01-20-2008, 05:42 PM
Ive posted about this before, and it seems to be an on going problem, the thing is Staff; u need to fix these dungeons, everytime i die i lose all my items b/c of the fact that i CANNOT rez anywhere.. all these teleports dont get you anywhere or hidden spots when you are dead, inwhich means i cannot get to a save spot to load back up to go back by the time my damn body disapears, there needs to be ressureciton ankhs on each lvl, or atleast by the more difficult monsters to give more of us a chance that hunt alone... and the help menu is a joke b/c u can only use it at certain times.... Seriously tho, they need to be fixed b/c i think thats another reason why ppl are leavin the shard b/c its too difficult to make it on your own here, unless u wanna role play the whole time, which isnt for me