01-19-2008, 12:24 AM
Kreole Ragehead Wrote:Well i understand that Hate hehe. I just meant that we could still have the sphere feeling even if we customize a few things back or forth which is possible in sphere aswell.
Yeah we will do that, I just think that regarding the guards-issue (since it wasn't really bugged) we could keep it the sphere-way, and still not have much problems with it. If it would be bugged or "bad" then I'd understand why we should change it around a bit :]
Scarecrow Wrote:Personally, I think the guards are fine the way they are but, once they leave town they should deal less damage than a 1 hit kill giving the evil a chance to survive if it was just an error but, if they stay in town they deserve to be g wacked. I just think its dumb when reds get guarded in red towns because someone portal a guard to a red town or you walk into a blue moongate and get back to the red town quick enough but the guard follows you and kills you.I think that's a good suggestion. However I think that guards should only follow you for a limited amount of tiles after they leave the town, then return back to time if you managed to run fast enough to get away.
Scarecrow [Prototype].
Also, about the "guards following you through portals, or if you recall away to a red towns" I've already added it to the bugtracker. It is pretty wrong in my eyes that guards actually follows you through gates or if you recall away to a red town. They are protectors of their town, not killers who teleporting after you to any part of the world just to get an kill on you ;p Anyways, that should be taken care of as soon as Taran has time to fix that flaw.