us players that we have things to look forward too soon...
Smurtle, ye i know what you mean on the whole drops things, I rarey hunt as you know, usually get my weapons off kids who are scared of me so... I'm not 100% about monster loot. What i do know is, dragons drop BAD items other than the gold and gems, agreed on that and we need more spawns with nice loot to get people more active.. PVPers and PVMers. The PVM world combines all of the communities because everything revolves around currency. [money]
Scarecrow [Prototype].
Bow Down To The ScareKing! jeje